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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo — Page 852

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Nope. They’re actors faking it. I don’t think Jeff Flake is an actor, though. He just doesn’t seem to be an actor to me.

The Person in Question


moviefreakedmind said:

Nope. They’re actors faking it. I don’t think Jeff Flake is an actor, though. He just doesn’t seem to be an actor to me.



Not funny.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I was making fun of the crisis actor theory, which is a ludicrous and misogynist theory that should be made fun of.

The Person in Question


moviefreakedmind said:

I was making fun of the crisis actor theory, which is a ludicrous and misogynist theory that should be made fun of.

I got it, and that’s why I laughed.


moviefreakedmind said:

I was making fun of the crisis actor theory, which is a ludicrous and misogynist theory that should be made fun of.

Specifically, a crisis actor theory that Warbler irresponsibly put forward. I say irresponsible because it minimizes and insults these women and any women (and any men) who are survivors of sexual assault, and it disgusted me to read his comments. That’s why I posted what I did. Hopefully there are no survivors among us (either members or lurkers) who had to read that nonsense. But apparently we’re no better than Alex Jones here, who put forward the same theory about the Sandy Hook children. No one who bothered to watch the emotion those women displayed should be able to even question their sincerity. Might as well question if Dr. Ford is also an actor.

I could have phrased my disgust more specifically the first time, or more civilly if you prefer, but I stand by the sentiment.


dahmage said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I was making fun of the crisis actor theory, which is a ludicrous and misogynist theory that should be made fun of.

I got it, and that’s why I laughed.

Oh, my mistake!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


That’s okay, I totally get it. It’s really hard to tell in this political climate who’s serious or not.

The Person in Question


TV’s Frink said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I was making fun of the crisis actor theory, which is a ludicrous and misogynist theory that should be made fun of.

Specifically, a crisis actor theory that Warbler irresponsibly put forward. I say irresponsible because it minimizes and insults these women and any women (and any men) who are survivors of sexual assault, and it disgusted me to read his comments. That’s why I posted what I did. Hopefully there are no survivors among us (either members or lurkers) who had to read that nonsense. But apparently we’re no better than Alex Jones here, who put forward the same theory about the Sandy Hook children. No one who bothered to watch the emotion those women displayed should be able to even question their sincerity. Might as well question if Dr. Ford is also an actor.

I’m sure there are victims that read that nonsense. In fact, it’s almost statistically impossible that of the hundreds of people that read this site, no one is a survivor. I’m also really glad you brought up the Sandy Hook comparison. That’s actually what I was going to compare it to. So I guess I’m not glad that you brought it up because you stole my thunder.

I could have phrased my disgust more specifically the first time, or more civilly if you prefer, but I stand by the sentiment.

I don’t think that ideas like crisis actors pretending to be rape victims (or crisis actors pretending to be mass-shooting survivors), Sandy Hook trutherism, 9/11 was a controlled demolition, Pizzagate, Satanist daycares, Q-Anon, Hurricane Maria’s death toll being a fabrication, climate change is a hoax, or countless other imbecilic and insulting conspiracies should ever be given a dignified response. I think that it would’ve been irresponsible of you to not ridicule such a revolting theory, because if you had just done what everyone suggested, which is legitimize it as though it’s a reasonable point of view, then it would be a disservice to everyone involved in the conversation and everyone that relates to the issue. Good on you.

The Person in Question


TV’s Frink said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I was making fun of the crisis actor theory, which is a ludicrous and misogynist theory that should be made fun of.

Specifically, a crisis actor theory that Warbler irresponsibly put forward. I say irresponsible because it minimizes and insults these women and any women (and any men) who are survivors of sexual assault, and it disgusted me to read his comments. That’s why I posted what I did. Hopefully there are no survivors among us (either members or lurkers) who had to read that nonsense. But apparently we’re no better than Alex Jones here, who put forward the same theory about the Sandy Hook children. No one who bothered to watch the emotion those women displayed should be able to even question their sincerity. Might as well question if Dr. Ford is also an actor.

I could have phrased my disgust more specifically the first time, or more civilly if you prefer, but I stand by the sentiment.

oh brother.

All I did was say they could be actors. And for all we knew yesterday, they were. I didn’t say they were actors, I said they could be. I guess you would have it be that any woman anywhere in the country and get up and say “he raped me” and automatically the guy she points to should have have his career and reputation ruined and and should be put in jail and throw away the keep. I am so sorry for being such a sexist pig that I don’t automatically believe any woman I have never seen or heard from or know anything about.

Seriously, it wasn’t possible that some leftwing political group couldn’t have put two women up to doing something like this to pressure a Senator on live TV, that has a swing vote in an extremely important political decision that ramifications that could last decades?

I won’t apologize. I have nothing to apologize for. All I did was say that it was possible. If I offended any victims of sexual assault, too bad. Anyone offended by what I said is ridiculously oversensitive and not reading my comments in a rational logical manner. I never said these women weren’t sexually assaulted. I said that for all we knew they weren’t.

But I guess in today’s society we should automatically assume all women tell the gospel truth all the time. It puts a new spin on “To Kill a Mockingbird”, doesn’t it?


Came across one of those 9/11 nuts on livejournal once. Really wanted to reach into the screen and throttle them.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I was making fun of the crisis actor theory, which is a ludicrous and misogynist theory that should be made fun of.

Specifically, a crisis actor theory that Warbler irresponsibly put forward. I say irresponsible because it minimizes and insults these women and any women (and any men) who are survivors of sexual assault, and it disgusted me to read his comments. That’s why I posted what I did. Hopefully there are no survivors among us (either members or lurkers) who had to read that nonsense. But apparently we’re no better than Alex Jones here, who put forward the same theory about the Sandy Hook children. No one who bothered to watch the emotion those women displayed should be able to even question their sincerity. Might as well question if Dr. Ford is also an actor.

I could have phrased my disgust more specifically the first time, or more civilly if you prefer, but I stand by the sentiment.

oh brother.

All I did was say they could be actors. And for all we knew yesterday, they were. I didn’t say they were actors, I said they could be. I guess you would have it be that any woman anywhere in the country and get up and say “he raped me” and automatically the guy she points to should have have his career and reputation ruined and and should be put in jail and throw away the keep. I am so sorry for being such a sexist pig that I don’t automatically believe any woman I have never seen or heard from or know anything about.

Seriously, it wasn’t possible that some leftwing political group couldn’t have put two women up to doing something like this to pressure a Senator on live TV, that has a swing vote in an extremely important political decision that ramifications that could last decades?

I won’t apologize. I have nothing to apologize. All I did was say that it was possible. If I offended any victims of sexual assault, too bad. Anyone offended by what I said is ridiculously oversensitive and not reading my comments in rational logical manner. I never said these women weren’t sexually assaulted. I said that for all we knew they weren’t.

But I guess in today’s society we should automatically assume all women tell the gospel truth all the time. It puts a new spin on “To Kill a Mockingbird”, doesn’t it?

You should have stopped at the second paragraph.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


No, I don’t think I should have. Sorry, but I pissed right now, real pissed. Pissed at a certain someone that keeps harassing me and the mods and admin that allow it to continue. I am also pissed at being accused of offending victims of sexual assault and misogyny. No reasonable ration person should be offended by what I said earlier. All I did was mention something that was a possibility. I am pissed at all the hate and abuse I have received on here in the past few months. I’ve had it. I am so pissed right now that I barely even care if you perm ban me. Hell everyone on the forum hates me now anyway. They think I am sexist(and probably racist) bigot that worships the flag and is blind patriot and other bullshit. Whatever. I know what I am, and I know I am none of those things.


Warbler said:

Hell everyone on the forum hates me now anyway. They think I am sexist(and probably racist) bigot that worships the flag and is blind patriot and other bullshit.

Wrong. I think you’d just a dyed-in-the-wool traditionalist with poor communication skills.


Warbler said:

I am also pissed at being accused of offending victims of sexual assault and misogyny. No reasonable ration person should be offended by what I said earlier.

You don’t get to decide who your words offend.


ChainsawAsh said:

Warbler said:

I am also pissed at being accused of offending victims of sexual assault and misogyny. No reasonable ration person should be offended by what I said earlier.

You don’t get to decide who your words offend.

I do have the right to have an opinion on what is and isn’t reasonable to be offended about. The mere mention that something that is possible is in fact possible is not something that should offend anyone.


Women have had to suffer decades, (if not more) of not being believed. Saying too bad I offended you can be perceived as being callous. A little sensitivity goes a long way.
I can’t believe I even have to be explaining this.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


fine, ban me.


Why? Do you want to be banned?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I was sexually taken advantage as a young lad (16-17 somewhere in there) (assaulted is a strong word, it wasn’t physically forced more like mental manipulation) but I didn’t bother telling anybody because I knew I’d just get laughed at or made fun of about it.


If it is perceived as callous too bad. Whatever suffering whichever women have gone through is not my fault. People shouldn’t be offended at the mere mention that it is possible that two women we have never seen or hear of before and know nothing about could have been put up to what they did yesterday. I can’t believe I even have to be explaining that!


SilverWook said:

Why? Do you want to be banned?

it is not really that I want to be banned it is that I have just about gone passed the point of caring whether I am banned or not. I’m fed up with how things have been on here recently.


Warbler said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Warbler said:

I am also pissed at being accused of offending victims of sexual assault and misogyny. No reasonable ration person should be offended by what I said earlier.

You don’t get to decide who your words offend.

I do have the right to have an opinion on what is and isn’t reasonable to be offended about. The mere mention that something that is possible is in fact possible is not something that should offend anyone.

What’s offensive and what isn’t is entirely subjective. You’re free to say what you want and others are free to be offended. Being offended that others are offended, which is what you seem to be, is hypocritical.

Believing in due process means assuming everyone’s innocence until proven otherwise. That includes the women who approached Sen. Flake in the elevator. You had no reason to suggest they might be paid actors and you’re being called out for it. As they say, freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.

Of course, what the stories those women shared have to do with a completely separate accusation, I have no idea. I’m saddened they were assaulted, but their pain isn’t relevant to Kavanaugh and Ford. One person’s unsolved murder doesn’t make someone else’s murder suspect guilty.

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