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Out of Context Thread: New and Improved — Page 7


Earl said:

Long story short, I accidently kicked the thing.

It was so much fun that I kicked it again. And again and again and threw it into the wall.


moviefreakedmind said:

chyron8472 said:

moviefreakedmind said:

chyron8472 said:

Does a Let’s Play qualify as a web series?

My wife and I have been watching several Let’s Plays on Youtube by MasaeAnela. Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Tales of Symphonia so far I think.

watching someone else play a video game was considered a form of torture. 😉

Why is that? …Maybe if they have no idea what they’re doing.

But a Let’s Play’s enjoyment hinges more on the quality of the commentary than the skill of the gameplay.

red because I wanted to be the one playing it.