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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Refocused [RELEASED]



Hey all! If you’re like me, you were dissatisfied with the Kenobi show as a whole, but really enjoyed some of the moments from the series. So, I set out to make a more cohesive and canon-friendly edit of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

V1 RELEASED (I WILL FIX LOW QUALITY RENDER FOR V2) (comment or PM me for link)


Final runtime is 2:25:53

Major Changes:

  • Reva is no longer a Padawan who survived Order 66, just an Inquisitor fed up with her superiors
  • Obi-Wan knows Anakin/Darth Vader is alive, he just hasn’t seen him in person
  • Qui-Gon talks to Obi-Wan throughout but doesn’t manifest himself until the end
  • Fortress Inquisitorius Leia’s rescue is cut completely

Minor Changes:

  • Trimmed Leia chase scenes
  • Cut every reference to Nari and him finding Obi-Wan on Tatooine
  • Toned down Reva and Inquisitors
  • Etc.

Episode Breakdowns:

Episode I:

  • Cut Prequel Recap
  • Order 66 Opening is replaced by Kenobi going to watch over Luke > Title card > Inquisitor entrance
  • Trim Grand Inquisitor Talk at saloon (Implication is Obi-Wan at one point helped this man out)
  • Cut Nari references in saloon
  • Cut Jawa scene (might edit part of this back in later)
  • Add Vader breathing in Kenobi nightmare
  • Add Qui-Gon voice after nightmare
  • Cut Nari finding Kenobi at night
  • Change Leia’s intro to her running in the forest
  • Cut inquisitors taking to crowd and Reva interrogating Owen
  • Cut Fifth Brother scolding Reva
  • Cut the Organa reception and Leia/Cousin interaction (V2 Change)
  • Trim Leia chase scene
  • Cut Nari hanging scene
  • Cut kidnappers breaking LOLA
  • Cut Kenobi digging up the Lightsabers (He has them in his Hut in case he needs to protect Luke)

Episode II:

  • Add Qui-Gon voice on Daiyu
  • Cut spice dealer (V2 Change)
  • Trim Haja intro
  • Cut Kenobi being captured by the kidnappers
  • Trim Grand Inquisitor and Reva talk
  • Trim Leia chase
  • Cut all of Reva Parkour
  • ReEdit Leia falling and Kenobi catching her (V2 Change)
  • Cut Hada and Reva interaction
  • Cut Reva knowing Anakin is Vader and revealing it to Kenobi

Episode III:

  • Cut parts of Reva voice in Kenobi meditation
  • Trim Reva talk with Vader
  • Add Kenobi’s nightmare audio in Anakin hallucination
  • Trim Reva talk at Inquisitorius
  • Add Qui-Gon voice before Vader arrives
  • Cut Reva finding The Path
  • Trim
  • Add Vader remembering duel on Mustafar when looking at fire
  • Cut Reva catching Leia

Episode IV:

  • Cut everything except arrival on Jabiim and bacta scene

Episode V:

  • Cut Reva talking about tracker
  • Cut ship returning to Jabiim
  • Cut Evil LOLA
  • Ani/Obi training edited together (from source)
  • Cut Reva yelling “Fire” and “Light them up” to the troopers
  • Cut every reference of Leia in the vents (V2 Change)
  • Cut Bail Organa message to Kenobi (V2 Change)
  • Trim Tala and Kenobi talk after Bail contacts Kenobi
  • Heavily trim Kenobi and Reva talk through the blast door
  • Cut Kenobi talking to Reva after surrendering
  • Cut Kenobi getting taken back inside after surrendering to Reva
  • Cut Anakin/Vader parallels as she loses to Vader
  • Reva dies at the hands of Vader
  • Cut Reva finding Bail message and Luke ending

Episode VI:

  • Cut everything with Reva
  • Cut Roken persuading Kenobi to stay both times (V2 Change)
  • Add Qui-Gon voice before Kenobi goes to face Vader
  • Add Qui-Gon voice when Kenobi is buried
  • Rearrange ending: Kenobi leaves Vader > Kenobi goes to see Leia > Vader and Emperor scene > rest is same


  • Numerical Joker/Mecha Salesman’s Obi-Wan Kenobi - The Feature Cut Edition
  • Qui-Gon’s voice bits from Clone Wars show

Hope you enjoy! Comments and suggestions welcome!


Love the idea of more Qui Gon.

Doing Star Wars crawl? I know some want this and others don’t, I def do.


revel911 said:

Love the idea of more Qui Gon.

Doing Star Wars crawl? I know some want this and others don’t, I def do.

I opted to not have a crawl since it’s not an official Episodic Star Wars Movie


This sounds pretty cool! I’d like to check it out if possible!


Hi! Can I have link? Thanks


Sounds cool! How did you solve the logic gap of Vader/Reva finding them on Jabim without the tracker?


SpenceEdit said:

Sounds cool! How did you solve the logic gap of Vader/Reva finding them on Jabim without the tracker?

Honestly for my edit I never explicitly explained that, but Mapuzo was an imperial occupied world so it doesn’t make sense for a ship to be able to escape undetected. The implication being the ship was spotted/followed with the potential destinations pinpointed, this was reported to Reva, and she was invited to Vader’s ship to give him the news. That might be a bit of a leap without the tracker in LOLA but for me it made sense.


Could you send me the link please ?


Any chance I could get a link? Thanks!


Could you send me the link please? I would be very grateful


Interesting that you’re adding Qui-Gon to the final Ben/Vader duel. Is he going to say something like “he is the Chosen One,” as a way of giving an in-universe reason of why doesn’t Ben just kill Obi-Wan?


Darth Raditz said:

Interesting that you’re adding Qui-Gon to the final Ben/Vader duel. Is he going to say something like “he is the Chosen One,” as a way of giving an in-universe reason of why doesn’t Ben just kill Obi-Wan?

So every clip of Qui-Gon audio I used was from the clone wars tv show and I thought about something revolving around Anakin being the chosen one to keep Vader alive, but decided against it. What I ended up doing was using the audio from the scene where Yoda is talking to Jinn on Dagobah as light particles and he says “follow the light, the light will be your guide.” In the context of my Kenobi edit, this is when Kenobi is buried and gets the flashes of Luke and Leia.


so i watched it last night. a few notes/opinions. i don’t want to seem critical, but i’ll mostly give you my nitpicks. and i’ll try to manage a few suggestions, such as they are.
the quality is not great on my download. a good bit of digital grain. i don’t expect or want (because of the file size) 4k quality, but there were parts that were too rough.
just after the six minute mark the lips don’t seem to match at the line “his compassion leaves a trail.” it’s noticeable enough that it’s distracting.
You did pretty well cutting the Leia chase scene. though i’ve seen an edit where Leia didn’t get a chance to run, and as she was talking to Flea she had a bag slipped over her head, and i liked it better. because that stubby limbed girl would’ve been caught in 2 seconds even if she was 50 feet away.
and the second Leia chase scene, unfortunately needed to happen so that Kenobi could “reconnect” with the force. but it was edited well.
Nari was pretty pointless, so i think that’s probably a good cut.
I really liked the cutting of the stupid bickering between the inquisitors, and it was done well.
cutting out Reva mysteriously being at the end of the tunnel without passing Leia needed to be done. how did that make it past the editing room? it’s frustrating. just venting a little, i know you cut it out because you cut out the whole side trip to Fortress Inquisitorius, which by the way was the right choice, even though i did like parts of it.
of course, Vader still just LETS Kenobi get away, but i don’t know how one would edit that little piece of stupidity away.
maybe Reva waiting to stab the Grand Inquisitor while he was distracted should have been left in. idk. it’s not a great scene with or without.
Vader remembering the duel on Mustafar while looking at the fire, hmm. i’m not sure what it says, and so i don’t know if i like it or not. i’m curious what your intention was? what was Vader feeling? to me, the only way that Vader letting Kenobi get away makes ANY kind of sense to me is that he was so disappointed in him, and that killing him would have been a hollow victory. That he wanted to duel him at his best. (and I emphasize “any sense” because that’s still a flimsy excuse.)
i personally really don’t like the imperial march theme during the flashback duel, but if you’re going to do it, I would definitely turn the volume down. the de-aging was well done and helps a lot. the obvious age difference in the original took me out of the scene.
cutting out the flashbacks of Reva getting stabbed in the gut as a youngling was good. BUT. every instance of her motivations are cut. so if this is the version of Kenobi we got, we would all be confused as to why she did what she did (at least i would be). and an edit should stand alone in my opinion.
I don’t think I like the Qui Gon voiceovers, though. i like the idea well enough, but i dont know if there’s a good way to edit it to look right. for instance, the time Kenobi talks to Qui-Gon early on (sorry i don’t remember the timestamp) and when Qui-Gon actually replies Kenobi is still looking at the floor, looking dejected even though they are communing.
the cut at about 1:22:40 is too sudden. maybe you could have her still find the hiding space after it’s already too late? i’m not sure if that would fit, just a thought…
i support cutting out any mention of Reva after being stabbed through the gut, thus leaving it open to interpretation that she probably died. because she should have. i say that not because i hate her character (she grew on me a little), but it makes much more sense. especially in the original, because it’s made clear that Vader knows that she knows that he is/was Anakin. in the other media Vader kills anyone who knows who he is, so it’s good that you cut anything that told us that Vader knew that she knew.
but i would cut out the “we’ll leave you in the gutter” line. it serves no purpose. maybe even the “revenge does wonders for the will to live” line. it makes it seem like they know she is going to survive, and they just let her live for no reason.
speaking of Grand Inquisitor lines, in his first scene in the saloon i don’t like the line where he says “so he steps in and saves your saloon.” it feels to me like he’s just advertising the fact that they are the bad guys.
i think the last thing i will mention is that i’m a sucker for all the trappings of Star Wars. so, if it were me, i would add an opening crawl, and probably even the classic Star Wars side wipe transitions. i guess the issue here is that there is no text at the beginning, so i suppose you would have to make your own. I saw you addressed this already in the comments, but just putting my two cents in. I prefer all of my SW edits to have an opening crawl, episodic series or no.
all in all a solid edit. good ideas, and good execution. I hope it doesn’t seem like i’m being too critical, I just thought it might be more constructive to point out the areas where I thought it could be better. There’s a lot to love here.