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it's going to be greeaatt!
it's going to be greeaatt!
The good of the many outweighs the good of the one.
Thank you FanFiltration
I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.
Iam really looking forward to this edition. April 2nd can't come soon enough! Thx!
It just gets better and better
Seeing that the original theatrical version is coming out on Blu-Ray later this year (and I do plan to get it to add to the "director's edition" I already have on DVD), it will be interesting to see how this longer version will look in widescreen since it has been many years since I've seen this version. To me, the longer ST:TMP will be an example of how far this 1979 film has come since it was first made. As far as I'm concerned, it is a work-in-progress, as it sees where the filmakers were at a point in time where things were uncertain (one reason why the "director's edition" was made in the first place).
“Hear you nothing that I say?”
What's the progress on the edited down cut?
Dr. M
I'm very glad to know that so meny people are looking forward to this. I had no idea this project would be so anticipated.
My goal was to get the Special Longer Version done first, that way I could use it as a source for my personal "edited down cut".
After this SLV is off my hard drive, I can get to work on that. I have lots of ideas maped out, and I don't see the cut taking more then a few months. I say my edit should be out before June. After that it's "Red Curtans: Twin Peaks Retold"
“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison
FanFiltration said:
I'm very glad to know that so meny people are looking forward to this. I had no idea this project would be so anticipated.
Hell yeah!
FanFiltration said:
After that it's "Red Curtans: Twin Peaks Retold"
...Now I've got to change my pants...
Sluggo said:FanFiltration said:
I'm very glad to know that so meny people are looking forward to this. I had no idea this project would be so anticipated.
Hell yeah!
Oh I totally agree with that sentiment.
The new screens held!
I'm also excited to see your cut of the film. I've watched the director's edition many times and the Jerry Goldsmith score is one of my favorites.
Looking forward to both!
Working on: Superman: Son of Jorel
Looking forward to this, and hoping the Thunderball and Planet of the Apes projects also come to fruition before too long!
So FanFiltration, what can we expect other than the obvious detail that this is the special longer edition? Have you done any modifications on the side? And just out of curiosity, why was presenting the film in anamorphic an issue?
Hi FanFiltration:
Did you use any or all of the 8GB HD file of the theatrical version another post mentioned having earlier on in this thread? Or is it a collection of many sources from the vhs's, laserdiscs, Director's Edition DVDs, television broadcasts, etc. Please elaborate on your source material, screen ratios and resolution. Thanks again for all of your efforts. I'm really looking forward to seeing it.
Someone mentioned having an hour-long version in Super 8mm. I had that, too. What a crackup! Yes, we are all overly and overtly nerds, but it sure is a blast!
All that info should be in the first post.
Sorry, I am trying to get this done, and don't have the bitrate numbers for the encoding at the moment. I'll post them as soon as I have time.
“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison
Hi FanFiltration:
Thanks for your reply. I also just noticed that you've edited the first post (Last edited on January 29, 2009 at 2:03 PM by FanFiltration). I didn't realize that you may have updated that info over time and had been wondering if you had adjusted your various source material through the time of your working on this project as a result of the various posts indicating sources that they had.
As an example, the 1280x544 theatrical version file (I found) encoded down and burned to DVD on Toast in a single process (I'm on a Mac), the resulting DVD is notably sharper in image quality than the retail Director's Edition DVD. Finding that, I was just wondering if you had modified your process.
Wasn't trying to look/sound like an idiot with my questions.
Thanks again for all of your efforts - I know how difficult and time consuming it all has been. I'm in the midst of re-editing Serenity to include all of the deleted scenes as an extended version. I was hoping it would be a drop-in-place and move on process. Nope. Modify this, modify that. Tedium.
Thank you again for doing this.
Yeah I think FanFiltration deserves thanks not just for undertaking the project, and in such a dedicated and scholarly way, but also for being so responsive and interactive with so many of us eager rubberneckers.
The new screens held!
You are all very welcome.
“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison
"Pre-launch countdown will commence in forty minutes."
“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison
Fantastic news FanFiltration! :)
This is very exciting!
I'm excited, and I don't even plan on getting the SLV!
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Looking forward to this, many thanks for your hard work FF.
You should be commended for all the hardwork you put into this. It is very nice of you to spend your free time making this. Your work will most certainly be loved by all. I am confused about how many version of the film there are. I know there is the theatrical version, the special longer version (which I have on beta max with no working beta max player), the director's cut, and the television verson. I am curious about the special longer version that I have on betamax if I remember correctly when Kirk beams into orbital station you do not see the transporter chief at the same angle as you see in the other versions. Does anyone know all the differences between all of the versions? I really look forward to your personal special longer version!! Thanks!