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Political compass: interesting test


Oh, yeah, you're shocked Sean, I know it.
I like these tests!

Fez: I am so excited about Star Whores.
Hyde: Fezzy, man, it's Star Wars.
Wow, I'm not sure I like the results very much. Seems I could be the next pope.
Fez: I am so excited about Star Whores.
Hyde: Fezzy, man, it's Star Wars.
Originally posted by: Arnie.d
Wow, I'm not sure I like the results very much. Seems I could be the next pope.

Well if that was true I could be the next Ghandi.
Originally posted by: sean wookie
Originally posted by: Arnie.d
Wow, I'm not sure I like the results very much. Seems I could be the next pope.

Well if that was true I could be the next Ghandi.

Yeah, I noticed. LOL.

I have to say there should have been an option "I couldn't care less" for every question. With a lot of question I felt forced to take a side while I really didn't care or didn't have an opinion.
Fez: I am so excited about Star Whores.
Hyde: Fezzy, man, it's Star Wars.
Damn Sean, I always suspected you were borderline communist, now I know there was no borderline for you, you're pretty much there!!

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison

Originally posted by: ferris209
Damn Sean, I always suspected you were borderline communist, now I know there was no borderline for you, you're pretty much there!!

Funny I don't even describe myself as a Socialist or Communist I'm more of a left leaning Libertarian. I would support a national health care system if it worked and was decent. My political self-description: I don't give a shit what you do just leave me and others alone and smoke up! Plus I believe software is over priced and you should pirate it.
Originally posted by: sean wookieOriginally posted by:
I believe software is over priced and you should pirate it.

I knew you'd say something eventually that I'd agree with.
Dead center of the right economic scale, and just above the center on the libertarian social scale.

That is not a half bad site. I didn't have much of a chance to look it over, but I read a few things and it seems very straight forward and unbiased (something way to hard to find these days). It gives some very good basics of what it means to hold certian social and economic viewspoints. It has a pretty heavty European slant to it, which lollygags it a bit for US politics, but also has the advantage of putting it all into a more universal perspective.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: C3PX.

That is not a half bad site. I didn't have much of a chance to look it over, but I read a few things and it seems very straight forward and unbiased (something way to hard to find these days). It gives some very good basics of what it means to hold certian social and economic viewspoints. It has a pretty heavty European slant to it, which lollygags it a bit for US politics, but also has the advantage of putting it all into a more universal perspective.

I really like that. Whenever people talk politics it always seems like theres such a USA-oriented perspective to things, so its nice to see somethat thats largely neutral in loyalties to everything including nationality, and I think it also puts US politics in perspective with the rest of the world by this comparison.
Originally posted by: ferris209
Originally posted by: sean wookieOriginally posted by:
I believe software is over priced and you should pirate it.

I knew you'd say something eventually that I'd agree with.

Yes because as we all know, all software is written by multimillionaires and doesn't take months or years to develop.

F Scale score - 3.3333333333333335

You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Pissing off Rob since August 2007.
Oh wow... I thought of making a chart pretty much exactly like this. I had no idea it was considered a legitimate spectrum.

Here's my results. Granted some of the questions I didn't have a strong opinion on and others I wasn't sure quite what they were asking. I think what put me slightly in the "Authoritarian" camp was mainly the fact that I'm opposed to abortion for reasons other than the mother's health. I tend to prefer that the government stay out of our business otherwise.


Originally posted by: lordjedi
Originally posted by: ferris209
Originally posted by: sean wookieOriginally posted by:
I believe software is over priced and you should pirate it.

I knew you'd say something eventually that I'd agree with.

Yes because as we all know, all software is written by multimillionaires and doesn't take months or years to develop.


Well it certainly doesn't bother the makers of open source software to give their stuff away for free. I ain't paying over $50 for any software. Usually you can find a better open source alternative.
So, go with open source rather than piracy.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: C3PX
So, go with open source rather than piracy.

I do most the time, but sometimes there isn't an open source equivalent for everything.

Originally posted by: sean wookie
Originally posted by: sean wookie
Originally posted by: C3PX
So, go with open source rather than piracy.

I do most the time, but sometimes there isn't an open source equivalent for everything.

50 Proprietary Programs We All Hate--and the OS Alternatives

That's a pretty useful list sean, thanks! Just goes to show you don't have to do illegal things to get free stuff.


A little bit back on topic, this is an interesting reference. According to this, Ferris and Hilary Clinton are extremely close.


"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Originally posted by: C3PX
A little bit back on topic, this is an interesting reference. According to this, Ferris and Hilary Clinton are extremely close.


Now I know that damn thing ain't right!!!
Originally posted by: ferris209
Originally posted by: C3PX
A little bit back on topic, this is an interesting reference. According to this, Ferris and Hilary Clinton are extremely close.


Now I know that damn thing ain't right!!!

I think ferris is closer to Obama/Edwards and lordjedi is close to Clinton.
I have to say, ferris, lordjedi and Darth Chaltab, you guys are much closer to the Democrats than you are to the Republicans. Pretty close to John Kerry also as far as I can see from the other graph.

Btw, does the "state-imposed collectivism" mean I'm a commie?
Fez: I am so excited about Star Whores.
Hyde: Fezzy, man, it's Star Wars.
I find tests like this to be stupid. The questions are based upon simplistic, contemporary stereotypes. Last time I went to that site I actually got (0,0).

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

Originally posted by: Tiptup
I find tests like this to be stupid. The questions are based upon simplistic, contemporary stereotypes. Last time I went to that site I actually got (0,0).

Sounds like someone didn't get a result he wanted. Seriously the test is just for fun.