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I’m in.
Thanks all you sexy bastards!
How about this humidity?
I’m in.
I’m in.
Thanks! I have your username written down! Hopefully we get more people.
How about this humidity?
I’m in.
You can count me in
Yes count me in 100%
Got everyone written down! There also might be some extra goodies I can add into the project. Like some rare Planet of the Apes TV spots on 16mm film, including a weird black and white promo that I can’t seem to find anywhere on the internet.
How about this humidity?
count me in!
Count me in.
v down for this
How about this humidity?
$60 is honestly a great price for all that you’d be offering. Though I’m not particularly a fan of the Ape movies, if you end up one or two donors shy of your goal, count me in.
Interested is an understatement! I’m down for donating but will also PM you with other thoughts.
How about this humidity?
Count me in for these.
How about this humidity?
Count me in.
Still taking donations? I’m in if so.
Thats very cheap for 3 prints? where are u getting it done?
How about this humidity?
Count me in for $60.
How about this humidity?
How about this humidity?
IT’S OFFICIALLY A GO EVERYONE! Going to start messaging everybody. If I missed anyone, PM me.
I’m also interested. Count me in for $60!
Self love gonna save you everytime.
i will contribute as well 20 bucks?