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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo — Page 161

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Hey you guys, I’m starting to think Trump might not actually be that bright.


Early Thursday, a federal judge in Maryland issued a second, narrower injunction against the measure — suspending only the portion that stopped the issuance of visas to citizens of six Muslim-majority countries. In that case, U.S. District Judge Theodore D. Chuang also pointed to statements by Trump and his advisers made that, in Chuang’s opinion, indicated the executive order was “the realization of the long-envisioned Muslim ban.”

“These statements, which include explicit, direct statements of President Trump’s animus toward Muslims and intention to impose a ban on Muslims entering the United States, present a convincing case that the First Executive Order was issued to accomplish, as nearly as possible, President Trump’s promised Muslim ban,” Chuang wrote.

At a rally in Nashville on Wednesday, Trump called the Hawaii court ruling “terrible” and asked a cheering crowd whether the ruling was “done by a judge for political reasons.” He said the administration would fight the case “as far as it needs to go,” including up to the Supreme Court, and rued that he had been persuaded to sign a “watered-down version” of his first travel ban.

“Let me tell you something, I think we ought to go back to the first one and go all the way,” Trump said. “The danger is clear, the law is clear, the need for my executive order is clear.”


“The danger is clear, the law is clear, the need for my executive order is clear.”

Is it though?

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While border guards will have more prisons to lock up unauthorized immigrants, rural communities will lose grants and loans to build water facilities and financing to keep their airports open. As charter schools are bolstered, after-school and summer programs will lose money. As law enforcement agents get more help to fight the opioid epidemic, lower-income Americans will have less access to home energy aid, job training programs and legal services.

Have fun, Trump voters.


I’m not sure how that follows. Trump was the most unpopular candidate in modern history and he still won.


Jeebus said:

Because this would’ve happened;


That’s just one state, and one issue.

At the end of the day, I don’t think anyone can say definitively one way or another. I was pretty certain before the general that Sanders wouldn’t stand much of a chance as a self-described socialist. I’ll admit now, seeing how the election became anything but the ordinary policy debating and more of an all out war on character, that Bernie certainly would have a better chance than I initially thought. But I still don’t think you can underestimate the “goddam commie socialist” factor that many would have expressed, regardless of his positions on trade, labor, and the like.


Also Bernie would have been less popular after he underwent months of general election attacks and scrutiny.



Explaining that she always makes sure to leave enough time in her busy schedule to give them the proper attention, Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway told reporters Thursday, in what is her most disturbing public statement to date, that she has four young children. “I have four little ones, 12-year-old twins and an 8- and 7-year-old,” said Conway, sending shockwaves through the nation with the deeply unsettling comment, which inspired more horror than any remarks she has made sugarcoating the grave impact the president’s policies will have on millions of Americans, delegitimizing the press, or fabricating entire terrorist attacks in order to vilify immigrant populations.


Neither of those make my statement any less true.


TV’s Frink said:

Neither of those make my statement any less true.

There’s a lot more to attack Hillary on. Sure, the “socialist” card would be thrown around, but the only people that would be convinced by that nonsense are the people that enthusiastically voted for Trump. But there’s a large amount of people that voted for Trump on economic policies alone, and it’s pretty likely that the majority of people in that category would’ve swung to Bernie.

Of course this is all speculation since we don’t live in the timeline where he got the nomination, but it’s not wild speculation, it’s all very grounded in reality and it’s based on things that we know or can reasonably assume.


TV’s Frink said:

Also Bernie would have been less popular after he underwent months of general election attacks and scrutiny.

I’ve been a big fan of Bernie since 1990 (that’s, uh, well, let’s not count the years, shall we?) and supported him in the primary, didn’t particularly like Clinton (voted for her anyway), and have to agree. The bar for congressional investigation is very low. Sanders was a Senator when Benghazi happened. What did he know? Why didn’t he do more to stop it? Did he give a secret order to stand down that there’s no record of? Yeah, that sounds ridiculous, but no more so than when those same questions were asked about Clinton. And Sanders used e-mail, therefore crooked Bernie. He’d have gotten the same treatment, and the press would have still gone easy on Trump, grading his whole candidacy on a curve. Maybe he would’ve stayed popular, maybe not. However, if popularity was any sort of measure of electoral success, Bernie may have been going through Senate approval for some executive branch agency right now.

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The truth is, ammo or not, Trump would not have gone any easier on Sanders. There really is no way of knowing for sure, there’s evidence on both sides. I could just as easily claim that if Sanders never ran Clinton would have beaten Trump, and I think there’s a good case for that.

I should reiterate that I voted for Sanders in the primary. But I don’t all the “WOULD’VE WON” shit gets us anywhere at all.


I think Trump would have beaten Bernie even worse than he beat Hillary. He was able to brand her “Lyin’ Hillary” and get it to stick, even though he without question told more lies than any other politician in history. Surely Trump could have easily gotten “Commie Bernie” to stick, despite Trump himself being the one in bed with the Communist superpowers. His simplistic bullying tactics proved extremely effective, and it will be a while before the rest of the national political landscape reaches his level of efficacious insolence.

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DominicCobb said:

But I don’t all the “WOULD’VE WON” shit gets us anywhere at all.

No, it doesn’t, but it’s fun to say “I told ya so.”


Jeebus said:

DominicCobb said:

But I don’t all the “WOULD’VE WON” shit gets us anywhere at all.

No, it doesn’t, but it’s fun to say “I told ya so.”

Except you aren’t necessarily right.

The people who voted for Trump and are now getting fucked over, those are the ones you can definitively tell “told you so.”


If he isn’t taking a sip from a flask to get through these briefings, I’d be amazed.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Unfortunately we’re stuck with both, I think.


He does remind me at times of someone I had the misfortune of knowing back in the 80’s. (Had not thought about them in ages until recently.) They lied as easily as one breathes air. The lying got so out of hand, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I finally said, “I don’t believe you”. They were shocked, flew into a rage, and never spoke to me again. I can’t imagine someone like that becoming a functional adult without some sort of treatment.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?