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Wait- I know what Lucas needs!

It just dawned on me! After re-watching the 60 Minutes ROTS bit recently, I was struck by the fact that the host needled him about his love life (or lack thereof) and showed him as the devoted father that he is.

Not to be crass, by methinks GL just needs to get LAID.

Perhaps all these dumb decisions come from living a secluded billionaire life (ala Michael Jackson) with no one around him but young kids and yes-men. I'm sure GL has some abandonment issues and perhaps they've manifested in this 'only child-ish, I won't share' attitude of his. Perhaps, and only perhaps, ole GL hasn't had a 'normal' relation with a woman since the OT came out and his refusal to acknowledge the original versions stems from his wanting to close these personal chapters in his life. Maybe this is some type of mental blocking- maybe he's not telling us that his *work* before then doesn't exist but instead his *life* before that doesn't exist.

Steven Speilberg- buy your friend an escort. A really hot one. Or at least get a nanny for the kids and let him go to Vegas for a month or so. The company will exist without him for a bit.
This was NOT a mental picture I needed, thank you very much!!

Originally posted by: starkiller
This was NOT a mental picture I needed, thank you very much!!

He may be right though... perhaps the reason George can no longer deliver is because he no longer has any real love in his life, just lots of money and lots of yes-men. When he did the first three Star Wars films (and wrote the story for Raiders of the Lost Ark) he was married, but his marriage fell apart somewhere doing ROTJ. So now that he no longer has any love in his life, he is unable to aspire to the greatness he once displayed.
I'd like a qui-gon jinn please with an Obi-Wan to go.

Red heads ROCK. Blondes do not rock. Nuff said.

I remember seeing the very same alegation in another forum, that what GL needs is sex, since he's being living in celibate since his divorce. I can imagine fans at Celebration III doing this:

"Uh, mr Lucas sir? We, the fans, got together and got a little money together and got you something..."

"What, a present? For me? Thank you!"

"Yeah, well... We didn't have much money, so we paid this 15 dollar whore to get it on with you, we belive you needed more sex..."

"JESUS H Christ, you fans now want to mess up with my sex life?! You freaks!"

"C'mon she's cool, look, her HIV test back in 1988 says she has 75% of chance of being clean, and she never heard of you, mostly because she's from North Korea, so she won't be begging for autographs or anything like that..."

"Are you suggesting that I spend the night with a North Korean whore, so I can write better films? Is that it?"

"Either that, or stop using CGI and messing up with the trilogy."

"*sigh* Send her into my room. Room 104. Tell her to bring pink champagne."
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
George does have love in his life, it's just paternal. He loves his children very much. The original trilogy was written in the same vein as American Graffiti. Reckless youth and hopeful optimism, not worrying about what tomorrow brings. Now he sees life through older, wiser eyes in which the idea of family love, responsibility and practicality are most important. Thus the two divergent tones.
The Jedi are all but extinct.......
I think this would have been a good idea, but it is coming a little too late. You should have thought of it before Attack of the Clones and before the DVDs. He might have been able to write some good dialogue between Anakin and Padme and made them seem like young adults in love and less like morons in heat. Also, he may have been open to putting the original movies out on DVD, but now he has dug himself in for a fight with all his comments during the release of the DVD that I don't see him putting the originals out. Hopefully, I'm wrong, but I do agree- He needs a woman.

Originally posted by: Hardcore Legend
George does have love in his life, it's just paternal. He loves his children very much. The original trilogy was written in the same vein as American Graffiti. Reckless youth and hopeful optimism, not worrying about what tomorrow brings. Now he sees life through older, wiser eyes in which the idea of family love, responsibility and practicality are most important. Thus the two divergent tones.

"Older"... yes. "Wiser"... not necessarily.

As for "paternal love"... that same paternal love almost resulted in N*SYNC making cameos as Jedi Knights in AOTC.

The boy needs good, old fashioned poonanny.

'muff... er... 'nuff said.

"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic

Originally posted by: Bossk

Originally posted by: Hardcore Legend
George does have love in his life, it's just paternal. He loves his children very much. The original trilogy was written in the same vein as American Graffiti. Reckless youth and hopeful optimism, not worrying about what tomorrow brings. Now he sees life through older, wiser eyes in which the idea of family love, responsibility and practicality are most important. Thus the two divergent tones.

"Older"... yes. "Wiser"... not necessarily.

As for "paternal love"... that same paternal love almost resulted in N*SYNC making cameos as Jedi Knights in AOTC.

The boy needs good, old fashioned poonanny.

'muff... er... 'nuff said.

Nemo me impune lacessit


Originally posted by: ricarleite
I remember seeing the very same alegation in another forum, that what GL needs is sex, since he's being living in celibate since his divorce. I can imagine fans at Celebration III doing this:

"Uh, mr Lucas sir? We, the fans, got together and got a little money together and got you something..."

"What, a present? For me? Thank you!"

"Yeah, well... We didn't have much money, so we paid this 15 dollar whore to get it on with you, we belive you needed more sex..."

"JESUS H Christ, you fans now want to mess up with my sex life?! You freaks!"

"C'mon she's cool, look, her HIV test back in 1988 says she has 75% of chance of being clean, and she never heard of you, mostly because she's from North Korea, so she won't be begging for autographs or anything like that..."

"Are you suggesting that I spend the night with a North Korean whore, so I can write better films? Is that it?"

"Either that, or stop using CGI and messing up with the trilogy."

"*sigh* Send her into my room. Room 104. Tell her to bring pink champagne."

"Oh yeah, and besides the pink champagne, tell her to put on the Jar-Jar ears before she gets here, too"

walks in with the ears on, GL is standing there with Palpatine's cloak on

"Yuzza thinks weza gonna shag?"

"Come, girl...see for yourself." *ziiiiiip*
Nemo me impune lacessit


Originally posted by: JamesEightBitStar
Great, I'm in a society of Freudians.

Scary thought, isn't it?
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
I think there's some serious truth to this, though. He's changing his classic films from the 70's and early 80's because for some reason he's trying to convince himself that his divorced life is better than his old life used to be (subconsciously), and therefore the films he made back in the "flawed" part of his life all need to be changed. I know his wife helped edit the original SW; maybe he wants to have the "final say" or "finish it off" so as to make him forget.

In my opinion, that's why George Lucas edited the Star Wars Trilogy (and THX-1338), because it's so ingrained in his mind that since his life was flawed during that period, so was everything he did, including his films, and to be happy about his work, he had to revisit it during his "happier" period.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

What are you talking about folks, LucASS has already got laid many times. He sticks his plastic tiny cock up RickMcCullum's ass all the time.
"A Jedi can feel the force flow through him".

Originally posted by: Hardcore Legend
That wasn't needed.

I agree... take a deep breath kev... you'll be ok
He needs to get his joint worked on. His bone smootched.

hha ha haha!!!! too funny.

Originally posted by: Bossk

Originally posted by: JamesEightBitStar
Great, I'm in a society of Freudians.

Scary thought, isn't it?

I dunno. Assuming this whole "Lucas needs to get laid" thing isn't just a tasteless joke, nothing really surprises me with this group anymore.

I mean, this is the group where people complain endlessly about how Lucas has ruined Star Wars, yet then they turn around and buy the DVDs even though they know that set is just another crappy altered edition that they're just going to bitch and moan about later.

Originally posted by: JamesEightBitStar

I dunno. Assuming this whole "Lucas needs to get laid" thing isn't just a tasteless joke, nothing really surprises me with this group anymore.

I mean, this is the group where people complain endlessly about how Lucas has ruined Star Wars, yet then they turn around and buy the DVDs even though they know that set is just another crappy altered edition that they're just going to bitch and moan about later.

Though presented 'jokingly' I really DO think Lucas needs some adult companionship of a non-professional nature to keep him grounded. He seems to be de-volving, in a creative sense. I truly feel there is no passion behind the PT (or at least very little) and that he's just going through motions to make more money. I also truly feel that he probably does have some deep problems, the kind that can only come from lots of money and living in the fantasy, movie-mogul, celebrity world.

And again, for the record, I haven't bought any of the SE video stuff. I was given the '97 VHS box set as a gift by an un-knowing friend. In fact, I excitedly saw the '97 ANH SE in the theater, felt a bit violated by it and therefore didn't see the SE of ESB and ROTJ until given the aforementioned box set. So *some* of us hold out still.

And people will always gripe about stuff they love. Some more and some less, but if we didn't care then we wouldn't talk about it at all. Or read these forums at all. But the griping increases when one is faced with such a riduculous scenario as the simplistic release of a cleaned up original version of three films which helped to change the shape of world cinema.

Maybe its because the world just thinks of us griping fans as the type of people 'Triumph the Insult Comic Dog' interviewed in his SW bit on Conan O'Brien. The sad truth is I don't remember ever having seen a respected Hollywood insider, film critic or educator speak out publically about what Lucas has done. Now when LUCAS speaks out in favor of film preservation people listen. When the Hollywood community rallies against colorization of B & W films people sure as hell listened. But when a film festival makes a simple request for a print of original versions of the OT to show its place in film history it barely registers on the national radar. But you know what? I think ILM has much of Hollywood by the cojones. You don't want to mess with the company that we're going to pays lots of money to to make our summer blockbuster look pretty, do you? That's why I was so impressed when Peter Jackson came along and had his little independant team do the vast majority of the LOTR Trilogy work all by themselves. (and before you say it- yes I know ILM helped out with a bit of outsourced work on LOTR AND I know Jackson released SE's of his own films... along with the original theatrical versions).

geez I end up writing long posts, don't I

Originally posted by: JamesEightBitStar
I mean, this is the group where people complain endlessly about how Lucas has ruined Star Wars, yet then they turn around and buy the DVDs even though they know that set is just another crappy altered edition that they're just going to bitch and moan about later.

True. Thankfully, I'm still one who has held strong. I haven't even rented or borrowed the DVDs from anyone. In fact, to be honest, I don't personally know anyone (aside from here) who actually owns them. Anyone I know who considered buying them wound up with a gratis copy of my LD-DVD rips.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
*arches eyebrow in cautious curiosity*

What does having extramarital sex have to do with the making of Star Trek motion pictures?



Originally posted by: PSYCHO_DAYV

Hey! don't you go insulting Star Trek fans!....I'm one of them! Although I can't say I am a fan of the lastest star trek movies. I'm more of a fan of the classic trek. Since when are Trek fans more "GEEKY" than Star Wars fans?

Originally posted by: Warbler

Originally posted by: PSYCHO_DAYV

Hey! don't you go insulting Star Trek fans!....I'm one of them! Although I can't say I am a fan of the lastest star trek movies. I'm more of a fan of the classic trek. Since when are Trek fans more "GEEKY" than Star Wars fans?


Star Wars fans merely suck up to one guy, and a few MOVIES that happened to have some spinoff novels and games (and ONE upcoming TV series).

Star TREK fans suck up to a COMPANY that puts out a CONTINUAL STREAM of TELEVISION SHOWS (each with like hundreds of episodes and each of which is progressively worse than the previous show, though the fanboys won't admit this because special effects and "deep" shit like "OMG there's a shapeshifter who feels left out!" are more important to them than, say, actual good writing). and Trek, too, has novels, games, comics, and other assorted peraphernelia.

So you see, Star Trek fans are more geeky simply because there's more to be geeky WITH ^__^.