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AVP — Page 5

It's one of those movies where for every one "hey, that was pretty cool!" there are three "what the HELL were they thinking when they made this?!?!?!".
40,000 million notches away
maybe the alien are not ment to meet the predators

Originally posted by: sean wookie
maybe the alien are not ment to meet the predators

I disagree. Alien versus Predator was a very good concept. Its a movie filled with good ideas and bad excecution. Paul Anderson blames the films poor reception on studios premature release date and obnocious censorship (it was going to be R until 3 weeks before the release)
well maybe the footage that would have made it an R rated movie will be made availible on the DVD.

Originally posted by: Warbler
well maybe the footage that would have made it an R rated movie will be made availible on the DVD.

Read page 1. They are already working on an R rated directers Cut. The new cut will be 30 minutes longer and will include alot more gore and profanity plus an entire new subplot. Paul Anderson called this new cut "the real movie" indicated he hates the theatrical cut as much as most critices. I have to say the Fox stop the PG-13 maddness.
Apparently the director's cut isn't a sure thing, though. AICN and some other places say that it's Anderson's fault and that Fox doesn't intend to alter the dvd.
40,000 million notches away

Originally posted by: Windexed
Apparently the director's cut isn't a sure thing, though. AICN and some other places say that it's Anderson's fault and that Fox doesn't intend to alter the dvd.

Its about as sure as if there will be water in the Pacific Ocean. Read this
Jimbo, that story is a week and a half old. There's a newer article article at bloodydisgusting that includes an interview with the guy who wrote the script for the original Alien Vs Predator. He says that the script Anderson wrote is pretty much exactly what ended up on screen. More importantly, it can also be assumed that Anderson burned any bridges he had with Fox by publicly criticizing them. Why would they accomodate him with a director's cut after he berated them?? Anyway, I'm not saying that there won't be a director's cut, but it's not necessarily a 'sure thing'.
40,000 million notches away