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OFFICIAL: Library of Congress had original prints replaced with 1997 SE — Page 6


TV's Frink said:

This whole "if we didn't have SW we'd have something else just as good" idea is like saying "I wish I never met my ex-wife even though she gave me two great kids I love dearly, because I could have just met another woman that would have given me two different kids that would have been just as great."

In other words, it's a really stupid idea.

Agreed. But! This whole discussion makes me want to watch Back to the Future (and that certainly isn't a bad thing). In fact it also makes me feel like picking up that Delorean and bring the original prints... well... back to the future! :D


So apparently, according to this Brian Kidd fellow at HTF, the LoC *DOES* have two prints of the original version of SW in storage. No mention of whether those two prints are the copyright depository prints, or two entirely different ones...


Its the copyright ones.

Fun fact: apparently, they were moved to storage and their status was changed to protected in order to save them because of savestarwars.com. The people at LoC are SW fans and are trying to do their best with what they have to work with, it seems.


You have to give Lucas credit for sticking to his guns amidst all the demand from SW fans, critics, and even the NFR/LoC. That man has conviction.

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


georgec said:

You have to give Lucas credit for sticking to his guns amidst all the demand from SW fans, critics, and even the NFR/LoC. That man has conviction.

That man is nuts...


zombie84 said:

Its the copyright ones.

Fun fact: apparently, they were moved to storage and their status was changed to protected in order to save them because of savestarwars.com. The people at LoC are SW fans and are trying to do their best with what they have to work with, it seems.

That is great news indeed, glad that your efforts have made some impact. I assume they protected ESB and ROTJ too? (Even though ESB is apparently extremely faded...)


I think they themselves were stunned to find out that they couldn't work with/preserve at least some version of the OOT. At least now they're in the protected section.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


Back to the Future (and that certainly isn't a bad thing). In fact it also makes me feel like picking up that Delorean and bring the original prints... well... back to the future! :D

There would be a danger there though.

George Lucas could pack up his CGI computers and HD camera, steal the Time Machine, and give the CGI computers  and HD camera  to his Younger self to use in 1977.


I am surprised this really has been a surprise to people. Where have they been since 1995?

Even the gout has been recalled and the 2004 dvd's.  Lucas wants the 2011 blu ray version to be the only version available.  We got the gout only because of marketing and Jim Ward.

Yet he wanted to give an unfinished version the 1997 to the LOC?

And Spike Tv still shows the 2004 in HD and SD.

So much for a definitive final version.  I doubt the blu ray is that either as the 3-D release be coming as well.  He is far from being done destroying star wars.

As long as people are dumb enough to buy into it the 3-D release will happen as will Indiana Jones V.  I am boycotting now and in the future all Lucasfilm products.

I saw the deleted scenes so i did not buy the blu ray, the only way Luca$ willl get another dollar of my money is a restored oot.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


georgec said:

You have to give Lucas credit for sticking to his guns amidst all the demand from SW fans, critics, and even the NFR/LoC. That man has conviction.

Except that in this case, there's no clear line between "conviction" and "megalomania." And personally, I've never found megalomania particularly creditworthy.

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


TServo2049 said:

zombie84 said:

Its the copyright ones.

Fun fact: apparently, they were moved to storage and their status was changed to protected in order to save them because of savestarwars.com. The people at LoC are SW fans and are trying to do their best with what they have to work with, it seems.

That is great news indeed, glad that your efforts have made some impact. I assume they protected ESB and ROTJ too? (Even though ESB is apparently extremely faded...)

ESB was changed to protected & ROTJ is on a shelf waiting for a new condition report before being moved & elevated to protected status.


At first I was worried when I read page 1 of this thread, but after reading page 6, I'm glad there's 2 prints of Star Wars 77 still there with LoC. They want ot preserve the 1997 SE, that's fine, but NEVER replace the original '77 version with it. It's and outrage and an insult.


Is it possible that lucasfilm is not lying and that all existing prints, IP's and IN's are all in poor shape?

That the so called restoration in the 1990's was anything but, we also got the o-negs recut to the 1997 version.  An outrage.


So if no new restoration is undertaken at this time these films could be lost forever.  I don't care that Lucas seems to think a 1080P scan from 2004 is the new master digital negative. 

Other studios can restore classic films at an 8K resolution.

If Warners can do it and MGM can why not Lucasfilm?

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Akwat Kbrana said:

georgec said:

You have to give Lucas credit for sticking to his guns amidst all the demand from SW fans, critics, and even the NFR/LoC. That man has conviction.

Except that in this case, there's no clear line between "conviction" and "megalomania." And personally, I've never found megalomania particularly creditworthy.

Sadly, megalomania has been running human society since the egyptians...


zombie wrote: Fun fact: apparently, they were moved to storage and their status was changed to protected in order to save them because of savestarwars.com.

Only you are privy to all the behind the scenes conversations, but generally the LoC has been improving their facilities and much of the material they preserve is getting a new home in the last few years.  For instance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Audio-Visual_Conservation_Center

The National Audiovisual Conservation Center, also known as the Packard Campus for Audio-Visual Conservation, is the Library of Congress's new audiovisual archive located inside Mount Pony in Culpeper, Virginia.  (opened fall 2008)


The underground vaults (some set to temperatures below freezing) contain nearly 90 miles (140 km) of shelving, not including 124 nitrate film vaults:[6] the largest nitrate film storage complex in the Western hemisphere.

(lots of good links to articles about the facilities and what they accomplish in the links part of the wiki entry)


This should go over well with this crowd, even if it's almost 20 years old:


"Preservation Without Access is Pointless"

Statement by

The Committee For Film Preservation and Public Access


The National Film Preservation Board of the Library of Congress
Los Angeles, California
February 12, 1993


We believe that all films have historical significance and should be preserved, and we support the use of Federal funds for this effort. However, we also believe that with the use of public funds comes the responsibility to make the films available to the public. Upon expiration of copyright, those films whose preservation, cataloguing or storage has been supported in any way by public funds must become available without restriction.


Here's a nice list of film/media preservation links: http://www.hollywoodvaults.com/resources/#resources2



I'm going to keep posting these links until someone reads them:

Library of Congress Copyright Deposit records for all the Star Wars films.

(tells you what they have, when they were procured and other relevant things)

1977 - Star Wars

1980 - Empire Strikes Back

1983 - Return of the Jedi

1997 - Star Wars A New Hope Special Edition

1997 - Empire Strikes Back Special Edition

1997 - Return of the Jedi Special Edition

1999 - The Phantom Menace


2002 - Attack of the Clones

2005 - Revenge of the Sith


Ransom for the OUT?

We contact the copyright owner of one of George Lucas’s favorite old movies.

Preferably a 20th Sentry fox B&W movie.

Then colorize it and figure out what George Lucas likes about it and changed all that with CGI.

Call back all prints of the old version. Have a showing of the new version. Than call George Lucas and tell him that your going to destroy all the old prints of his favorite old movie if he dose not restore the OUT.


DuracellEnergizer said:

^The Sumerians get no respect.

There is no Dana, only Zuul.


zombie84 said:

Its the copyright ones.

Fun fact: apparently, they were moved to storage and their status was changed to protected in order to save them because of savestarwars.com. The people at LoC are SW fans and are trying to do their best with what they have to work with, it seems.

Well done Zombie!

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


theprequelsrule said:

zombie84 said:

Its the copyright ones.

Fun fact: apparently, they were moved to storage and their status was changed to protected in order to save them because of savestarwars.com. The people at LoC are SW fans and are trying to do their best with what they have to work with, it seems.

Well done Zombie!

I honestly believe Michael Kaminski will eventually be the catalyst who gets the originals properly released. 

Forum Moderator

Has anyone considered talking to the Academy? I mean, Star Wars won a significant number of awards, I'm sure they couldn't put pressure on Lucas, but if they pushed Fox some, maybe combined they could do some good.

They even have their own archive.


Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


That sounds like a good idea, especially because in the case of Oscars, the argument about it being the same basic films is totally moot, since many of the altered things were exactly the parts that won the Oscars.


Star Wars:

Won Academy Award for Best Art Direction
Won Academy Award for Best Costume Design
Won Academy Award for Best Film Editing*
Won Academy Award for Best Visual Effects*
Won Academy Award for Best Original Score
Won Academy Award for Best Sound*
Won Special Achievement Award for Sound Effects Editing*
Nominated for Academy Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Alec Guinness)
Nominated for Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay (George Lucas)*
Nominated for Academy Award for Best Director (George Lucas)*
Nominated for Academy Award for Best Picture*

The Empire Strikes Back:

Won Special Achievement Award for Visual Effects*
Nominated for Academy Award for Best Music, Original Score+
Nominated for Academy Award for Best Art Direction - Set Decoration

Return of the Jedi:

Won Special Achievement Award for Visual Effects*
Nominated for Academy Award for Best Art Direction/Set Decoration
Nominated for Academy Award for Best Sound Effects Editing*
Nominated for Academy Award for Best Music, Original Score+
Nominated for Academy Award for Best Sound*

*Not available in this release.
+Mostly there

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


The Great to be Nominated series featured the 2004 special edition a number of years ago. This proves in my mind that the Academy has no interest in preserving the movie... or at least lacks the influence to make a difference.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em