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Ever Wonder What You Would Get If You Crossed a Human with a Wookie?


Andre, as in Andre the Giant.

Doesn't this sound like a wookie:

It is said that he never tested the full extent of his true strength because he was afraid of the damage it might cause. Some of André's opponents were legitimately afraid to get in the ring with him for fear of getting accidentally injured, but those who got to know him soon learned that his personality was perhaps one of the gentlest in the world. It is also said that André could drink an entire case of beer and not feel so much as a buzz.

Yup, there has to be some Wookie in there some where!
Ever see "Princess Bride"? Andre the Giant was great in that, and I think that the role fit him very well.

Originally posted by: Number20
Ever see "Princess Bride"? Andre the Giant was great in that, and I think that the role fit him very well.

Yeah I saw that. Andre was great. And to think when they were talking about doing the Princess Bride in the 1970s they discussed using Arnold Schwarzenegger as the giant Fezzik (and Arnold's only 6'2") and at another point they actually had Liam Neeson auditioning for the giant (and Neeson's only 6'4").

I'd like a qui-gon jinn please with an Obi-Wan to go.

Red heads ROCK. Blondes do not rock. Nuff said.

I sometimes think Kenner recycled the leg molds from their 12-inch Bionic Bigfoot figure for Chewie. The sculpting for both figures seem like they were done by the same person.
Didn't Peter Mayhew do a Bigfoot movie recently?
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Where were you in '77?

He was billed at 7 ft 4 in (2.24 m) and 520 pounds (236 kgs) but he was closer to 6 ft 11 in at the tallest serious estimate and he was under 400 pounds when he started but did not train seriously and gained signifigant weight as he got older. Nonetheless, the sight of him alone was enough to draw huge crowds in a day when there were only a handful of people over 6 ft 6 in.