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"Normal" people trying to sound like they are SW experts — Page 5


Handman said:

I think most of the people on this site don’t really fit in with the current Star Wars fanbase as a whole. A lot of them go into EU stuff and I can’t even have a discussion without prequel nonsense being brought up. It’s hard.

Same, that’s why whenever I discuss Star Wars it’s just a basic discussion of the OT, without really getting much farther than “Oh yeah, those are good; I love the Empire Strikes Back,” but most that are only nominally familiar with the franchise barely mention the PT.

The Person in Question


mapet318 said:

I’m not in-the-know. What’s wrong with wookieepedia?

Personally, I find Wookieepedia flawed when it comes to distinguishing pre-PT continuity from post-PT continuity and original authorial intent from later retcons.

So, if you’re just a casual fan just wanting basic info on any given SW topic, Wookieepedia’s a good resource. If you’re more interested in, say, figuring out how the early EU envisioned the Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire, however, you’ll have to get your hands dirty and seek out the various old novels and sourcebooks for that kind of information.


Handman said:

I think most of the people on this site don’t really fit in with the current Star Wars fanbase as a whole. A lot of them go into EU stuff and I can’t even have a discussion without prequel nonsense being brought up. It’s hard.

So, we’re all just a couple of misfits?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Can we get AdamWanKenobi back in here to settle the Wookieepedia debate?

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I thought he was banned for pedophilia a long time ago.


Really? I have no clue who he was, I just saw a post of his and checked his profile and saw that he had posted over 5000 times in less than a year.

EDIT: I looked through some old threads and pieced together how depraved he was. No need to give such wickedness any further attention.

The Person in Question


Didn’t he come back and be all like “F*ck all of ya!”?

Not enough people read the EU.