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I've signed the petition. Its good to see this site go back to its roots.
For those of you who haven't already noticed, we have a new petition online requesting a proper restoration of the OOT for the eventual Star Wars Blu-ray release. Please sign it when you get a chance and pass it on to others.
There also have been some design/layout changes. Do not post comments or issues regarding the design in this topic; they will be deleted. Please restrict such posts to the Forum Software and Web Site category.
I've signed the petition. Its good to see this site go back to its roots.
I'm pumped about the new petition!
Star Wars Revisited Wordpress
Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress
Just signed the new petiton. Very glad to have done so.
Is it just me, or does this remind anyone of Uncle Owen thinking of Ben as a damn fool idealistic crusader?
VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:
Thanks Jay. I signed it too. This is a good thing you are doing, man.
I don't know if I want to sign it. Once the OOT is released on Blu-ray, then no-one will buy the next edition, which could be Adywan's someday. I feel that if Adywan can turn ROTJ into a four-star movie like ANH and ESB, why wouldn't he look into him to help with an Ultimate edition?
Lets get realistic here, GL will not realease just the OOT on Blu-ray. Just because a hundred people on a website ask for it doesn't mean its going to happen. His Blu-Ray DVD will be an Ultimate edition with more changes to it. Hopefully he takes the easy way out and hires Adywan.
Ghost said:
I don't know if I want to sign it. Once the OOT is released on Blu-ray, then no-one will buy the next edition, which could be Adywan's someday. I feel that if Adywan can turn ROTJ into a four-star movie like ANH and ESB, why wouldn't he look into him to help with an Ultimate edition?
What does that mean? You think Lucas is going to get Adywan to help with the next release?
Do you remember Jack Rubio. He got hired by Lucasfilm for doing something with TPM. He still works for them and even has directed a Clone Wars episode. So history is hopefully with Ady.
? That's totally unrelated to any release of the original versions, though. Read the petition again. Multiple versions like Blade Runner and all that.
Good stuff Jay, and I really like the final wording you've come up with for this latest petition requesting a decent Blu-ray release for the OOT.
Whether GL decides to tinker even more with the colour/sound/'creative choices' of his 'Special Editions' for their Blu-ray debut or not, or even if he adds a couple more extra bells and whistles to them for their eventual '3D conversion' release....an anamorphic, cleaned-up release of the original, unenhanced theatrical versions is definately long-overdue.
Great news! I'm on my way to sign....
ImperialFighter said:
Good stuff Jay, and I really like the final wording you've come up with for this latest petition requesting a decent Blu-ray release for the OOT.
Whether GL decides to tinker even more with the colour/sound/'creative choices' of his 'Special Editions' for their Blu-ray debut or not, or even if he adds a couple more extra bells and whistles to them for their eventual '3D conversion' release....an anamorphic, cleaned-up release of the original, unenhanced theatrical versions is definately long-overdue.
There is no such thing as an anamorphic blu-ray and there would be really no point to do a whole new transfer and restoration and then just release it on DVD. I'm hoping for something akin to the Blade Runner and Close Encounter's releases, with all 3 cuts (plus the final cut or whatever) via seamless branching.
Yeah, I was meaning that as we didn't get a decent updated transfer of the OOT on an anamorphic DVD the first time around, that only a good Blu-ray of it is acceptable for any future release now.
I too would hope that if that does come about, that it will of course be included as part of a comprehensive package.
Ghost said:
I don't know if I want to sign it. Once the OOT is released on Blu-ray, then no-one will buy the next edition, which could be Adywan's someday. I feel that if Adywan can turn ROTJ into a four-star movie like ANH and ESB, why wouldn't he look into him to help with an Ultimate edition?
Lets get realistic here, GL will not realease just the OOT on Blu-ray. Just because a hundred people on a website ask for it doesn't mean its going to happen. His Blu-Ray DVD will be an Ultimate edition with more changes to it. Hopefully he takes the easy way out and hires Adywan.
Ghost, you are a sycophant. Why are you posting in threads about the theatrical cut, anyway. Take a hike, troll.
I love the idea of the petition. I at least feel like I'm doing something to get the theatrical version of the OOT in a quality release.
Just signed it, but I doubt we will achieve something
I am glad you made a new petition. I think we can really get a message across. If this petition fails, then Star Wars as I know it has died.
"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas
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Why are so many people being a bummer? I mean, isn't this the same site that might have gotten us the GOUT (for all that's worth)? The only thing we could do that would be better is convince Spielberg to convince Lucas to do the right thing! LOL
Star Wars Revisited Wordpress
Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress
ImperialFighter said:
even if he adds a couple more extra bells and whistles to them for their eventual '3D conversion' release
how can he make them into 3D. Don't movies have to be filmed that way? If I'm not mistaken, you film the movie with 2 cameras, one for each eye. That's how you get the 3D effect right?
how can he make them into 3D. Don't movies have to be filmed that way? If I'm not mistaken, you film the movie with 2 cameras, one for each eye. That's how you get the 3D effect right?
No, GL can go back and convert them, but it would cost alot of money. Apparently, the cost of converting a traditional 2-D movie into 3D is between $50,000 and $100,000 per minute.
Warbler said:
how can he make them into 3D. Don't movies have to be filmed that way? If I'm not mistaken, you film the movie with 2 cameras, one for each eye. That's how you get the 3D effect right?
That's just one way Warbler, but GL will be using some of the latest techniques that have been developed to turn 2D movies into 3D ones....
But this would be a better thread to catch up with the developments on that - http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/3D-STAR-WARS-for-the-masses-anytime-soon/topic/10070
That's me , ive just finished signing up.
I tried using Twitter to get a celebrity endorsement, but it hasn't worked yet. Simon Pegg would be a good candidate (@simonpegg), as he is pretty vocal about his anti-prequel/SE feelings. I also tried, Wil Wheaton (@wilw, whose 1.5 million followers could boost the numbers), The Digital Bits (@thedigitalbits, who is also anti-SE and used to be here, right?), Grant Imahara from Mythbusters (@grantimahara, he worked on the prequels but seems like he might want to preserve the originals), io9 (@io9) a sci-fi news site, and TrekMovie (@trekmovie).
I also emailed The Digital Bits directly.
Star Wars Revisited Wordpress
Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress
I've signed but in my comments section I've said that I'd want the same treatment for a DVD release because it's by no means a dead medium yet.
how about post a video on youtube asking GL to give us a poper release.
It could help.
looking for HDTV of the Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy
fffffff said:
how about post a video on youtube asking GL to give us a poper release.
It could help.
Star Wars Revisited Wordpress
Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress