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sean wookie said:

SilverWook said:

Or their account has been hacked...


You'd be shitting yourself if you think someone would hack an account from this site.

Happens to Psycho DAYV all the time.


CP3S said:

Dur, I've been having a hard time not reading your posts in Eeyore's voice lately.

Are you alright?

I haven't been alright in ten years, give-or-take.


Well, you know where the PM button is if you ever need someone to talk to.


In an amazing combination of two threads, I have decided that this one better fits here.


Don't worry about the video, but scroll down on the comments till you reach TheAmazingUncleSam.  Yes, that Sam, better known as Father Skywalker or Lord Tyrannus.  You will see that he is putting off a very different persona, and interestingly agrees with the OP!


Haha. Guess the little guy's still lurking around here. I'd assume he'd hacked Trooperman's account if not for the fact that some of Trooperman's other previous religious posts left me unsettled. But I'm an atheist.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Maybe Trooperman has always been nuts, and Sam and all his socks were a creation of his.

Googling "Pope Francis is Jesus Christ", and every link seems to have some connection to this place. TheAmazingUncleSam, Darth, and Trooperman.

Ender, how are you sure TheAmazingUncleSam is actually our annoying pet troll? If it actually is him, maybe he is just quoting Trooperman for kicks.

This whole thread is really weird.


He told Davnes his new YouTube account:


Yesterday I decided to just see what the guy was up to.  If you look at his picture in the YouTube feed...*goes to look for link, there it is, aw crap*...it looks like he changed his picture since I posted that this morning.  He definitely is still checking out the site, because it looked like the exact same kid holding the same cat as in the Troll Speculation Thread, just a different pose.


TV's Frink said:

Ok, what the hell?

Did no one see what I did there. :-(


Anyway, I like the idea of Trooper having made all those socks.  At least we'd know that poor Father Skywalker was a creation and not really that...um...how should I put it?


TV's Frink said:

TV's Frink said:

Ok, what the hell?

Did no one see what I did there. :-(


Anyway, I like the idea of Trooper having made all those socks.  At least we'd know that poor Father Skywalker was a creation and not really that...um...how should I put it?

Cyprus Hill's greatest hit?

Over Here.

- - By EricaE Date 2012-07-28 23:05 Edited 2012-07-28 23:09

Yes, I am a Christian, but hopefully as close to the 'original version' as possible. I know this sounds arrogant, but it isn't intended that way. I humbly hope that I become like those original Christians, but I am still 'work in process'. I'm sure Jesus would not be welcome in most 'Christian' churches today any more that he was welcome in synagogues of his day. As the Christian church became 'mainstream' and organized, it became corrupted and its original message so clouded and watered down as to be practically useless. I have little use for organized religion, as they are simply religious franchises.

My 'pope' is Jesus himself, and he is the one I will have to answer to in the end. I get into his heaven only if he recognizes me as his own. And that scares me! What will he see when he stares me in the eyes and looks into my soul? I'm not so worried about everyone else as I am about my own soul. This is very real to me as I get older and I'm not going to live forever ... and the fact that I could die anytime, any night while I sleep.

Accommodation allowed only a caricature of Christianity to survive. I fear true Christianity may be almost extinct. Maybe it still survives or even thrives 'underground' as it did during the early Roman Empire. Original Christianity under fire was true Christianity 'on fire'. It changed the world ... until it itself was changed ... You might say that it got watered down and the fire went out.

This is the most intriguing thing I've ever heard, I don't think I've heard of anything more insane.


That SW doc to end all docs is pretty close...


TV's Frink said:

That SW doc to end all docs is pretty close...

true  i'll give you that


Not online since march 22nd. Normally I wouldn't bat an eye as Trooperman disappears from time to time, but given this post I have to wonder if he might have taken his own warnings a little too seriously if you get my meaning.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


You wouldn't know real blasphemy if Darwin's rottweiler went up to you and bit you in your fundie rear, E.D.