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Puggo Strikes Back! (Released) — Page 21


I only just recently watched Puggo GRANDE and have to say it's the most fun watching Star Wars that I've had in a long time.  Absolutely looking forward to completing the trilogy.  Thanks for all the effort that goes into a project like this!


Another print for sale? That was fast! I'm still catching my breath from last time. :)

Hopefully, the seller will add some good pics soon. If that happens, though, it will get more expensive at a rapid rate. Nice find!

Screen grooming.  A most underrated activity. - hairy_hen


The mic was in picture!



SilverWook said:

It's a flat print, not widescreen. There's a flat Jedi print up as well.


The last auction photo made me cringe a bit. ;)

this picture?

yeah, we mentioned the print, and posted pictures, here:






[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


Yeah, that's the one. Someone did that with one of my video masters once.  ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


A flat print may not be completely useless

it code sill be used for restoration.


Never mind the other prints! Hows your project going Puggo?


Nice one! (scouse saying meaning brilliant!)


Way too much for a flat print. Your mileage may vary...

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I can't believe that a cropped 16mm print of ESB would go for MORE than a widescreen 8mm print of SW. (Though I guess we should consider ourselves lucky...)


OSI Osgood from the 8mm Forum is selling a Cineavision scope 8mm print of Empire on eBay, with a starting price of $1,200. Unlike the SW one, this has no reserve, and a Buy It Now option - for $1,850.


I was intrigued about the "dialogue differences," but then this quote gave me pause:

"In every other version I have seen, (even the super 8 digest versions of this), Yoda gives out a yell before saying, "Away with your weapon, I mean you no harm."  There is no yell in this at all from Yoda, and I think it's much more appropriate for a Jedi Master, to not yell out like that, he's a Jedi master, after all!"

The yell is the alternate version; in fact, since it wasn't in morgands1's in-theater 70mm recording, I don't think any original release of the complete film had it. Now I'm wondering if it's just a mono fold-down of the regular 35mm stereo mix...

OSI already tried to sell it once and there were no takers. It's not as important as the first film, since this project already has a print with intact color, but still...anybody with really deep pockets want this?


At that price, there ought to be some screencaps.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


OSI doesn't like taking screencaps, because he says his camera messes up the color balance and makes the print look worse than it actually is.

"I do apologize for no screenshots up on the auction.  We have a lousy digital camera that makes every picture you take from a print look terrible, and we wouldn't be able to do the print justice, but let me say that the color is well saturated!  The blues are terrific.  The faces have the proper colors, and the scenes, (especially in the carbon freezing scene) are incredibly good."

OSI is on the 8mm Forum, I don't think he's going to lie that the color is better than it is.



I don't think I can get any of the usual "Top Men" interested in this though, especially with tax time right around the corner.

Does anyone on that forum have prints of the documentaries "Star Wars to Jedi" or "Classic Creatures" they might want to sell?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Like I said, this isn't *as* important as SW, because we actually have an ESB source with good color. It doesn't look like anyone's biting, so we may be able to wait until someone does have sufficient money to fork over.

As to the documentaries, I have no idea, I'm not a film collector and I don't actually frequent the 8mm Forum.

I'll keep my eyes peeled on eBay, maybe those will turn up in the future. Fortunately, I believe both would have been on LPP...