I like the refit Enterprise filming model the best, and thought Paramount was absolutely nuts to sell it at a christies auction. Though they were going throw it away so some fan bought it.
They replaced it with the ugly looking cgi monstrosity in the new movie.
There are pictures of the model up online and the detail in the model cannot be duplicated by a computer graphic.
Not really Ryan Church's fault either his initial design looks better than the finished ship in the film.
I never had any problem with a new redesign of the ship after all this was a new continuity/reboot, but why did'nt they build a studio scale model. It just boggles the mind these people thinking cgi is so much better.
Cgi might be okay for a tv show like Enterprise but for a movie made for hundreds of millions of dollars you figure they would have done it right.
Why even bother paying for wardrobe just have the actors show up naked and put cgi clothes on them, or better still replace the actors with a computer graphic.