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"RED CURTAINS: Twin Peaks Retold" Fanedit (Released) — Page 2

Here's another cool one. The falling Music vid:


I've been looking into this new Twin Peaks DVD box set I've seen people speak of around here, but no solid info on a release or contents can be found.

With this in mind, I am going to go with using Laserdisc rips as my sorce.

There should be a teaser trailer for "Red Curtains" posted soon.

This is the only info I can seem to dig up:

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison

Hi FanFiltration,

I have got the PAL version of Twin Peaks season 2, they are the Spainish PAL versions but in English, let me know if I can help you out?


Sounds like a very cool project! Another thing I never wound up tracking down that would make a cool extra - there was a japanese laserdisc which played the soundtrack to Twin Peaks and was a slide show of images/videos of the places in Washington where the filmed it taken by a Japanese film crew.

anyways, yeah - i was going to say that the PAL DVDs are probably (?) better quality than the LDs...

also, mike patton (fantomas) does an awesome cover of twin peaks/fire walk with me. not sure you want to use it for this project, but it is awesome nonetheless.


i have the CD if you would like to use it.

Originally posted by: charliesheen
Sounds like a very cool project! Another thing I never wound up tracking down that would make a cool extra - there was a japanese laserdisc which played the soundtrack to Twin Peaks and was a slide show of images/videos of the places in Washington where the filmed it taken by a Japanese film crew.

DANG! You gave away the secret extra! http://www.trucsenvrac.com/forum/images/smilies/frown.gif


Well anyway, I do have this Japanese laserdisc set up as an extra.

More to come...

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison

Hah! That's awesome! You rule man, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise - can't wait for the projects you've got lined up.
Some of you Lynch fans might enjoy a music mix that I did a few years ago on my radio show and re-did recently:


Cashiers du Cinemart - The Only Magazine That Matters

Hey FF, instead of having movie 1 be a re-edit of Fire Walk With Me, please consider using it as flashbacks of sorts throughout your series. This would solve a couple problems:

1. Twin Peaks does PERFECT intros of some of the characters. Those intros wouldn't have the same impact if those characters are introduced by showing the "after-the-fact" prequel first.
2. FWwM is R-rated, while the TV show is obviously PG at most. If you intersperse FWwM, all of your final films could have that same adult feel as a the rest of Lynch's films.
3. FWwM gives away some pretty big spoilers.

It would also contribute to the overall story arc of your trilogy of films since the FWwM plot could unfold over all of them.

Just my 2 cents. Whatever you do with it, I'll experience them with an open mind (and dropped jaw).


Working on: Superman: Son of Jorel

Originally posted by: Taolar
Hey FF, instead of having movie 1 be a re-edit of Fire Walk With Me, please consider using it as flashbacks of sorts throughout your series. This would solve a couple problems:

1. Twin Peaks does PERFECT intros of some of the characters. Those intros wouldn't have the same impact if those characters are introduced by showing the "after-the-fact" prequel first.
2. FWwM is R-rated, while the TV show is obviously PG at most. If you intersperse FWwM, all of your final films could have that same adult feel as a the rest of Lynch's films.
3. FWwM gives away some pretty big spoilers.

It would also contribute to the overall story arc of your trilogy of films since the FWwM plot could unfold over all of them.

Just my 2 cents. Whatever you do with it, I'll experience them with an open mind (and dropped jaw).


Lots of good stuff there... An edit of FWwM was never part of my plan, but I did want to use footage from FWwM in "Red Curtains". My plan is to change the flow of the story from cooper looking for the Killer, to The Killer avoiding Cooper, and the dark activates of a small "innocent" town that hinder that investigation and let the killing that started in FWwM continue. This project would flow as a sequel to FWwM.

I've got all who want to be part of this project on a list. Looks like I'll start the edit in late October after I return from vacation.

The so called "Teaser Video" was just something I made from Midnight - 4 AM the other night when I was very bored.
Please just take it for what it is....


“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison

Originally posted by: FanFiltrationLots of good stuff there... An edit of FWwM was never part of my plan, but I did want to use footage from FWwM in "Red Curtains".

Oh... I read too much into your post from Aug 2nd:

This way, "Fire Walk With Me" would be part one, "Red Curtains" part two, and "Black Lodge" would be the conclusion. The title "Black Lodge" is not final...

So you're going to edit the twin peaks tv show into two feature length movies "Red Curtains" and "Black Lodge"?

My plan is to change the flow of the story from cooper looking for the Killer, to The Killer avoiding Cooper, and the dark activates of a small "innocent" town that hinder that investigation and let the killing that started in FWwM continue.

Very cool...

Working on: Superman: Son of Jorel

Just got the DVD set, and the LD transfers for season 2 and pilot so the edit starts....

This is where I will need the most help from the people who wanted to lend a hand.
I'll be sending out PMs soon.

We got this for the extras:

http://www.geocities.com/gurukenn/tpvs_f.jpg - http://www.geocities.com/gurukenn/tpvs_b.jpg
Reveiw of 12-inch LD from DVDLaser.com: The import is a duplication of the 52-minute Twin Peaks Soundtrack album (the quality of the audio is indistinguishable from the CD), set to a videotape tour of Snoqualmie Valley, North Bend, and Fall City, Washington. Every attempt is made by the video's director, Taku Sukeda, to use duplications of the best known camera angles from the television series as starting points for each segment. The cameras then expand the field of vision to reveal the "real" locations where major portions of the series were shot. With apparent deliberateness, there is a heavy overcast throughout the shoot, obscuring the peaks of the surrounding mountains and maintaining, to some degree, the atmosphere evoked by Angelo Badalamenti's music. A historical background of the Snoqualmie Valley's logging industry is also touched upon. The picture on the disc is consistently sharp and accurately colored. Indifferent viewers will likely find the program to be a bore, but dedicated fans will delight in the way that Sukeda manages to "see" the same eerie alienation within the locations that the producers of the television series saw and were inspired by, and also in his exploration of the way that the series has itself affected the area's economics. The video ends with a lingering pan across a whole counter of Twin Peaks souvenirs, which do not seem the least bit out of place, either in the real Twin Peaks locations or the fantasy they inspired.

If any of you know {or don't} of the Claymation artist Bruce Bickford, you should check out his Twin Peaks related project.
This man worked for Frank Zappa and he, and his clay work are seen in the movie "Baby Snakes" among others. This is some kewl clay work, and NOT for the kids...

BTW, "Thunderball" is in the menu building, extras, and test viewing stage...

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


This project has an early 2008 release date...

The plan is to edit together 4 Feature length films from the footage from the T.V. Show, and Fire Walk With Me.

This is a huge project that will take about a year to do right. It needs to be done with taste and style.


“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison

It looks like we may finally get Season 2 released on DVD in April of 2007 (Region 1). Will you be using that as a source for some of your TV footage?
Originally posted by: chuck88
It looks like we may finally get Season 2 released on DVD in April of 2007 (Region 1). Will you be using that as a source for some of your TV footage?

That is the idea, but I have DVD-Rs of the Second Season from LD...

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison

Originally posted by: FanFiltration

We got this for the extras:

http://www.geocities.com/gurukenn/tpvs_f.jpg - http://www.geocities.com/gurukenn/tpvs_b.jpg
Reveiw of 12-inch LD from DVDLaser.com: With apparent deliberateness, there is a heavy overcast throughout the shoot, obscuring the peaks of the surrounding mountains and maintaining, to some degree, the atmosphere evoked by Angelo Badalamenti's music.

That's funny. In other words, they went there any day of the year. I was in Seattle for 2 months in 2002 and with my trusty GPS, I tracked down all the locations one day. It was ALWAYS overcast. If it rained 2 minutes or 20 hours, it rained EVERY day. Still, it was some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen. I'm still drinking coffee from my mug I bought at the Double RR Diner (Tweedes).
Hey Gang,

With the release of the (Fantastic Looking) Second Season of Twin Peaks on DVD and the near completion of my "Thunderball" and "Planet of the Apes"projects, Fanfiltration's "RED CURTAINS: Twin Peaks Retold" is now in the capturing & editing stages. So start brewing that Black Coffee and baking that Cherry Pie!


“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison

Originally posted by: cashiers
I'd still like to be part of the test group <sniff>

Meeeeeeeee too!

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

We do still need HELP with this..
Please send Email, so we can trade contact info again.

I lost so much in my move...


“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison