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Preserving "French" Original Trilogy - ANH V1.0 released - ESB in progress — Page 6


Yeah, it's hard to find sources that are 100% correct (and since there were no screenshots made in the theaters back then, you'll never know for sure).


Yes the typo is ugly, but this is a restoration, and Harmy went through a lot of work to put back in a lot of the visual mistakes of the film (vader's missing saber effect for example) and I feel that correcting this mistake is a revision of the original French version that is no longer available to people interested. 

What's next? Replacing Han's 'Pauvre cave' with the SE's "ça m'étonne pas"? Well it wasn't there in 77 but the redub is more faithful to the original language. Perhaps I feel that is better and we should change that as well... You see what I mean?


To anyone interested who doesn't speak French, the typo in question is a misspelling of the third person plural future form of 'pouvoir' (to be able to / can). It's supposed to be 'pourront' but it's written on the scroll as 'pourrant' which is the present participle. It's difficult to translate into English but that one letter changes the text from "the stolen plans that will be able to save her people" to "the stolen plans that being able to save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy". The two words also sound the same so an equivalent in English would be mixing up there and their. They both sound the same, but when the mistake is written out, it's really gratting to look at. Especially for an important landmark like star wars. 

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


Laserschwert said:

Well, the international crawls were made by ILM (and presumably the title cards as well, hence the same fonts), and the German crawl for Empire (which is definitely the 35mm version, as I have it in HD) has a typo as well. I doubt anybody created new optically composed crawls for any of the home video releases. Thus I'm sure the French crawl is the theatrical one.

Interesting. Does the German intro of ROTJ use the same logos/title cards as SW and ESB? 

The French intro of ROTJ has completely different logos, i don't know why but they are actually better and do match the English logos.

Here is the intro from the Gold Laserdisc: https://vimeo.com/63337982

pass: ot.com

“English, motherf***er! Do you speak it!?”


You're right, both the German SW and TESB have the same Lucasfilm and "A long time ago" cards. ROTJ though is a curiosity, as the German Lucasfilm logo does now have the same font as the English one, but is yellow instead of green. Also the "A long time ago" card was changed completely, both in wording and in font (the same as your French version).


I have an old VHS of the ROJ where the “Lucasfilm” logo is in french and in yellow like the German.


Things get weirder :D So there are two different Lucasfilm title cards for the French ROTJ?


Could that be some weird transfer color anomaly or something? I noticed that the shot in the French LD video you posted was pretty badly red-shifted.

Oh and not that I feel like I'm entitled to any say on your project (I put my project out there and I don't feel I have a right to say what people do with it afterwards) but if it was me, in the spirit of the DeEd, I'd keep the typo in the crawl - like if there had been a typo in the original English crawl, I would have preserved it and wouldn't have even been open to discussion about it. That's just me though, please don't feel like I'm pressuring you or anything.


It could be a color anomaly... but what if it's not? :D Man, logos and stuff... should be easy!

Harmy said:

I noticed that the shot in the French LD video you posted was pretty badly red-shifted.

Well, in that video the logo is green though ;) And the Fox logo has a green shift instead of a red-shift.


Yeah, that's what's weird about it - it would suggest that the logos there actually came from a different print than the crawl.


What the hell... a yellow Lucasfilm logo now? Damn, i didn't know the 80's were that funky in Europe :)

Anyway, here's the same pic as yours but now showing the title cards from the French Gold LDs editions: 

“English, motherf***er! Do you speak it!?”


Two possible looks for the Greedo subs:

The top one uses font and placement of Harmy's English subtitles, the bottom one of the French VHS version. Funny thing is, once you squash the image to a 4:3 format, the VHS subs are approximately at 100% width again and look much better.


Very good work as usual ! 

Maybe were the VHS subtitles done in 4:3 and then streched to the movie ?

Also I find the first subs (like in harmy's movie) more beautiful, but perhaps are the second subs more like in the original french release.

What do you think guys ?




I think the second subs were made for the TV, the original theatrical release did not have subtitles and anyway, the first subtitles look a lot better! :)

“English, motherf***er! Do you speak it!?”



Hi guys.

I was away from the net for few days. I'm now proud to announce that my second daughter is born on 13 April :)

And now star wars things : I remade the end credits with a better blue color. And I smoothed a bit the font so that it now look a bit rounded. It's now the final version of the credits.

Laserschwert has made a beautiful french crawl and I will use it for the french release.

Now it only misses Greedo sequence. I made it with the font like in the VHS. Laserschwert can make it with the original english font. I think that will be the best.

Now I have to work on the soundtrack. I have 2 for the moment :

- Original 2.0 french track from the GOUT

- a 5.1 version of the GOUT using Dolby Prologic to make it 5.0. And I add to it the LFE channel of hairy_hen track.

Any ideas for more french tracks ?



marvins said:


Any ideas for more french tracks ?


For the German version I've edited the Blu-ray track to match the GOUT... might be an option for you.

And congratulations on your daughter! :)


Toutes mes félicitations! 

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


Congratulations marvins!!!

Tu pourras faire découvrir La Guerre Des Etoiles dans sa version d'origine à tes deux filles du coup! :-)


About the audio, you forgot to mention the laserdisc stereo track i've sent you ;)  To me, it may be the best source we have for the moment.

“English, motherf***er! Do you speak it!?”


ilovewaterslides said:

About the audio, you forgot to mention the laserdisc stereo track i've sent you ;)  To me, it may be the best source we have for the moment.

Right !

I have sync bluray audiotrack to match with the deed release. It was a bit harder as I expected.

So I have for the moment :

- 2.0 from the GOUT

- 2.0 from 1st LD release

- 5.1 recreate from the GOUT audio + hairy-hen LFE

- 5.1 bluray track

- 2.0 from the VHS of the TV release


Bonjour mes Frenchies!

Just one question: in Harmy's thread, we've derailed the conversation a bit talking about French titles of movies and I put forth the hypothesis that in France, the title Star Wars is used more and more than La Guerre des Etoiles and that today the French title LGDE is used to reference the first film from 77 and Star Wars is used to reference the franchise. Ai-je tort?


I'm an American who's been living in France for a long time (going on 9 years now almost) so I don't have the same cultural background as a French person, so what do you guys think?

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


As I was kid "La guerre des étoiles" always refer to the first movie (EP4). I don't know how is it now with the young people. Are they talking about "Un nouvel espoir" (A new hope) ? Perhaps...

In fact "La guerre des étoiles" is a bad translation.

"La guerre des étoiles" is the traduction of "Stars War"

The correct traduction "Star Wars" is "Les guerres de l'étoile".





If you search on the internet you'll find a lot of explanations about why the french title was translated to "La Guerre Des Etoiles" instead of "Les Guerres De L'Etoile".

Nowadays, almost everybody says Star Wars. When people are talking about the trilogy or the whole saga, they say Star Wars and specially the younger people. Only some nostalgic people like me or maybe marvins keep saying La Guerre Des Etoiles.

Marvins is right, I remember about that too, when i was a kid we only used to say "LGDE" to talk about the first movie. For the Ep.V & Ep.VI we used to say "L'Empire Contre-Attaque" and "Le Retour Du Jedi".

Even if i was born much much later than marvins i remember seeing the trilogy before they started to destroy it in 97.

“English, motherf***er! Do you speak it!?”


Actually, La Guerre des Etoiles is a pretty decent translation. Les Guerres de l'Etoile makes it sound like they're fighting over a single star. 


'Star' in Star Wars is an adjective so the title describes battle AMONG the stars or in outerspace, not battles FOR a star. 


A more authentic translation would be Les Guerres Stellaires. 


But I find that there are one too many "ère" sounds and doesn't quite have the same vocal lyricism of La Guerre des Etoiles. 

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


I agree. "La guerre des étoiles" is for me a very good title. It sounds great !


Yeah i love it too, that's why I keep using it :)


“English, motherf***er! Do you speak it!?”