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Once upon a time on MySpleen (Now with OPEN REGISTRATION) — Page 6

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So how are those t-shirts coming along for that whole invite thing?


none said:


Posted by............: Rikter Blaksvn
Date Posted..........: 02-11-05
Tracker/Site.........: Myspleen.net

Thats a name i havent heard in a while.

Where the hell did Rikter go anyway?


Who cares LOL, he should have been banned with OCP and TH47 or whatever his screen name was here for selling work as well, because he got away with it for a very long time here and never got banned for it, I guess because he used the term "donation" which was a crock of shit, it was pretty high donation amounts for DVD's shipped, I am still kicking myself in the ass to this day for giving that shit a lot of money and friggin OCP! live and learn I guess.

*edit - I just want to apologize for sounding so harsh, but damn did I spend a lot of money between the 2 of them F**k HEADS.


dark_jedi wrote: *edit - I just want to apologize for sounding so harsh, but damn did I spend a lot of money between the 2 of them F**k HEADS.

Really, how much?  I traded with them both and did not go through what everyone else did.  But I was trading later once the no-sell policy went down and trrnting/absw started up.

Darth Solo wrote: Where the hell did Rikter go anyway?

M.I.A. around 2007 or so.  Part of the story: http://home.comcast.net/~blaksvn/Maddi.htm


^^Same experience.

I had no idea about Garett being TH- what ever. But i have both of their trade lists, and paid both of them "donations" in the past aswell.


Darth Solo said:

I had no idea about Garett being TH- what ever.

No one said that.


TH47 or whatever his username was, maybe it was TR47, is another seller that was on these boards for a long time before getting banned.


It sod all to do with me Dark Jedi if thats what has what has crossed your mind.

Frink, bugger off when i am being serious, in the more serious thread will you?


Darth Solo said:

It sod all to do with me Dark Jedi if thats what has what has crossed your mind.

Frink, bugger off when i am being serious, in the more serious thread will you?

Dude, I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.  dark_jedi couldn't remember the guy's name, nor could you, so I linked to his user profile.

I get tired of your incomprehensible posts anyway, so why don't you bugger off instead?


Graphic Design (non)Contest


(taken from Myspleen)

A lot of Star Wars fans on Myspleen (including myself) have been asking for a Star Wars category. After all there are as many Star Wars torrents (documentaries, spoofs, preservations, fanedits, etc) as there are MTV, Nick, or Comedy Central torrents. So after some discussion with the other staff, we have decided to create a Star Wars category.

The Problem:
We need a small Star Wars category picture that matches the theme of the rest of the site. Geophage created all the current category pics (awesome) but he is pretty busy with real life and other Myspleen stuff. So anyone who has the artistic ability is welcome and encouraged to create a Star Wars category pic and post them on this thread.

The Prize
Nothing. You'll have our thanks and have your picture chosen, but that's about it. :p  Maybe we'll give you a cool title or something, I don't know.

So post your pics and we can all vote on them...or something. I haven't thought that far ahead yet. Good luck and THANKS!! :D


If you want a Myspleen invite, just PM me and ask.



We finally got the Star Wars category up!

There are currently 121 Star Wars torrents but many of them are dead. I'm going to try to find as many of them as possible, but if anyone is able to reseed any dead torrents that would be great.

Also if anyone finds a torrent on Myspleen that should be included in the SW category let me know. I tried to add as many as I could but there may have been a few that slipped between the cracks. Thanks.

RSS should be working for people who want to keep up with new torrents. Let me know if any issues come up.

Sorry for triple posting, but I'm not sure how else to give updates without creating a new topic each time. If there is a better way that you guys prefer let me know.

If you want a Myspleen invite, just PM me and ask.



Triple posting is definitely preferable to a new topic every time. It's fine in your case; after all, you are the MySpleen Ambassador. It's good to know that the Star Wars category is up. Hopefully, some of those could be reactivated; I know I'd be interested in a reseed of Darth Editous's ANH edit...


There's a lot of torrents that are easy to find but can't be reseeded to 100% because it's missing an NFO file or something. If that's the case and no one can find the missing file then we might need to reupload some torrents.

Also if you guys find that you are the last seeder of a SW torrent, let me know and I will download it from you and seed so we can keep this collection going. I haven't seen as many of these as most of you so if anything it will just help me decide what to watch next.

If you want a Myspleen invite, just PM me and ask.



The Aluminum Falcon said:

Triple posting is definitely preferable to a new topic every time.



I know I'd be interested in a reseed of Darth Editous's ANH edit...

I hope you find one, but eh... even I don't have the encoded files any more.



Darth Editous said:


I know I'd be interested in a reseed of Darth Editous's ANH edit...

I hope you find one, but eh... even I don't have the encoded files any more.



It appears to still be available on fanedit.info.


TV's Frink said:

It appears to still be available on fanedit.info.

Unfortunately, the links posted on fanedit.info do no longer work. I was actually able to download the first VOB from a torrent but not the rest...


I've got one I can rip to my hard drive.  Is there a preferred way to upload this?


Sure I could do that.  I guess I'd need to dl that one first?  

And this is v.3, right?


If it would help some folks get it, let me at it.  Could you PM me a point in the right direction?