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Could someone pm a Demonoid invite? Would really appreciate it.
I really want to see this but don't have time/capability to download it. Any chance I can get a disk from someone? Please PM me!
Could someone pm a Demonoid invite? Would really appreciate it.
This was great fanfiltration, the only thing i really missed was an editdroid like isolated score. With bonus material of the unused music, i think their are 3 cd's worth of music while the restored extended official cd is one disc sadly.
There was a 3 disc bootleg floating around but since has been deleted probably from getting a cease and desist.
I would rather get complete Goldsmith scores, as much as i enjoy the complete Horner stuff, or that new jj composer.
“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like one new FX from the DE slipped through:
The bar holding the Enterprise up was removed for the DE version. It was visible in all previous incarnations as the ship leaves spacedock and obscure everything behind it as it does. You can see the original take (flaws and all) in the trailer.
www.SupermanII.com www.SupermanIII.com
www.SupermanIV.com www.SupergirlTheMovie.com
Have you received and read my private message concerning the german version of the SLV?
I also once saw the special longer version on ebay in 16mm from a tv print.
Though i did not bid because i don't have the equipment to screen it and it was severely faded to pink, thanks to eastman stock.
This film print is very rare kind of like the pan and scanned Superman longer version, or superman II. You hardly ever see prints for those show up.
“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.
Bumping to mention all the TMP stuff in the latest Profiles in History auction.
Don't know if any of the photos are things not seen before elsewhere, but still cool to see!
Where were you in '77?
SilverWook said:
Bumping to mention all the TMP stuff in the latest Profiles in History auction.
Don't know if any of the photos are things not seen before elsewhere, but still cool to see!
That is cool.
I own most of the stuff in this auction lot, including the one sheet, press kit, novel.... http://www.profilesinhistory.com/items/hollywood-memorabilia-auction-43/collection-of-vfx-material-from-star-trek-the-motion-picture.html
“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison
I would appreciate if someone will PM me the link.
Double post
Time is the fire in which we burn
FekLeyrTarg said:
Have you received and read my private message concerning the german version of the SLV?
Is there a german version? I could swear I saw it once in a theater, but I could be wrong ...
Time is the fire in which we burn
crunchy said:
I would appreciate if someone will PM me the link.
Demonoid is free...you don't need an account for torrents there...a simple search will reveal it's location.
This doesn't appear to be on Demonoid currently. Could someone PM me a link to wherever I can get this (or any of the TMP Mega Set)?
I'd love to get this for my dad, he loved this movie when it came out and knows all about the different versions.
"You're not married, you haven't got a girlfriend... and you've never watched Star Trek?................Good Lord..." - Patrick Stewart, Extras
I would appreciate a link as well as it doesn't appear to be on demonoid or any other torrent sites that I have searched.
Another request for pm with link, been waiting a long time for this one.
A link for me also please, very much appreciated :)
Good news: I'm gonna have my copy of the german version of the 1983-Edition of TMP soon. I'll see if I can extract the audio track and integrate it into FanFiltration's Remake.
More good news: I have the german SLV now and I was able to transfer it over to my PC and extract the audio track. I just need to find out how I should go on.
Btw is it ok if I use this thread or shall I start a new one?
Did Paramount have this taken down by order of the DMCA?
“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.
The blu ray and DVD of the theatrical sadly don't have the 35mm Stereo mix from 1979, and i have no way of knowing if the 5.1 on the DVD is a new mix or the 70mm, but i would venture a guess its a new mix.
“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.
I happened to be looking around for a way to transfer my TMP longer cut off laserdisc and stumbled upon this page. I've not been able to track this down. Is it available still anywhere? I've not been able to find it after many hours of searching.
fanfiltration is busy so it will probably be a while til he gets back to us on why demonoid deleted his torrent.
Guess i will have to track down a copy of the laserdisc which is a notorious rotter.
“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.
I can put it back on line but it wont be a torrent and i need a few days but if interested i'll let you know.
sorry for my english...
TehParadox.com would be a good place to put it (no need for invites, and no ratios needed either).
“You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”
– Homer Simpson
Monroville said:
TehParadox.com would be a good place to put it (no need for invites, and no ratios needed either).
That's exactly the place i was thinking,using jdownloader makes dl easy.
I found some rare stuff and have myself upload a few over there.
sorry for my english...