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Please keep the debates civil (RE: personal attacks and forum moderation)

This is a passionate group--passionate about Star Wars and its preservation. Our opinions are strong and our arguments justified. The O-OT deserves representation on a high-quality format. Most members here believe that.

It stands to reason that when those with opposing views visit us and share their opinions, some heated discussions will result. For the most part, these discussions are intelligent and enlightening. It's always good to understand where an opposing viewpoint originates; it provides fresh perspective and lets us re-examine our own opinions.

Since the release of the trilogy box set, we've received an influx of new members and forum activity has increased noticeably. This is great.

However, there seem to be a lot of posts that criticize other posters rather than their opinions. I've done it myself. This is not so great.

One of the reasons this forum is successful is because of its light moderation. I don't believe in forum police. The traditional forum model stifles active discussions and prevents a natural community from developing; the moderators' own perceptions and prejudices artificially guide the direction of the forum. People should be allowed to work out their differences for themselves and come to an understanding on their own terms. Only when a very obvious troll presents himself should moderation become necessary.

I want things to stay this way. I've stopped posting at several forums because of heavy-handed moderation.

Before posting a personal attack, consider what you're saying. Is it furthering the cause and supporting our argument, or is it providing ammo to those who label this forum as a group of fanatic Lucas-bashers who spit bile at all those who disagree with them?

I think this is probably the smartest and most civil Star Wars forum there is, despite its misrepresentation on other sites.

Please think before you post. I'm not asking you to keep your mouths shut and stifle your thoughts. Just be a little more considerate in presenting your views. Give respect and you'll get respect.

Thanks for making this the best Star Wars forum online.
Forum Administrator


You have my support as well. The light moderation is what makes this place unique. I've been on forums where you pretty much have to type"in my opinion" in every post. I feel that this a an open and fair MB, and I hope it stays that way.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

Here's my pledge to be more considerate in my posts. I think that you make a great point, and we should all strive to keep this board intelligent and progressive.
"You don't own space, so stop actin' like you do."
I agree with what you've said about moderation Jay, and that this is an excellent SW forum - possibly the best. New people have been welcomed, and not labelled newbs, etc. I'm glad you don't appoint additional moderators, in my experience that always leads to corruption. I know it might be necessary when a forum reaches a certain size, but it never works great.

Originally posted by: Darth Justin
OK, I'll leave Jimbo alone.

Took the words right out of my mouth.
I just hate stupid people.


Petition signer # 34,865
Speaking of jimbo, Jay, you might want to read the intollerance he's been posting against R2 in the "Lack of PT humanity" thread. Not to be a whistle blower, but I find myself offended, and I'm not even gay and its not directed towards me in any way. It's just rude and harrassing and wrong. I think after all I've seen (and thats only been about 2 months worth), it just seems like jimbo has gone way too far. You need to have a word with this guy or send him packing.
What do you mean there's no ice? I gotta drink this coffee hot?!
Yeah, he has to have a chat w/ you, or at least a warning PM telling him that he is being watched.
I just hate stupid people.


Petition signer # 34,865
He's had one time-out session already. That was enough of a warning.

Hope you said your goodbyes, because jimbo won't be posting here anymore.
Forum Administrator


I'm not defending what Jimbo said in that heated discussion back then, man I was a part of it, but I did like his views and his love for AOTC.
I know it's not the best SW film, but I love Empire the same way..So I know where he's coming from...Sortof?!?

Anyway, I think a warning again would do, only because I want to know what he has to say about the upcoming Eppy3.

At the end of the day he's just a little twat who said some stupid things, but I think he deserves at least one more chance. If after that he's still an idiot with a small minded pathetic view, then sure ban him, and smack him right in the mouth the next time anyone has the misfortune to bump into him

Oh!! I've just seen how long ago the last post was.....I take it he's long gone now!!
Oh well!


Yeah, just a tad too late
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."