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Petition for the Theatrical Cuts of the Original Star Wars Trilogy on Blu-ray — Page 5


Warbler said:

DarkGryphon,  the petition doesn't say anything about getting OOT released before those other movies.  It just talks about getting OOT released on Bluray.     Those other movies I pretty sure will get released without a petition(especially the Indiana Jones movies).   If you don't want to sign the petition and state your reasons for not doing so, that's fine.   But do you have to do it so rudely?   Take it from someone who is therapy and learning from past mistakes.   Being rude and angry gains you nothing in life.  

One final question:  if you care so little about Star Wars,  how come you've posted to a Star Wars forum over 250 times?    

Look where the majority of my posts are on this forum and look if they're in the actual Star Wars sections or not.


Jay, it's fucking ironic The Clone Wars CGI shit-fest is on Blu-ray first compared to the OOT, isn't it? I'm sure that's a slap in the face for persons such as yourself who in fact want Star Wars on Blu-ray. Actually, in fact the ONLY way I'll purchase Star Wars ever again if it's released in a way similar to the BLADE RUNNER 5-Disc Complete Collector's Edition on Blu-ray which has all versions of the film in the set. See? That'd be the only way I'd buy Star Wars on Blu-ray. Goes for all six films too, both theatrical with all variant sound mixes, versions, edition, revisions and etcetera applicable to said series. I know Labyrinth is already on Blu-ray and I'm planning to purchase it along with The Dark Crystal. No idea if you've even heard of Jim Henson's The Storyteller and Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Greek Myths.

Frink, I killed my "daddy", thank you kindly.:)

Star Wars just isn't in any of my active tiers of interest anymore. Thank you George Lucas for not prioritising any other properties you have over Star Wars. No thanks for the over-gamut of current shite for it.

Maybe I'll rent Mishima: A life in Pictures sometime from Netflix. Yeah, it's a LucasFilm Ltd. production. Criterion Collection released a 2-Disc set. Dare I even mention of wanting to watch Radioland Murders?


Wasn't WILLOW intended to be a prelude to a film trilogy but it underperformed at the box office? Then the proposed trilogy was made into a book trilogy. Yeah, fucking sure right!

Bring on Red Tails and other projects LusacFilm Ltd. has which are unrelated to Star Wars.


EDIT: Well yeah I am being an asshole and snarky cheeky bastard about this.


DarkGryphon2048 said:

Actually, in fact the ONLY way I'll purchase Star Wars ever again if it's released in a way similar to the BLADE RUNNER 5-Disc Complete Collector's Edition on Blu-ray which has all versions of the film in the set. See? That'd be the only way I'd buy Star Wars on Blu-ray. Goes for all six films too, both theatrical with all variant sound mixes, versions, edition, revisions and etcetera applicable to said series.

well then it sounds like you'd be for the petition,  so why not sign?   Its your choice,  and I don't care if you do or don't.   But refusing to sign while holding the position on Star Wars that you are holding, just doesn't seem to make sense.

DarkGryphon2048 said:

 I know Labyrinth is already on Blu-ray

then why post this?

DarkGryphon2048 said:

 Know what I would sign a petition for actually? To get Tucker: The Man and His Dream or even WILLOW onto Blu-ray first. What about Labyrinth?


DarkGryphon2048 said:

EDIT: Well yeah I am being an asshole and snarky cheeky bastard about this.

be what you wish.  But you ask me, it makes very little sense to be an a-hole. What good to you think it will do you?   It certainly won't help you get your points across.   It will of course get people mad at you and perhaps create hatred towards yourself.  But perhaps you don't care about that.    Maybe it will give you a little momentary humor.    But does that make it worth it?   It wouldn't to me.   I'd rather be nice to people and try to make friends.



Lucasfilm could very easily give us a three-disc blu-ray for each film of the original trilogy. Remember, the Blade Runner set was only five discs because they were putting it out on both blu-ray and hddvd.

It went:

Disc 1: hi-def presentation of the final cut

disc 2: standard dvd containing the Dangerous Days documentary

Disc 3: hi-def presentation of the theatrical, international and director's cuts of the film, all seamlessly branched onto the same disc.

disc 4: standard dvd containing various bonus material

Disc 5: hi-def presentation of the workprint.

The VC-1 encodes on the hi-def discs were identical for both hddvd and blu-ray, and they couldn't be more than 30gb since that's the limit for hddvd. So, on the blu-ray version, 20gb is completely wasted on the hi-def discs, 20gb that could've been used to house the 9gb standard dvd files.

Aside from deleted scenes (which they can and should present in full high definition), the blu-ray can use bd-live to give the fans access to plenty of extras without the need to even use up any disc space. That means they have all the space they need (50gb) to give the films' video and audio the fullest quality available on home video.

But guess what, we're not even asking for all that.

ALL we are asking for is the original version on blu-ray.

Just one measly 50gb disc for each film.

I'm not naive enough to think that we won't at least have to buy a two-disc set that has the 20xx version on the first and the doubleoriginal on the second, but still, can Lucasfilm not even give us a two-disc set?

They gave us two-disc dvd's, I say they can do it again for blu-ray.

Make it happen, George.


I'd what happened with the DVD to not happen again, actually.    You're recall he put the oot on there non-anamorphically and it was the unrestored laser disc version.    The OOT should be fully restored and look as good as the SE.   


Why of course, good sir. I'm simply saying that from a mass-production standpoint, if they could stamp out two-disc sets (each disc dual-layered), they can do the same thing with blu-ray.

I guess my main point is that there's no excuse for them not to do that. They can come to a reasonable msrp for the sku's if it's just a two-disc set.


I can see the point of wanting the Original Star Wars Trilogy on Blu Ray but whats wrong with DVD? Its now starting to look like an old format DVD is far superior than VHS ever was can't people just be satisfied the Star Wars Trilogy is on DVD which was the main purpose of this site in the first place. 


The laserdiscs are better than the GOUT...

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


I signed the petition.


I want the original Dolby stereo road show 70mm six-track magnetic originally restored to pristine condition and preserved on Bluray and DVD as it was exhibited to the lucky few that heard the true discrete version of the film back in 1977, 1980 and 1983.


I want that vintage Dolby taste in my hands.


Oh, and Fox please use DolbyTrue its just as good and keeps in the tradition of the Star Wars sound mix as these films were mixed in Dolby not dts.


Only the originals from the 70mm six-track Dolby stereo Dolby format 42 will sound better on DVD/Bluray.


Fang Zei

I don’t see why they should be able to hold all three! Most Bluray titles have 6 or 7 different language tracks.

Return of the Jedi (THX laserdisc and THX DVD) had some of the original dialogue panning re-mixed centred. It’s where the Princess meets the Ewok.

Left front pan -“Well looks like I’m stuck here? Trouble is I don’t know were here is?”

Also the opening where an imperial officer says

Left front pan -“Inform the commander that Lord Vader’s shuttle as arrived”

Centre front -“Sir” 

Laserdisc edition (1478-85)  

You really need matching fronts LCR for this to perform flawlessly, and trained ear as some pans are hard and others are half pans placed between or mixed onto (left and centre or centre and right). The discrete mix will be different ball game in DolbyTrue six-track. 

Also in Star Wars A New Hope

-“here they come” when the door opens up without hissing sound because its been lifted its not under own power, because Luke shot the controls!

In the laserdisc and special and DVD there’s a (hissing) sound. 


Only the originals from the 70mm six-track Dolby stereo Dolby format 42 will sound better on DVD/Bluray.


But would, say, a pre-1993 LD have the original mix, if the 1993 doesn't?

The 1993 I have.

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


I would say not its not the version I heard in the cinema 1983. Get the early laserdisc edition in fact all the early editions, plenty of them on fleabay.


Only the originals from the 70mm six-track Dolby stereo Dolby format 42 will sound better on DVD/Bluray.


I actually have the original 1986 pan n' scan vhs of Jedi (saw it on sale back in May of '05 at my local potomac video and absolutely had to have it). Which mix did they use for that one?

I wonder if I would be able to find the original vhs releases of Star Wars and Empire anywhere at this point.


I have flacs from the 1986 ROTJ VHS and an ESB VHS of comparable vintage, if it is of any use.  One of my IRC friends is a big OOT fan.

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


Jedi Temple34 said:


I signed the petition.


I want the original Dolby stereo road show 70mm six-track magnetic originally restored to pristine condition and preserved on Bluray and DVD as it was exhibited to the lucky few that heard the true discrete version of the film back in 1977, 1980 and 1983.


I want that vintage Dolby taste in my hands.


Oh, and Fox please use DolbyTrue its just as good and keeps in the tradition of the Star Wars sound mix as these films were mixed in Dolby not dts.


You would be correct with the exception that the special edition was released in 6 track dts and 70mm.

Which somehow was left off the laserdiscs of the 1997 version. they did not put out a seperate DTS discs.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


I suppose the catch-22 for many OOT fans if GL does release the OT on Blu-ray but doesn't include HD theatrical versions will be if he does include a lot of the archived deleted scenes and out-takes (as very few were seen on the 2004 DVD).

A lot of people have also been hoping that the original Making Of's will also be included...

What do you guys think? - Would genuine never-before-seen deleted scenes and other extras be enough to convince you to buy the Blu-Ray set without the OOT included?



Nope.  At this point, I don't know if even the OOT on Blu-ray would be enough to get me to buy the damned films again, but it would be the ONLY thing that would.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


To be honest, I would probably buy the SE just to see the films in high-def, as long as I had a good home theater set up. I don't, but I don't mind watching the SE if its going to be shown at its best.  Or maybe I'd just rent it to see if it looked cool. But I definitely would check it out, especially if it had new extras.


If it was just the current 2004 version of the movies in HD, then there's no way I'd get them. They look like a heavily made-up tranny anyway and all that extra stuff ends up on youtube. If it was a more classy special edition version, (like Blade Runner '07 or that third version of Close Encounters that attempted to strike a better balance between tacky revisionism and fine-tuning) I'd get 'em.


Baronlando said:

They look like a heavily made-up tranny anyway...

Just to clarify - that's bad, right?


The next release of the SE needs a Final Cut treatment anyway. There are still some unfixed effects errors in the '04 version like the transparency issues brought up in the People vs. GL thread. The most glaring effects error of all is the second time the Death Star II blows up a ship and all of the ships in the background roll with the camera.

Oh, and the deleted scenes are gonna be on the blu-ray no question. They were conspicuously absent on the '04 release and we now know that people at LFL are going through the material. So deleted scenes are a given. I still don't think that's gonna be enough for LFL to get the numbers they're looking for without throwing in a remastered OOT.


TV's Frink said:Just to clarify - that's bad, right?

It is since I quit drinkin'. (don't judge me)


Fang Zei said:

The next release of the SE needs a Final Cut treatment anyway. There are still some unfixed effects errors in the '04 version like the transparency issues brought up in the People vs. GL thread. The most glaring effects error of all is the second time the Death Star II blows up a ship and all of the ships in the background roll with the camera.

Oh, and the deleted scenes are gonna be on the blu-ray no question. They were conspicuously absent on the '04 release and we now know that people at LFL are going through the material. So deleted scenes are a given. I still don't think that's gonna be enough for LFL to get the numbers they're looking for without throwing in a remastered OOT.

You know what would be like rubbing salt into an open wound.  If the oot is not included but the deleted scenes are in better quality than the gout and in anamorphic.  I bet George would totally do that.  Even worse if they complete the deleted scenes with cgi.

The ting with red leader talking about Luke's jedi father who was not darth vader at the time, won't make it uncut.  It would prove that Lucas did not have vader as the father from the very beginning. It would dispell the great mythology of lies built up around darth vader in order to support the changes made in the prequels and special editions.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.