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Question About The History of Originaltrilogy.com? — Page 4


Gaffer Tape said:

Nice hats.

That's some bad hat Harry.

"Well here's a big bag of rock salt" - Patton Oswalt


I've been reading through the comments in the petition and these two struck me as ironic:

"Seamless branching has been around for years, George. Use it!"

It's funny how George Lucas likes to think he is so innovative and cutting edge in one area, but so stubborn and old fashioned in another way.

"C'mon george ??!! dont you need more money ??"

I truly believe he will earn more money with both versions included in equal quality.

"Bring back the original Star Wars. Not Episode IV A New Hope."


"I don't want to have a bad feeling about this... originals, please..."


"Sometimes, it's just not worth it to see Han shoot first, or to see some retarded worm sticking out of the Sarlaac pit. Sometimes you just want it as you remember.

And let's face it, it's not like you won't make money off of this. AGAIN."

I like this guy

" Star Wars is a part of our culture. Although our culture is continually changing, it's history should not. I applaud the effort to improve the Star Wars universe as new technology is available, but just because something new comes along does not mean we should throw away how we got there. Please allow us to not only see the original and new versions of ALL of the Star Wars movies, but all the steps in between so we can have a full appreciation of the journey from star to finish."

Very well said

Wow, I didn't realize how many people visit this site, looks like thousands, I thought it was just hundreds visit this site.


Sure it's still worth signing the new petition, I don't think we can realistically expect the it to change the way this Blu-Ray set will be but maybe the next one (c'mon you know there's gonna be a next one).

And thanks for the link Akwat Kbrana.


Harmy said:

And thanks for the link Akwat Kbrana.

No need to be formal - just call him Bob.

Akwat Kbrana said:

Oh, you guys'll love this. I was going through the old petition and discovered that our mutual friend JediTray signed it. His signature is number 4641. His comment is as follows:

Sign my petition as well! http://www.petitiononline.com/jeditray/

So, I checked out the link, and here's the message I got:

deactivated due to inactivity

In short, JediTray's petition has been Cancelled. Granted, this particular cancellation was cancellation by default, but still...I found it a little humorous...

JediTray - the gift that keeps on giving.


skyjedi2005 said:

What is worse JediTray deleting whole posts and threads or Lucas deleting the oot from existence and trying to rewrite cinematic history.  I would say Lucas is far worse.

JediTray, not even close.

At least Lucas never told me to fuck off.


Well, at least not in a PM.