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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo — Page 332

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yhwx said:

SilverWook said:

TV’s Frink said:

Thinnest skin ever. And he’s the President…how does he have time for this kind of nonsense?


After 9 years of hating Donald J Trump, telling him “lol no one likes you” was the straw

In a world where a person can’t make multiple twitter accounts, being blocked might actually mean something.

Under Twitter’s rules, creating more than one account for harassment or ban evasion purposes is disallowed. (Making separate personal and business accounts is fine under these rules):

Harassment: You may not incite or engage in the targeted abuse or harassment of others. Some of the factors that we may consider when evaluating abusive behavior include:
if a primary purpose of the reported account is to harass or send abusive messages to others;
if the reported behavior is one-sided or includes threats;
if the reported account is inciting others to harass another account; and
if the reported account is sending harassing messages to an account from multiple accounts

(Emphasis added.)

Multiple account abuse: Creating multiple accounts with overlapping uses or in order to evade the temporary or permanent suspension of a separate account is not allowed.

However, Twitter will probably do jack [insert expletive here] to enforce these rules, as they do with every other rule that have.

Twitter sock confirmed.



“Jeff Sessions is far and away the best possible person to be our attorney general in the United States of America,” said Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa)


Of course, Steve King is also a horrible person.


Congress should use money from its food stamp budget and Planned Parenthood funding to pay for a wall along the border between the United States and Mexico, Rep. Steve King said Wednesday.



McCain Punditry Mini-Rant

Part of why McCain does what he does: There’s a generational and philosophical divide in how he’s covered by the press.

Among younger and less traditional reporters on Twitter — especially on the left but by no means exclusively so — a lot of people are pointing out McCain’s inconsistency in scolding McConnell’s process but nevertheless voting for the motion to proceed.

On CNN, however, the commentary about McCain’s speech was glowing. And the commentary has also been very warm in Twitter comments we’ve seen from older reporters at the major news networks and at newspapers like The Washington Post.

Longtime readers of FiveThirtyEight know that I have a lot of beefs with the establishment media. Moments like these, where they elevate style over substance, are a big part of why.


Just below that post…

Vice President Mike Pence’s tie-breaking vote today was his fourth since taking office in January. His predecessor, Joe Biden, never cast a tie-breaking Senate vote.


I liked McCain’s speech, I did not like how he voted.


Warbler said:

I liked McCain’s speech, I did not like how he voted.

McCain’s political career in a nutshell.


TV’s Frink said:

Warbler said:

I liked McCain’s speech, I did not like how he voted.

McCain’s political career in a nutshell.

One of his most important and timely speeches was the anti-torture speech he delivered just before he voted to authorize torture. His chutzpah knows no bounds.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


TV’s Frink said:

CatBus said:

TV’s Frink said:

Warbler said:

I liked McCain’s speech, I did not like how he voted.

McCain’s political career in a nutshell.

One of his most important and timely speeches was the anti-torture speech he delivered just before he voted to authorize torture.


Oh god! I knew what that was before I even clicked it. Get out of my head, Frink! 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?



In some ways, this vote matched an old pattern. While many have referred to McCain as a “maverick,” he’s actually had a fairly conservative voting record during his career. So his vote to proceed isn’t surprising from a historical perspective. Meanwhile, Collins, who voted against the motion to proceed, has voted against her party about 40 percent of the time on party-line votes during her Senate career. She is, from an ideological perspective, the true maverick of the Senate.


CatBus said:

yhwx said:

Anyone else think that it’s a bit ironic (and sad) that McCain receives some of the best medical care in the world but then rushes back to potentially remove it from millions of Americans?

Not ironic considering his record. He gives good speeches, then falls in line. Only his mouth was ever a maverick.

The real question is if McConnell is pushing this vote through without knowing it will pass, because Trump wants his enemies list.

He did vote in favor of the Senate background check gun-control bill. He was one of the only Republicans to do so.

The Person in Question


So OJ Simpson is being released around October time.

Betting is now open on how fast Trump will appoint OJ to his cabinet as ‘Secretary for Spousal Abuse’ or something (Not even joking).

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Since Trump has hung out with unsavory characters like Joey No Socks Cinque, I could see O.J. showing up at Mar-a-Lago.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Something happened.


WASHINGTON — The Senate voted narrowly on Tuesday to begin debate on a bill to repeal major provisions of the Affordable Care Act, but hours later, Republican leaders suffered a setback when their most comprehensive plan to replace President Barack Obama’s health law fell far short of the votes it needed.

The Tuesday night tally needed to reach 60 votes to overcome a parliamentary objection. Instead, it fell 43-57. The fact that the comprehensive replacement plan came up well short of even 50 votes was an ominous sign for Republican leaders still grappling with a formula to pass final health care legislation later this week.

For Republicans, the failure ended the day on a sour note, hours after a more triumphant scene in the well of the Senate. Lawmakers from both parties had risen to their feet in the afternoon and applauded when Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, showed up in the chamber despite his diagnosis of brain cancer. He cast a crucial vote in favor of opening what promises to be a freewheeling, hard-fought debate over the future of the Affordable Care Act.

The 51-50 vote to start debate, with Vice President Mike Pence breaking a tie, came only a week after the Republican effort to dismantle a pillar of former President Barack Obama’s legacy appeared all but doomed. It provided an initial win for President Trump, who pushed, cajoled and threatened senators in recent days to at least begin debating the repeal of the health care law.

But the victory could be fleeting: Senate Republicans still have no agreement on a repeal bill that they can ultimately pass to uproot the law that has provided health insurance to millions of Americans.

The Senate is now moving ahead with debate, amendments and ultimately a final vote in the coming days on legislation that would have a profound effect on the American health care system — roughly one-sixth of the United States’ economy. But it is entirely possible that by week’s end, they will have passed nothing.

This is still not over yet. 15 million people could still lose insurance under the GOP’s least ambitious plan.

And now for everybody’s favorite, Mr. John McCain:


Guess who voted for BCRA?

Oh, John McCain, who said about 6 hours earlier that he was opposed to the current bill.

Guess he came around…

At least Lindsey Graham is our barometer of integrity. (For now.)


Lindsey Graham voted no.


What a dick.


After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow…


…Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming…


…victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you