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Question about the "I gotta meet 'Clean Face'" scene in Casino (1995)


Casino on DVD contains burned in subtitles that translate the conversation between Santoro (Pesci) and Rothstein (De Niro) where the former wants to arrange a meeting with the latter. The pair are acutely aware that their phone calls are being monitored by the FBI and so they speak in code.


Nicky Santoro: Listen, I gotta meet Clean Face right away, what about the Chez Paris?
Nicky Santoro: [subtitles] I gotta meet Charlie the Banker right away at your house, OK?
Ace Rothstein: No, you can’t, you gotta make a reservation, it’s all booked up.
Nicky Santoro: No no, it’s ok.
Ace Rothstein: It’s impossible, it’s booked up, you gotta make a reservation, it’s very difficult to get in.
Ace Rothstein: [subtitles] I don’t want a meeting at my house.
Nicky Santoro: It’s ok, I’ll use the service entrance. I’ll see you at nine.
Nicky Santoro: [subtitles] I’ll come in from the golf course side. See you at six.

However, whenever I’ve caught the TV airings, even on different channels, the subtitles are omitted.

My question is this, was it untranslated for the theatrical release and then Universal/Scorcese decided to make the scene more clear for the home video versions?

“Logic is the battlefield of adulthood.”

  • Howard Berk