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Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles) — Page 60


Hello, I’m planning to reburn my Despecialized editions. I believe I have version 9.2 of Project Threepio. Is there any difference between the english .sup files in 9.2 and the updated 10 version?

Thanks in advance.


Hi there. I had been trying to get Indonesian subtitles to share the despecialised versions to my mother who had just started enjoying the series. Can I get some help on how I maybe able to get the subtitle file for them (ep 4-6)?

Appreciate the great work here. Thanks!


Selamat Pagi! PM’s sent. There were English differences between 9.3 and 10.0, but they were minor.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


I’ve got the subtitles for both Star Wars and ROTJ, but (stupidly) accidentally deleted ESB subs. Any chance you can provide a link to download?

Amazing work on all of this!


mattluz said:

I’ve got the subtitles for both Star Wars and ROTJ, but (stupidly) accidentally deleted ESB subs. Any chance you can provide a link to download?

Amazing work on all of this!

Actually, now that I’ve taken a closer look, I realize I have version 9.1 for the other films. Would love a link to v10 for all films, if possible. Thanks again!


Hey, is there anyway you could send me the subtitles? Love the work by the way! 😃

The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be unnatural…


This might be a stupid question but would the 1080p subtitles work on a 720p video like Despecialized or do I have to match the resolutions? I’m pretty sure I know what the answer will be but I just thought I’d ask.


hgfed said:

This might be a stupid question but would the 1080p subtitles work on a 720p video like Despecialized or do I have to match the resolutions? I’m pretty sure I know what the answer will be but I just thought I’d ask.

Yes, they would. The video resolution doesn’t matter when it comes to subtitles.

The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be unnatural…


PM sent. Technically there are small and probably not relevant differences. The 720p subs are smaller and might work better with a space-limited format like BD25. Also some players may have bugs and either not scale the subtitles at all, or scale them improperly (the BDSup2Sub utility scales semitransparency badly, but I haven’t seen any bugs in a player yet). 720p subtitles don’t scale up to 4K as nicely as 1080p ones. But for most purposes, no – it should not matter. I’d match resolutions to the video just to be 100% certain there won’t be issues, but chances are you won’t see issues either way.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Hmm, okay, I just figured I’d use the higher resolution subs if there wasn’t an issue. I do have a 4k TV so it might make a difference. I wonder if the difference in sharpness between the 1080p and 720p subtitles is worth potentially wasting a BD-25 disc if it doesn’t scale properly. I have an older copy of Despecialized with Project Threepio subs and I’m pretty sure I used 720p subtitles and I did notice that the subs (the match ones) had quite a bit of aliasing when I played the disc on my TV.


Hard to say. If you noticed aliasing before, it may have been from the BDSup2Sub semitransparency bug I mentioned earlier–some earlier versions of the project were affected by it before I found a workaround. But it’s equally likely it was something else. Since 1080p is unlikely to be a problem, you could certainly try it first.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Thanks for PMing me the files! It’s very kind of you.

The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities, some consider to be unnatural…


Hi Catbus,

I’ve downloaded all the despecialized versions by Harmy. By accident I deleted the ROTJ titles… could I get a DL link please?
Many thanks in advance and great work!!


PM sent. Warning: the full project files are bigger than the ROTJ files you deleted…

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


My findings on what makes a good subtitling font, posted mostly so that Google’s search results have a chance of turning up something more useful on the subject:

  1. A font with consistent stroke thickness and no small serifs. This usually points to a sans serif font, but there are some humanist sans serif fonts with modulated strokes that should be avoided, as well as slab serifs that could be considered. The reasons for this are that small details tend to disappear against a busy, moving background, and that by far the most common and space-efficient form of contrast for subtitles is the black outline, which tends to appear unattractively globbed up around thinner elements.
  2. A font with open apertures, like some of those humanist fonts linked above. Big openings on the lowercase E and A are easier to see. This also plays into Arabic and other scripts.
  3. A generic, unassuming font. Not necessarily something in the Helvetica family, but certainly something leaning in that direction, like Myriad. The point is to watch the film, not to admire or even excessively notice your text. This rules out a lot of your classic slab serifs, which are about as subtle as a drunk guy yelling in an alley, but modern slab serifs can be quite usable.
  4. A font where letters that can be similar-looking are easy to distinguish. Capital “I” and lowercase “L” (which usually involves adornments in violation of Rule 1, but oh well), and even a lowercase “A” that doesn’t look like a lowercase “O”.
  5. A weight somewhere between medium and bold, and no more condensed than semicondensed.

Other considerations are:

  1. Contrast method. I prefer the common black outline with drop shadow. I’ve seen people use just the outline or just a shadow and that can work well too. No contrast at all is a bold and probably bad choice, or more likely the result of simply not knowing any better. A semitransparent block-style background dramatically improves readability, but at the expense of annoyingly obscuring the underlying image. As such, I have reserved its use exclusively for SDH subtitles, but I’ve seen it recommended for CJK subtitles as well.
  2. Subtitle color. My opinion is that, unless you’re doing per-speaker color cues, subtitles should always be white. While yellow could very well provide more contrast, it falls far afoul of the “generic, unassuming” rule IMO. There are other ways to provide adequate contrast. However, pure 0xFFFFFF white against pure black is so much contrast that it can be hard to read. Consider a very bright gray that’s more-or-less indistinguishable from white – I find it easier on the eyes in dark scenes.

So anyway, that’s my brain dump, with for me the additional requirement that the font needs to be consistent between scripts in many, many languages, and that landed me on Noto Sans. Also, I’m the guy who kept using Arial for something like five years, so don’t take my word as gospel for any of this. There are lots of things I still don’t know about design and typefaces – I just feel a little less ignorant than I was a few months ago and wanted to share my findings.

Were there compromises? Absolutely. Noto’s capital “J” drops low, which is a little idiosyncratic for my taste. The italic forms of both the lowercase “A” and lowercase “F” seem less than ideal, but might grow on me. I had to go with a calligraphic style for Arabic and Thai, just because those languages traditionally don’t use sans serif for subtitles. And I had to devise a fairly complicated font fallback logic so that we wouldn’t see these lovely inconsistencies in Noto*. But, by and large, after some time and effort, it works really well. Certainly better than what we’re currently using IMO.

* I should add that Google is very much aware of these inconsistencies and provides guidelines for how to use Noto on their website which effectively resolves the issue. The problem is that these guidelines are geared toward CSS/web solutions, and I needed to script the fallback logic for Pango markup.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Hi there, nice project you got here! I’m downloading the Despecialized Edition’s of the 3 movies and the subtitles included don’t have the Icelandic subtitles, I’d love to get a PM link for 10.0 so I can play that with the family. I’ll gladly take the whole threepio package.


PM sent. Please let me know if you see any problems with the Icelandic subtitles. They’re based on OCR’s of the official Blu-ray subtitles, but OCR can introduce errors, and the original translations may have had trouble too.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


CatBus said:

PM sent. Please let me know if you see any problems with the Icelandic subtitles. They’re based on OCR’s of the official Blu-ray subtitles, but OCR can introduce errors, and the original translations may have had trouble too.

Will do! Yeah if its of the Bluray, there might be some changed dialogue. I’ll have to go hunt and look for old 1997 or older VHS tapes with subtitles just to see if there are any big changes.


The SE dialogue changes were already changed in our version… but those changes may not have been so great either.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Have just down the whole bundle but i cannot saw it with my bro 'cause he doesn’t understand it (he doesn’t speak english) so, i would like to ask for the subs for TESB and ROTJ in both english and spanish please 😃
Superb work you guys have done with the subs that was the only thing that we needed to enjoy the OOT.


Hi, I’d love to get the download link for the subtitles. Thanks in advance, it’s an amazing project.


For future reference I tried burning Despecialized with a 1080p .sup file. It didn’t work. When I put the subtitles on nothing showed up. I was using a PS3.