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Preserving the "German" Original Trilogy (Released) — Page 6


The interlacing isn't the problem here, but the low resolution is.

So, no German FullHD Jedi crawl?


not with Krieg der Sterne in advance :(

but the English speaking guys don't have their theatrical ones either in HD.


just finished the upload of the following Krieg der Sterne stuff:


Das ist der deutsche Lauftext (Title crawl) der original Krieg der Sterne Trilogie.
Enthalten sind: Episode 5 und Epiosde 6.


Mit dabei sind auch die auf der VHS Kassette enthaltenen SW-Trailer und Logos vom Vorspann.

Video-Quelle: Silverscreen Collection VHS, Fullscreen, pre-THX

Video Capture Device: PDI Deluxe
Video Format: PAL, 720x576, unkomprimiert, Huffyuv Codec, PCM Ton.

Das ist ein R2D2 Release für ein kommendes originaltrilogy.com Projekt...



This is the german title crawl of the original Star Wars trilogy.
Contained are: Episode 5 and Episode 6.


You also get everything that is on those tapes before the crawl appears: SW Trailers & Logos.

Video-Source: Silverscreen Collection VHS, Fullscreen, pre-THX

Video Capture Device: PDI Deluxe
Video Format: PAL, 720x576, uncompressed, Huffyuv Codec, PCM Audio.

This is a R2D2 release for an upcoming originaltrilogy.com project...


- 5 analog captures of the Ep4 Title Crawl - Silver Screen Collection VHS


I was thinking about re-doing the German crawl digitally in HD... using the German logo from Empire (it's the same as in Jedi) and the pan down + the rest of the shot from an English HD source. Of course, the crawl would probably look too clean, but it's the only option for an HD crawl right now, I guess.

D'oh, redoing the crawl wouldn't be necessary of course... I could just use the upcoming Blu-ray crawl plus the "Krieg der Sterne"-logo from Empire.

As an less OT-focused alternative, we could simply put the ANH-SE "Krieg der Sterne"-logo in front of all three Blu-ray crawls, as that one is way cleaner and fits the new crawls a bit better.


R2D2 said:

"the first transport is away!" - upload is finished. please provide feedback.

coming up next:

 - Episode 5 Silverscreen VHS Fullscreen Capture Title Crawl [including Trailers]

 - Episode 6 Silverscreen VHS Fullscreen Capture Title Crawl [including Trailers]

 - Episode 4 Silverscreen VHS Fullscreen Capture Title Crawl [5 analog captures for the two_of_three(?) filter.]

 - my already in the year 2006 released mpeg2-encoding of the original theatrical intro (logos & title crawl), a few filters and a gout starfield background-pic were applied.

Finally a source for the episode 5 vivaldi trailer, even if in german with german subs.  At least its not a reconstruction or a bad cammed copy of a faded scratched print.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


skyjedi2005 said:

R2D2 said:

"the first transport is away!" - upload is finished. please provide feedback.

coming up next:

 - Episode 5 Silverscreen VHS Fullscreen Capture Title Crawl [including Trailers]

 - Episode 6 Silverscreen VHS Fullscreen Capture Title Crawl [including Trailers]

 - Episode 4 Silverscreen VHS Fullscreen Capture Title Crawl [5 analog captures for the two_of_three(?) filter.]

 - my already in the year 2006 released mpeg2-encoding of the original theatrical intro (logos & title crawl), a few filters and a gout starfield background-pic were applied.

Finally a source for the episode 5 vivaldi trailer, even if in german with german subs.  At least its not a reconstruction or a bad cammed copy of a faded scratched print.

 Glad you like it! :) I want to do HQ-versions of the Trailers for Episode 4-6 + Ewoks, in mpg2 dvd resolution (CCE Encoder) or if someone (some guide) teaches me in hd-encoding - i would make them in 1080p.

Btw - does anyone know if the trailers are on the german laserdiscs?


Rumor has it, that the Blu-rays will have the crawls with the German "Krieg der Sterne"-logos (with ANH obviously using the "Neue Hoffnung"-crawl). It'll be interesting to see which one Empire and Jedi will be using...


Replacing "Krieg der Sterne" was a bad idea anyway. It's like trying to erase a part of history. That thing used to be Krieg der Sterne. No more, no less.


R2D2 said:

Replacing "Krieg der Sterne" was a bad idea anyway. It's like trying to erase a part of history. That thing used to be Krieg der Sterne. No more, no less.

You can blame it on Lucas, he wanted that they were called Star Wars everywhere since the 90s. Interesting if they change it back.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


Thanks R2D2 for preserving the 1993 VHS Kreig der Sterne widescreen.  There's a thread for discussion of the variations of the credits over the years and these are new to me.  Converted your cap into a jpg version:

Could the ESB and RotJ credits making their way to a.b.sw?  But can wait for this thread's project to complete.

Credits thread:



Hi everybody! I have some good news!

I have just bought a Pioneer CLD-2950 Laserdisc Player PAL/NTSC on ebay.

It features one of the better pictures if it comes to PAL.
If features digital audio out.
It is working fine according to the ebay-specs.
I paid 140 Euro including shipping.

Let's just hope that shipping does not break the machine like it did with the other two Laserdisc Players I have aquired.

Prepare for uncompressed PCM sound :-)

There is even a Krieg der Sterne 1982 analog Laserdisc in ebay right now, which is the last one I am missing.

These are the Laserdisc release of the pre-SE.

1982 - Krieg der Sterne, Full Screen, analog sound:


1993 - Krieg der Sterne Trilogy, Widescreen, PCM digital sound, non THX:

1995 - Krieg der Sterne Trilogy, Widescreen, PCM digital sound, THX:


Does anybody have any shots of the German theatrical (well, pre-THX) Greedo and Jabba subtitles? I need some reference regarding font (right now I'm using Trade Gothic, which I'll probably stick to) but also placement and wording (which was changed a lot during all releases). The VHS-ones on Greedo are especially bad, so I won't need those...


Well, until my LD-Player arrives I can only support you with AVI files snapshots of the 1993 LDs.

I think they are 1.5GB per Movie releases, so not too bad quality, but not too good as well. Want me to share snapshots?

If I remember right german home video releases always had yellow subtitles. It seems possible that the tv-channel Sat.1 got a master with burned in subtitles, so they possibly match the german prints.

Project Status:

  • LD-Player on its way.
  • German LD collection will be complete as well.

Yeah, screenshots would be good enough. I took the timing from Puggo Grande, so I just need those screens to see the wording and line breaks.

Right now it looks like this:

Of course right now I'm using the new German spelling (a lot of "ss" instead of "ß") as well es the "Du" instead of "du". The Sat1-version used "Du" and the likes ("Dich", "Deine", ...), while the DVD uses "du". I'm not sure which way to go...


Here's my 720p reconstruction of the German opening:


It's based on Harmy's version, so the Fox logo and the space background and anything after the crawl is from his version. I've re-created the Lucasfilm logo (but I'm not convinced it had to be squished like it was in the VHS release) and the "Es war einmal..." card. For the crawl I've used the SE-version (which was used in the 2004-HDTV broadcast), where I've removed the "Episode IV - NEUE HOFFNUNG" lines. Also I've spaced out the paragraphs a bit more, as they were in the theatrical crawl.



I like your gothic subtitles and also the font and translation of the Sat.1 broadcast. The official VHS and LD version pre 1995 are horribly translated and look awful.

Greedo scene subtitles 1982 german Laserdisc:

Greedo scene subtitles 1993 german Laserdisc:


You can download the clips of the scene here:


It also includes the opening of the 1993 german Laserdisc of Star Wars. The Lucasfilm Logo is also squished here, but I remember I have seen the logo in the correct aspect ratio somewhere. Maybe a fullscreen VHS version.

The recreated opening crawl looks quite nice. The fonts are close enough for me but not exact matches (at least thats what I think). The only thing that bothers me is the incorrect spacing in the third paragraph of the opening crawl. (Check the opening clip from the 1993 LD.)





Unfortunately there's no HD source of the theatrical crawl, so this will have to do for now. Maybe I'll re-create it completely one day (which will, of course, again look different).


I have completely recreated all 3 crawls in 1080p including "Krieg der Sterne" (2 days of Photoshop work, using the title from ESB SE as a basis) and synchronized them with the Music. The only thing: Krieg der Sterne has the "Episode IV" title, and the Fox- and Lucasfix-logos are from the SE/DVD...

I was working on my own version some time ago, using wookiegroomers and adywans HD versions. I'm waiting for the BD now, to get the better german language track, which I'm trying to fix here and there to make it fit on the theatrical version. For that I may take Harmy's versions. We'll see.

Yay for "Tattuin"!


And here's a comparison of all the official crawls:

Krieg der Sterne (proxy needed outside of the US)
Das Imperium schlägt zurück
Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter


Damn, had I known that! :D

What font did you use for the crawls? Trade Gothic seems to be the closest to the classic crawls...

And if you DO manage to fit the German Blu-ray audio to Harmy's versions, be sure to share those too ;-) I was planning on doing it myself, but I thought the voice would be only in the center channel (and thus easier to swap out), but obviously they're in the R and L channels as well.

Anyway, HERE's me re-construction for the German intro to Empire. (Yay for "ZÜRUCK"! ;) )

And HERE's a little tweaked version of the SW opening as well (no transparent "KRIEG DER STERNE" letters, better fades)


Fonts used: Franklin Gothic Demi and UniversLTStd UltraCn

Close enough for me. But I really wish I could recreate the effect on the letter's edges.

Your SW crawl starts a little bit too late (the first line should start at 00:35) and it runs too fast (the third paragraph should start at 01:17).
But it looks great so far, except the Logo itself, I like the one from Empire and Jedi better (It's also the SE Logo, the original looked a litte bit different).

But "correcting" the "ZURÜCK" would go a little bit too far for me ;-).


I think the font "Univers" is correct for at least the episode and title in the crawls.

Sorry for being off topic, but do you guys happen to sit on any knowledge on how Lucas' first film THX 1138 got treated in Germany when first released. IMDB says it was first broadcasted in West Germany in 1978, the same year it was re-released in a restored version in US theaters. And this site: http://www.schnittberichte.com/schnittbericht.php?ID=709625 describes a slight difference in its presentation to how the '78 restored cut was. I'm interested in how your home video versions of this film was, if it was any different than the US/English cut before the 2004 DVD edit came out. The 1976 Italian release proved to be quite different and I'm just curious if it was the same with the German version. If you don't know anything about it just ignore me. ;) If you do know something about it, please let me know in this thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/THX-1138-preservations-Italian-Cut-available-see-1st-post/topic/11741/page/36/ Thanks, and sorry for interrupting your thread with this.


We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


I have completely recreated all 3 crawls in 1080p including "Krieg der Sterne" (2 days of Photoshop work, using the title from ESB SE as a basis) and synchronized them with the Music. The only thing: Krieg der Sterne has the "Episode IV" title, and the Fox- and Lucasfix-logos are from the SE/DVD...

The colors seem to be a bit off. The whole thing looks too CGI, at least on this scale. But a nice effort!



Does anyone have an almost clean version of Han's original "Das kann ich mir vorstellen"? All the versions I have, have too much noise (music/soundeffects). It sounds odd when suddenly more music and effects come from the center. And I don't have a clue what programs/filters to use.

BTW another odd thing: The dianoga scene always had music, as long as I can remember, until 1997 with the SE the music was gone. But the GOUT didn't have the music either. For my version I'll add the music again.

And in ESB after Yoda's Line "Du wirst Angst haben" came a little piece of music (as the Star Destroyer is shooting asteroids, also gone since 1997), which sounds like a fade out of another piece. Does anyone know what piece that was?


this is getting better everyday!!! :)

still awaiting the arrival of my ld-player.

can anyone recommend a soundcard with optical digital in?

as the pcm track is @44,1 khz on the laserdisc and this does not apply to dvd nor blu ray standard what do you recommend? resample it to 192 khz pcm?


This is the original "Krieg der Sterne" Logo from the 1977 crawl: