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Octorox miscellaneous projects/tweaks of other edits


So I wanted to make a thread for projects I’ve completed that are just tweaks/custom versions of other people’s edits and not really significant projects that warrant their own threads.

Please PM me if you are interested in any of these projects.

Star Wars Episode V Revisited “Canon Friendly” audio mix:

What I’ve done here is simply taken the official Star Wars Episode V Revisited audio track from Adywan and spliced in a few bits of audio from Hal9000’s Custom Special Edition using crossfades in Premiere Pro. The changes are as follows:

  • Altered Ben Kenobi’s description of Yoda from “The Jedi Master who instructed me” to “A Jedi Master who instructed me” for better continuity with the prequels.
  • Used the 2011 BluRay audio track to use Temeura Morrison’s voice for Boba Fett’s four lines, and replaced some of his dialogue using close paraphrases from two video game sources in order to get superior line deliveries.

Hopefully the splicing of different sources is seamless. I’ve listened through headphones and tweaked the levels to match but I completely admit to not being a huge audiophile. All credit goes to Adywan and Hal for their wonderful edits. This project is provided as an ac3 file to be muxed into Adywan’s edit.

Bobson Dugnutt’s Revenge of the Sith Expanded Edition - sync fix:

Bobson made a great expanded edition of Revenge of the Sith that was built off my extended edition, but unfortunately I noticed two instances in his edit where the audio seemed to be out of sync with the video. I don’t think that Bobson plans to return to this edit, so I went ahead and fixed these issues to the best of my ability for my own viewing pleasure. I did have to shave off a few frames to make it work but I used losslesscut to avoid having to re-encode the video track. This is a great edit for those who want to see every bit of finished deleted material re-incorporated in the film. I still have my own extended edition available as well, but Bobson’s includes more content.

Star Wars Episode IV Revisited 1080p upscale

This one should be obsolete pretty soon. I took the highest quality available version of Adywan’s Episode IV Revisited (PAL DVD9 video synced to NTSC audio) and made a simple 1080p upscale in Topaz Video Enhance AI. Personally I don’t know that this is particularly useful but people have asked me for it so I’ve made it available all the same.


Are these still available? I PM but haven’t heard back.

Just a lover of STAR WARS EU.


Sorry! I just sent you a response, check your PMs.


I’d love the Episode V canon audio file and the upscale of Episode IV when you have a moment. Thanks!


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Thanks for testing that, Ady. I’ve added a different take which I think sounds better. I’ve tried putting the unmodified line in a rough test, and I definitely see what you mean, it’s missing that robotic quality despite it sounding like JEJ:


As you’ve made clear enough, you don’t feel it necessary to change this. The only reason I’m posting about it again is because I’m sure this will go in an alternative audio track project made by Octorox (or somebody else) at some point. What will likely end up happening is just replacing “Obi-Wan” with “Your mother” in the audio track to minimize any noticeable loss of that robotic quality between the sentences themselves . But all posts I make about this topic from now on will go in Octo’s miscellaneous projects thread, instead.

Reposting this here.

Is anybody familiar with the voice filter that they applied to JEJ’s voice for Return of the Jedi? The voice line sounds just like him but without the filter. I actually encountered this same issue with my C-3PO voice clone, where I had to apply the Threepio voice delay effect (I learned how to do this online) in order to get him to sound like a robot and how he usually does. Alternatively, like I said, we could just replace “Obi-Wan” with “Your mother” and splice the new line with the original dialogue in a manner similar to Hal’s work in Ascendant with Kylo Ren. Although I’m sure that approach could be improved even further with the aforementioned voice modulation effect.

One other thing I have a question about is related to Hal’s custom special edition of ROTJ. What did he end up using for Boba’s grunts and “What the…?” line. I’m assuming it was Tem, so that’s why I ask. I’d love to see a test of this because I seem to recall something like this existing at some point.


Thank you for fixing Bobsuns RotS audio! I really like his edit, but had to stop halfway through and switch to yours due to the audio issues. But also… am I crazy or is there a difference in the way the video is displayed on his, its not exactly the same as yours?? All I know is, when I played the video file through the VLC app on my TV, the visual quality of yours seemed way higher than his. Like, there seemed to be some kind of stretching and image being cut off on his, whereas yours had the proper aspect ratio. As well, on yours the image just seemed sharper/clearer and the colors punchier.

I really enjoyed watching his in a chronological watchthrough with TCW (EddieDeans TCWR), because the episode before RotS ends with mentioning Palpatine AND Shaakti going missing, so him including Shaaktis death at the start of the film right there just worked really well.
(Your edit was great also btw, my wife and I really enjoyed it, was her first time seeing RotS)

If you can send me a link to your new Bobsun RotS edit I would greatly appreciate it!
And the Adywan 1080p upscale, if you dont mind. Thank you!


In case you ever decide to make a new audio mix for A New Hope: Revisited HD, and if Adywan doesn’t make these changes:

I know these are examples of “Early Installment Weirdness,” but do you think you could make it so that Luke doesn’t call the R5 Astromech droid that blew up an “R2 Unit,” or use the term “robots” later on?


Both of those you can draw up to Luke simply being an inexperienced and sheltered young man - referring to things by either the wrong designation or a slang title. But if I ever get access to a cleaned center channel of Luke speaking around those scenes I suppose I could take a look at it.


I personally would like it if in addition to those two changes made for the “Canon Friendly” audio mix of TESB:R, that the John Williams version of the 20th Century Fox fanfare also be played at the start. Especially since all of the Prequels also use the Williams version.

What about the rest of you?


Would you happen to still have these?