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Which special editions are canon?


With disney's new canon set several months ago, what is considered canon? It is highly unlikely the OUT is canon anymore, so which special edition is canon? The last I heard was the 2004 is canon, but that was before the 2011 came out. And regardless, the rumored 4k transfer coming out might come straight from the 97se. So I ask again, which of the special editions are canon?

edit: what a goose I am. This belongs in "general star wars discussion" i think. Can an admin move this thread there?

Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…


The Disney canon reset was earlier this year, in fact it officially took effect on April 25th of 2014.

Anyways, the most recent editions of the film are "official canon." This means the 2011 blu-rays are now the official story of the events that took place a long time ago, etc. etc.

Dboman said:

I don't care about spelling! I just want to find a mirror!


Two of the reasons I asked about this are:

The 97se of ANH was recently screened in maryland. It was the only version they were allowed to screen as 35mm film (2004 and 2011 are purely digital, and with less resolution at that). The possibility of the rumored 4k release being a direct port of the 97se also gives it a little credibility.

In addition, several months ago ANH aired on spike tv. For some reason, the 2004 transfer was used instead of the 2011.

While the OUT has no authority anymore, possibly at best banished to Legends, the canon of each of the SE releases can be a little confusing.....

I guess your saying that the newer releases are, the more authority they have?

...and I meant to say months instead of years... I'll fix that in the post...

Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…


According to the official canon, the only canon version of the films is the 2011 SE. This is the case even for Legends, as this decision came down before the canon was reset

In short, the only releases with authority of any kind are the most current SE's.

Interesting that Spike aired the 2004 version. I think, however, that this was the most recent version licensed to media outlets. 

Also, as to theatrical showings, from 97 til now any theater that rented a print for a showing got the 97se, because no prints were made of the 2004 or 2011 versions. Now, with the recent screening in Atlanta it is clear that there is a new dcp (Digital Cinema Package) that has been created from the 2011 master.

Dboman said:

I don't care about spelling! I just want to find a mirror!


one more question. Before the disney canon reset, the deleted scenes were canon as long as they didn't contradict the final film (shak ti's death in an episode 3 deleted scene).

Is that still true post-disney?

Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…


Hmmm... that's a bit of a tough one. There hasn't been an official statement either way since the purge. But, there was a statement a little further back specifically about the novelizations of the films being canon as long as they didn't contradict the films. But, this apparently was rescinded as Wookieepedia isn't treating them as canon, but as legends.

I would say, based on the information we have now that the deleted scenes are not canon. I think the easiest method to approaching the purge is to assume total annihilation of the old EU. Therefore, only the movies and Clone Wars are canon, along with (most) newly published material starting on that date.

Dboman said:

I don't care about spelling! I just want to find a mirror!


The Clone Wars. Not Clone Wars. Those are two different shows.....

Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…


That's what I meant. Didn't feel like typing "the"

The newer show is indeed canon, while the other is "dead"

When it comes down to it though, whatever you want is your own canon.

Dboman said:

I don't care about spelling! I just want to find a mirror!


There will always be two canons...

One's personal canon, and the official canon.

Both are important. The 2011 special editions may be what have "actually happened", but if I am in the mood for a fan edit...

Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…


Danfun128 said:

There will always be two canons...

One's personal canon, and the official canon.

Both are important.

"Official" canon will never be important.


There is no canon, as far as I'm concerned. We're well past that.

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


DuracellEnergizer said:

"Official" canon will never be important.

Frank T said:

There is no canon, as far as I'm concerned. We're well past that.

Agreed, and agreed.

Dboman said:

I don't care about spelling! I just want to find a mirror!