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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo — Page 126

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moviefreakedmind said:

He’s going to be a thorn in everyone’s side until they finally figure out what makes people like him lose momentum,

What do you think that is?


Leaving Breitbart will hurt his income, but I doubt he’ll lose any of his audience though.

The Person in Question


Warbler said:

moviefreakedmind said:

He’s going to be a thorn in everyone’s side until they finally figure out what makes people like him lose momentum,

What do you think that is?

Keep reading.

(granted the sentence construction was a tad confusing)


TV’s Frink said:

Well look at this.


Mr. Yiannopoulos’s downfall this week — a dizzying 24 hours in which he lost his speaking slot at the pre-eminent conservative conference, had a book deal canceled and, on Tuesday, resigned under pressure from his job as a senior editor at Breitbart News — was a sign that in today’s political culture, when each day seems to bring a fresh lowering of the bar for decency and civility, some limits still remain.

His glib remarks about pedophilia by Roman Catholic priests and his endorsement of sexual relations with boys as young as 13 drew widespread condemnation from many of the conservatives who had long stood by him, even as he offended so many others with his insulting remarks about Hispanics, African-Americans, Muslims and Jews.

Mr. Yiannopoulos, appearing in Lower Manhattan wearing a sober suit and red tie on Tuesday afternoon, uttered the words that he had refused to say so many times before: I’m sorry. “I don’t think I’ve been as sorry about anything in my whole life.”


Here’s a link to one of the podcasts in which Milo defended pedophilia.


I definitely think it’s worthwile to watch it for the whole context. Not the whole episode, mind you; the segment goes from about 57:55 to 1:06:45

I was particularly amused by the part where he said that school-age boys seduce older women and destroy their lives.


Can you summarize? I’d rather not spend 10 minutes watching anything Milo has to say.


I was cautiously curious about Milo, not sure what to think of him. I knew the protests he was getting from college kids was ridiculous and overblown, his appearance on Bill Maher’s show earlier this week proves that much (He begged for the entire panel to say “Fuck you”, pathetic attention seeker). But, although the protests make the left look bad, Milo makes the right look really bad. I don’t even think there are any good conservatives in the US anymore. They all died in the 90s.


I remember it, he’s saying that sometimes the child is the predator of the adult, which he claims was his case as a 13 year-old. I guess to be fair most of it is talking about his own situation but there are some disturbing implications.

The Person in Question


TV’s Frink said:

Can you summarize? I’d rather not spend 10 minutes watching anything Milo has to say.

That defeats the purpose of getting the full context 😛

I’ll summarize as best I can;

He said that in some cases the child is actually the predator, such as in cases where teachers have sex with their students. He says that the students prey on the teachers and the teachers end up having their lives ruined for having fallen in love with a student. He then says that in the case of him and the priest, he was the predator despite being 13.

He says that society gets so hung up on child abuse that it extends into policing of relationships between consenting adults, such as college students and professors.

One of the hosts says that consent is more black and white than it’s made out to be in cases like this; it’s probable that there are 13 year olds capable of giving consent, but at the same time there are 13 year olds who still think girls are icky. 18 is just a general parameter, it’s not that once someone turns 18 the world becomes clear to them and they suddenly understand sex, but an age has to be picked where we can say “okay, you can consent” because it’s a lot easier than looking at these cases individually and trying to determine whether the underage party could consent.

Milo agrees with age of consent laws and says that they’re probably around the right age. However, there are certainly people who are capable of consenting at a younger age, he considers himself to be one of them. He says that this particularly happens in the gay world, where it’s a coming of age experience for younger men, and that they’re nurtured and loved by older men. He says age of consent is arbitrary and destroys the complexeties and nuances of relationships, and this is his problem with “the left”.

One of the hosts says “that sounds like Catholic priest molestation to me,” to which Milo jokes about being thankful for being molested because otherwise he wouldn’t give such good head.

He says something about the difference between pedophilia and hebephilia.

The end.


Until recently, I had no idea who this Milo character was. When I finally saw a photo, I thought he was a bad Justin Bieber impersonator or something. Sad that the bar for “Uh oh! We better ditch this guy to save our own asses!” has sunk so low.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


moviefreakedmind said:

I remember it, he’s saying that sometimes the child is the predator of the adult,

Not really sure how that can be, considering that the overwhelming majority of time, adults are bigger and stronger than 13 year olds.


Jeebus said:

I was particularly amused by the part where he said that school-age boys seduce older women and destroy their lives.

I find this a bit difficult to believe.


Warbler said:

Jeebus said:

I was particularly amused by the part where he said that school-age boys seduce older women and destroy their lives.

I find this a bit difficult to believe.

Difficult to believe what he said or that he said it?


What he said. I have no problem believing that he said it, especially since it was recorded.


I guess you can be anti-woman and anti-Jew but being pro-pedophilia is where the right draws the line.


Here’s a nice story for a change.


A Muslim-led fundraiser to repair anti-Semitic vandalism at a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis blew past its initial fundraising goal on Tuesday.

The fundraiser, titled “Muslims Unite to Repair Jewish Cemetery,” had raised more than $40,000 from more than 1,400 donors as of around 10 p.m. on Tuesday night, pushing well past its $20,000 fundraising goal.

An update on the campaign’s website via Launch Good says the fundraising goal was reached in just three hours.

Vandals destroyed nearly 100 headstones at the Chesed Shel Emeth Society cemetery in St. Louis on Monday. The incident comes as a growing number of Jewish community centers across the country received a wave of bomb threats — 11 centers received threats on Monday alone, the JCC Association of North America reported.


Glad we can all agree that filth is a scumbag. Hopefully we can all go back to not paying any attention to his shit.



Liz Smith is being hailed by many as a legend, as she managed to troll Donald Trump from beyond the grave.

The death of the 87-year-old grandmother from Connecticut was announced in a touching newspaper obituary, which included a subtle dig at the new president.

It read: “She enjoyed travelling, especially to Yellowstone Park and heli-hiking in the Canadian Rockies, white water rafting on the New River in West Virginia and the Snake River in Idaho, Orient Express trip from Vienna to Paris, entire tour of Nova Scotia including Cape Breton.

“Liz is smiling now, not to be living during the Trump Presidency.”

As one Twitter user eloquently put it, “dead and still awesome”.


TV’s Frink said:

Here’s a nice story for a change.


A Muslim-led fundraiser to repair anti-Semitic vandalism at a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis blew past its initial fundraising goal on Tuesday.

The fundraiser, titled “Muslims Unite to Repair Jewish Cemetery,” had raised more than $40,000 from more than 1,400 donors as of around 10 p.m. on Tuesday night, pushing well past its $20,000 fundraising goal.

An update on the campaign’s website via Launch Good says the fundraising goal was reached in just three hours.

Vandals destroyed nearly 100 headstones at the Chesed Shel Emeth Society cemetery in St. Louis on Monday. The incident comes as a growing number of Jewish community centers across the country received a wave of bomb threats — 11 centers received threats on Monday alone, the JCC Association of North America reported.

huh? what? I thought all Muslims were terrorists that we had to ban from coming into the country?


Why would a cop giving high fives to kids upset kids of color. I suppose I could understand it upsetting those in the country illegally and those whom have had past negative interactions with cops. But people of color?


DominicCobb said:

moviefreakedmind said:

This is a better thread to talk about political correctness in, but here’s a great example of why I hate it:


You can’t just call everyone doing things you don’t like “political correctness.” Nothing about this has anything to do with political correctness, just stupid parents being annoying as often happens.

sure seems to be bit of political correctness to me.


DominicCobb said:

moviefreakedmind said:

This is a better thread to talk about political correctness in, but here’s a great example of why I hate it:


You can’t just call everyone doing things you don’t like “political correctness.” Nothing about this has anything to do with political correctness, just stupid parents being annoying as often happens.

I would argue that it does because they are telling this school and police department to stop doing this for the sake of the supposedly marginalized students. How does that not line up with the definition of political correctness, which I’ll include below so that we’re on the same page.

the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

EDIT: Just to be clear, even if a student is uncomfortable with seeing a police officer at their school (keep in mind that they don’t have to give him a high five), who cares? Why should a few students being scared mean that the cops aren’t allowed on school property? They need to learn that cops exist and that they shouldn’t just assume that all of them are evil and scary.

EDIT2: That’s the point I was getting at in the Star Trek thread by saying that political correctness assumes that all attitudes are worth being sensitive to. If cops giving children high fives to celebrate the weekend and show the students that they are there to help them makes people uncomfortable, then I don’t care and am not going to censor myself for the sake of people’s feelings regarding that issue.

The Person in Question