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Oil Storm

While politics are usually fodder for flame wars, I really feel the need to start this thread in the aftermath of Katrina. Jay & the mods, if you choose to lock this thread (especially if it gets out of control) I understand and respect that fully.

Did anybody see the movie Oil Storm that debuted on FX earlier this year? This movie was a fictional documentary that starts on Labor Day weekend 2005, after a category 4 hurricane wiped out the Gulf Coast, knocking out our main oil pipeline and halting oil imports into the US. The domino effect was a massive spike in gas and heating oil prices. That led to increased costs in trucking. That in turn led to exorbitant food bills, farming costs, etc. Within the year we enter a full on depression as a result of the hurricane. Saudi Arabia falls to a fundamentalist movement much like Iran did during the last oil crisis as a result of the Saudi family's pledge to get oil to the US on the cheap. The main Saudi pumping station is taken out by a terrorist-launched RPG, and we have to commit more troops to Saudi Arabia to secure the country while we're still fighting insurgents in Iraq. Back home, Farm Aid is cut. The lack of oil means machines cannot harvest and fertilizers cannot be produced. Heating oil supplies can't make it to the northeast in time for the winter and people are left freezing to death (literally) in their own homes during a massive cold snap in Boston. Russia agrees to supply us with oil, but then China underbids us and the tankers turn to another shore (this is another crisis we're facing in real-life if you've been reading the headlines for the past few weeks).

This film was spooky enough when it ran a few months back. But it was all I could think of all this past weekend. And now in the aftermath of Katrina, it is shaping up to be a true story.

Here's where I'm going to get on a political soapbox in the hopes of motivating you to think and act politically. If the Bush administration even looks at this movie, I fear they will dismiss it, in hopes of painting a rosy picture of the state of events, and so they don't have to admit how the administration's energy policies have failed to prepare ourselves for an oil crisis that is now about to smack us upside our gas-guzzling behinds. Detroit is still producing Hummers and Expeditions in spite of more fuel-efficient designs (even for our SUVs). We have not gotten serious about mass-producing alternate energy sources. We put a man on the moon in less than a decade, but we can't seem to mass produce a vehicle that is big and efficient at the same time.

Then I realized a very important point. Bush & Cheney have their private holdings very much tied up in oil and energy. When the price of crude goes up, so does their net worth ... measured in billions. There is a conflict of interest going on in the White House that is being ignored as the cost of energy gets dumped on the backs of the citizenry.

We need to discuss this issue, and PLEASE don't decend into name calling because you don't agree with my (or the opposition's) politics. This is a very real, very serious crisis unfolding before our very eyes.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
I always thought the US was stock piling oil imports so they would hope to be the only country holding the cards when the oil runs out in the middle east (about 20 to 25 years at the current rate)
$4 a gallon gas is coming according to this article.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
I posted an article in a thread about a month ago regarding a society called the Bilderburgs. The gist of it is that this society is really a secret group that are in cahoots to drive the world to a single socialist government using the UN and global economic bodies (WTO, IMF, World Bank) as it's main tools. In the article, there was discussion (keep in mind that the article was written about 6 months ago) that the world goes through 1 billion barrels of oil every 11 days. They then state that there hasn't been a find of an oil field greater than 500 million barrels in over 25 years. They say that taking into account the growth in China and India, that there is only enough oil for the next 20 years. The article also says that the concensus at this meeting was that hydrogen replacements for hydro-carbon fossil fuels is a fantasy. Further along they go into detail about how there would need to be an economic crisis of some sort, a recession or outright depression, to take money out of people's hands in order to find out what to do, and that $125 a barrel oil would not be out of the question, which could lead to $6-$10 a gallon gasoline.

Environmentalists who refuse to allow more refineries (there were 4 taken out from the storm) or drilling, and God forbid: more nuclear power need to take a back seat. Letting our dwindling supply of oil go down the drain while wistfully dreaming about wind power isn't going to cut it anymore. We need to get real about this in the short term and get the oil while the getting's good, while alternative research goes into high gear.
Nemo me impune lacessit

You mean "Wetlands". It sounds much nicer. Kind of like how "Rain Forest" has replaced "Jungle".
Nemo me impune lacessit


Originally posted by: PSYCHO_DAYV
Bush wants to tap the ANWAR oil fields of Alaska, but the militant environmentalists and the politicians in their pockets will not allow it.

The gas problem is not about the US having enough oil. Its about having too little capacity at our refineries. Why don't we upgrade/build more? Environmentalists don't want them "polluting".

Well, at least we can look forward to Bono organizing a benefit for us. I mean, look what Live 8 did for Africa...Sorry, I realize that was dripping with Sadonicism, but I'm in a bad mood.
Nemo me impune lacessit

Anybody on this forum have a Diesel car converted to WVO? That's got to be the coolest idea I've heard since Mr. Fusion.

Edit: WVO is "Waste Vegetable Oil" for the uninitiated, and basically you can run your diesel engine on the slop you get from the back of the Waffle House. No joke. A good article about it is here. Again, this isn't a joke.

If my car was a diesel I'd get my conversion kit tomorrow.

Edit 2: Here too.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Yeah, I've heard of it. It works, but your engine sounds even worse that it did when it was a diesel. I'll take my new car that gets 46mpg, thanks.

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

*sigh* solving this problems too difficult for me. I have no idea what can be done. I guess the world is doomed.

Originally posted by: ADigitalMan
Anybody on this forum have a Diesel car converted to WVO? That's got to be the coolest idea I've heard since Mr. Fusion.

Edit: WVO is "Waste Vegetable Oil" for the uninitiated, and basically you can run your diesel engine on the slop you get from the back of the Waffle House. No joke. A good article about it is here. Again, this isn't a joke.

If my car was a diesel I'd get my conversion kit tomorrow.

Edit 2: Here too.

I have seen/smelled these before, smells just like french fries. Pretty cool idea!
ADigitalMan, I totally agree with you on everything you said. And as for $4 a gallon gas coming soon to the USA, well, I live in England and gas is currently priced at about 91 pence a litre (roughly $1.75). There are 4 litres in a gallon, so over here we are basically paying $7 a gallon over here! Thank God my car is small and fuel efficient!!

This problem is not even hard to solve - the technology is there, it's the will of the government and, sadly, joe public, that is lacking.

However, I disagree with Jedisage's environmentalist bashing - we are totally fucking up this planet and one day, in your lifetime, you will wish we hadn't.

War does not make one great.


Originally posted by: Yoda Is Your Father
ADigitalMan, I totally agree with you on everything you said. And as for $4 a gallon gas coming soon to the USA, well, I live in England and gas is currently priced at about 91 pence a litre (roughly $1.75). There are 4 litres in a gallon, so over here we are basically paying $7 a gallon over here! Thank God my car is small and fuel efficient!!

This problem is not even hard to solve - the technology is there, it's the will of the government and, sadly, joe public, that is lacking.

However, I disagree with Jedisage's environmentalist bashing - we are totally fucking up this planet and one day, in your lifetime, you will wish we hadn't.

I'm not saying we're not screwing up the planet. My point is that in the short term we have to work with what we have and not waste time on empty promises.

Nemo me impune lacessit

In that case I agree. Empty promises are a huge part of the problem. I really can't fathom why we are not all driving around in electric cars that function just as well, if not better, than their petrol equivalents. I mean, this is 2005 for God's sake.

Of course, electricity still needs to be generated, more often than not by fossil fuels, so maybe that wouldn't solve the problem...

Did you know that Howard Hughes actually developed and manufactured a car that could travel from L.A to San Francisco on a single tank of water? in the 1940s!! He scrapped it when he realised that any collison would cause the driver to be scalded by boiling water, but my point is there are alternatives and I am sick of listening to rubbish from dickheads in government (and the misled public who follow).

Surely developing and manufacturing a feasible alternative, on home soil, would be a huge boost for the economy?

I guess in a way Jedisage is right - it is tiresome listening to environmentalists preaching but nothing ever really getting done, although maybe if everybody put their heads TOGETHER, and laid ulterior motives aside, something would get done. But I suspect we have more chance of seeing pigs fly.

P.S Live 8 did exactly what it intended to do - it raised awareness in people who might not otherwise give a damn by dumbing down politics. Sadly that is what the world has come to - tell a man about poverty, he will not care, take a man to a rock concert, suddenly he's waving his hands in the air shouting 'MAKE POVERTY HISTORY!'. By the way, I was at the London show. It was very good.

War does not make one great.


Originally posted by: Yoda Is Your Father
In that case I agree. Empty promises are a huge part of the problem. I really can't fathom why we are not all driving around in electric cars that function just as well, if not better, than their petrol equivalents. I mean, this is 2005 for God's sake.

Of course, electricity still needs to be generated, more often than not by fossil fuels, so maybe that wouldn't solve the problem...

Did you know that Howard Hughes actually developed and manufactured a car that could travel from L.A to San Francisco on a single tank of water? in the 1940s!! He scrapped it when he realised that any collison would cause the driver to be scalded by boiling water, but my point is there are alternatives and I am sick of listening to rubbish from dickheads in government (and the misled public who follow).

Surely developing and manufacturing a feasible alternative, on home soil, would be a huge boost for the economy?

I guess in a way Jedisage is right - it is tiresome listening to environmentalists preaching but nothing ever really getting done, although maybe if everybody put their heads TOGETHER, and laid ulterior motives aside, something would get done. But I suspect we have more chance of seeing pigs fly.

P.S Live 8 did exactly what it intended to do - it raised awareness in people who might not otherwise give a damn by dumbing down politics. Sadly that is what the world has come to - tell a man about poverty, he will not care, take a man to a rock concert, suddenly he's waving his hands in the air shouting 'MAKE POVERTY HISTORY!'. By the way, I was at the London show. It was very good.

I'm all for conservation, and doing what we can. Absolutely. In terms of alternatives, we're not just talking about cars. We're talking about the entire hydro-carbon infrastructure of the planet. We can't just snap our fingers and switch. Homes and businesses need oil for heat, gas and jet fuel to ship their goods. It's going to take a massive effort by the whole world, including China, India, and the rest of the "developing" countries. It will also mean opening the flood gates of what we've got to ease the pain.

Concerts, Live 8, etc: I don't begrudge them because they raise awareness. But there's a big difference between making a meaningful impact, and making a feel-good gesture. Shouting "Make poverty history!" at a concert, any concert, isn't going to solve anything, and the people performing at them might be doing it for the wrong reasons (ie: Publicity).

I truly hope that an alternative can be found and implemented....quickly. Or it's going to be ugly in about 15 years.
Nemo me impune lacessit

In yesterday's newspaper (England) - fears of gas prices passing £1 A LITRE!! (Current price is between 91 and 92 pence.

War does not make one great.


Originally posted by: Yoda Is Your Father
In yesterday's newspaper (England) - fears of gas prices passing £1 A LITRE!! (Current price is between 91 and 92 pence.

Very frightening. This is probably the most frightening time I can remember, except for maybe September 11th.

Nemo me impune lacessit

If anyone's interested: This guy is blogging/streaming from a building in New Orleans. He and his fellow employees are trying to keep a data center alive for their hosting company.

Nemo me impune lacessit

You never know what can happen under people like George W. Bush and Dick "Haliburton" Cheney.

This situation in the US has proved one major point: in times of poverty, the US is no different than any third world country. People act the same, in going nuts and looting, killing. It's all the same throughout all the world. Only now it has hit a group of people not used to these things. Time for a wakeup call!

I mean, I heard a few days ago of a man shooting and killing a woman over some gas for his car!!!!!!!!!