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Anyway, Laserschwert, this is really good work. :)
Anyway, Laserschwert, this is really good work. :)
In case anyone reading this thread is interested in helping a slightly different project:
...not sure if that violated some Internet etiquette rule. I hope not.
yep, great work on the crawl....
In fact i just try to make my own in Blender, also based on Harmys edit.
But, how the heck do you cut your own edits into the m2ts stream.
I tried now for days, and every single program failed.....
some suggestions?
Where is the German soundtrack for this? Also, if I have a soundtrack, is there an easy way to tell which year/remaster it's from? For example, listen for shattering glass in the detention area, etc?
EDIT: Nevermind, I've got everything I need.
If anyone still needs it: Here are the german GOUT audios from the 2006 DVDs, with reversed speed up, so they can be synched to the NTSC GOUT or 24p editions.
I did them, to synch them with Harmys DE. But since his files are based on a HD capture, you'll have to shift them around, because they don't start at the same time.
Have fun!
Yes, they do. The fact that they're based on HDTV captures doesn't mean squat. They are in frame for frame sync with the GOUT :-)
Yes, they are!
The only difference is in the beginning of the file.. the number of frames till the 20th century fox fanfare comes on. Other than that they match. :)
Oh, yeah, it's hard to time it to the Fox logo, because it fades in and out gradually, so it's hard to tell when the first frame actually appears. So what I always do is time the beginning to the first frame where the STAR WARS logo appears :-)
Topper Harley said:
with reversed speed up
I hope you didn't keep the pitch during that, as it is wrong in the sped up versions, of course ;-)
Yes, it has the lower pitch, as it would have originally!
Well done ;-)
BTW, to have the German GOUT tracks be in sync with Harmy's video tracks, you need to shorten the beginning of the TESB-track by 27ms and the ROTJ-track by 36ms (AFTER slowing it down to 23.976 fps). SW is basically in sync without any changes, though the voices on the track go in and out of sync all the time (while music and effects stay synced). Weird stuff.
Only if they're 27 and 36ms out of sync on the GOUT DVDs as well.
Even 4% less than that, as the German GOUTs run at 25fps.
But as you know, we're working on the German "Despecializations", so I've already tried and those values work. On the other hand, 36ms isn't even a single frame of film (which is 41.7ms when played at 23.976fps).
Personally I think 1 frame of desync is unnoticable, but if we know there is some desync we should fix it.
By the way I wanted to make bit-perfect audio rips of the german 1993 and 1995 Laserdiscs. I even bought a new LD-Player for this, because my CLD-315 has no optical audio. Unfortunatly the DVL-909 I got from ebay 2 weeks ago turned out to be an asian instead of european model and doesn't play PAL discs at all :-(.
To clarify: so if I have the files above, I'd then need to trim 27ms from ESB 36ms from ROTJ...or do you need to trim a different amount after the files are converted?
OK I think that's right. The trim values indicated are good for the downloaded files. Nevermind.
Yeah, sorry, I've added the "after slowdown" part to my post via an edit.
I'm sure there are other ways than trimming, like defining a negative delay in the audio track once it becomes a DVD or Blu-ray track. But I'm not really familiar with the internal stuff of authoring.
Yes, setting delay definitely sounds like a better option than trimming.
I don't know. I'm pretty sure you can do lossless trimming of AC3 files, I'm pretty sure Audacity can do it for example. Trimming would be worse if it were a lossy process.
Yeah, I don't think trimming is a lossy process...
Harmy said:
Yes, setting delay definitely sounds like a better option than trimming.
Right. The Delay for Return is -25 Frames (I just did that) ..The other files need to be checked.
(maybe my way to find out is a bit complicated, but: I extracted one of the english stereo soundfiles of Harmys DE, then loaded it in my editing software (Premiere Pro), opend a 23,976 Project, dropped the file in it.. then I put the german file into a second track and compared the curves. I matched the curves, and through comparing where each file begins, I see how many frames delay are needed. Then I use tsmuxer to merge the soundfile with the project and can enter the precise delay).
By the way, I watched Harmys DE of ANH with the above posted german soundtrack, and it stays in sync fine.
25 frames, really?
I did it the same way though, extracting the AC3 files from Harmy's version and putting both alongside each other in Premiere... either I remembered the values incorrectly, or my GOUT tracks were already edited in some way. I'll re-check.
Something's way off. I checked the files I downloaded from Topper Harley and they are off by less than one video frame. Perhaps there's a Premiere or audio usage of the word frame, or maybe he meant milliseconds.
Okay, I've checked (in Premiere as well)... my files definitely only have the differences of 27ms (Empire) and 36ms (Jedi).
I got the GOUT rips from TK-949, so maybe he can shed some light on this... but obviously CatBus comes to a similar result. In that case a delay of -25 frames would cause a VERY noticable asynchrony of over a second.
So please, can anyone help me? Iam searching a long time, and i was found this forum. Can anyone tell me WHERE I can find the german DVDs of Star Wars triology - the original unaltered theatralic cinema version in GERMAN language, which was realesed at 12th Sept in USA and 14th Sept. in Germany for 3 month till 31. dez.??? I can find it anywhere
Thank you very much! :)
wanderer said:
So please, can anyone help me? Iam searching a long time, and i was found this forum. Can anyone tell me WHERE I can find the german DVDs of Star Wars triology - the original unaltered theatralic cinema version in GERMAN language, which was realesed at 12th Sept in USA and 14th Sept. in Germany for 3 month till 31. dez.??? I can find it anywhere
Thank you very much! :)
You can buy these DVDs used on Ebay.de or via Amazon.de marketplace, sometime these are even new. There are usually a few available at any given time. Use "star wars DVD limited" or something similar to search for it. Unfortunately, prices are pretty high at 30-35€ per title! Of course you get both the theatrical version and the 2004 Special Edition on separat discs for each title.