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OT.com = TFN? — Page 3

They even deleted all your posts?!! What complete and total cowards they are.

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

Originally posted by: Tiptup
They even deleted all your posts?!! What complete and total cowards they are.

You can say that again. They didn’t do that to me and it would’ve served their purposes to do so.

I think most of the former TFN posters here have a similar story. I was banned for using the term apologist. A dozen gushers ganged up on me for several pages, they personally attacked me numerous times and then when a moderator finally did step in I was banned for inferring that some PT fans act like Lucas Apologists. Let me repeat that; I was Perma-banned for INFERING that some fans defend Lucas to any end. The people that called me an idiot and a liar were untouched. I watched them continue to defile my name for four days from the moment I was banned until I realized by “3 day ban” was permanent.

I could’ve continued posting on tfn using one of my socks, but I decided I was done after that exchange. I realized that there was nothing close to a level playing field at tfn for those critical of Lucas. A few months later that thinking was confirmed when the “Lost 20” were banned. I don’t know every member of the Lost 20, but the few I am familiar with were not Bashers. They, like me, were critical of the direction the films since ESB. Apparently at tfn you can bash the OT all you want, but if you discuss the SE or the PT you must be positive. If you verily look at those films with a critical eye and post comments to that extent it is only a matter of time until they ban you. Some child will get upset with your comments; they’ll inform one of their “I’m still waiting for my balls to drop” moderators, call a council of the pre-pubescent mods and ban you.

I don’t think there is any real danger of these forums taking that direction because the mods don’t construe criticism of George as a personal attack. Most of the posters on these forums are more mature in their thinking. Even the users here that haven’t finished puberty are wise enough to act like they have. That leads to the real reason this place is different than tfn; in these forums it is perfectly acceptable to, “agree to disagree.”

"Look, going good against bashers/gushers is one thing. Going good against the living? That's something else."
- Darth-Adroit

“I also thought George could be turned back to the good side. It couldn't be done. He is more CGI now than story. Twisted and evil.”
- Darth-Adroit
In the grand scheme of things, a message board is just a message board and of no importance. Still, behaviour like what has been described in this thread and the "Basher's Sanctuary" thread really makes me sick. It also makes me extremely curious as to what the people who act like that must be thinking to rationalize their behavior. Obviously they must think that what they're doing is "right," but how can they possibly think that?

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Originally posted by: Darth-Adroit
I was banned for using the term apologist.

You're kidding, right? I can't think of anyone who'd be offended by that word. It just means someone who justifies or defends an idea through argument. That website sounds really sad.

Originally posted by: Gaffer Tape
In the grand scheme of things, a message board is just a message board and of no importance. Still, behaviour like what has been described in this thread and the "Basher's Sanctuary" thread really makes me sick. It also makes me extremely curious as to what the people who act like that must be thinking to rationalize their behavior. Obviously they must think that what they're doing is "right," but how can they possibly think that?

Exactly. A poorly-run message board only hurts the people who use it. Anyone of intelligence, no matter their viewpoint on subjects should not support such childish and paranoid behavior from one side or another. The poor little deranged fools.

Unfortunately, as I said earlier, I lose some hope for mankind.

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

Originally posted by: Nanner Split
Actually, I really do hate the PT, and it has nothing to do with the internet.Well, maybe not HATE, but strong dislike.I just think they were sloppily made movies with very little thought about actually tying together the movies they were supposed to be explaining. George had to alter the OT in order for them to fit with the PT, and in that respect, I think the ultimate purpose of the PT has failed.

darn right. Padme's death was the last nail in the coffin- it shows that his original vison for star wars was the $#!+ that became the prequels and SE-it's a blatent plot hole which I;m sure he will butcher the OT yet again to correct.