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New DVDs NOT 16x9 — Page 7

I have to admit that was a pretty good burn, but you still irritate me.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Can anyone say THREADCRAP?

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
Originally posted by: eros
Blah, Blah anamorphic, blah, blah....

Carry on watching your LD caps instead of buying LFL's releases then....

Yeah right, I say bullshit. 99% of the people whining in here will be like excited little 8 year olds on 12th Sep running down the store the night before to be first in the queue.

just because LucASS has you by your balls doesnt mean the same is true for us...
now go watch your shitty letterboxed versions on your CRT and get out of here...

Lucas hasn't got me by the balls, I haven't got one official SW's dvd release in my collection so that argument is dead straightaway. The only version I possess on DVD is the Editdroid LD caps. And as for getting out of here I am entitled to voice my opinion on this board as much as anyone else. Just because my stance isn't the same as yours doesn't mean you have the right to silence me. What is your name George W or something?
Yeah, is this guy from the official fan club or something? I say this because I visited the official forums and there is so much hate for the OOT! Does everyone there go down on Lucas? I guess the the money shot is the SE trilogy that some people prefer. To me the OOT is all that Star Wars ever was, the prequels are just expensive tv-made movies, made by Lucasfilm and Fox. I'm pretty sure JediRandy would love to go down on that fat fuck. I am 19, I grew with the SE, but they were shit, as are the coming dvds. Thats my rant.
Originally posted by: Krycek87
Yeah, is this guy from the official fan club or something? I say this because I visited the official forums and there is so much hate for the OOT! Does everyone there go down on Lucas? I guess the the money shot is the SE trilogy that some people prefer. To me the OOT is all that Star Wars ever was, the prequels are just expensive tv-made movies, made by Lucasfilm and Fox. I'm pretty sure JediRandy would love to go down on that fat fuck. I am 19, I grew with the SE, but they were shit, as are the coming dvds. Thats my rant.

I'm pretty sure that was the dumbest fanboy rant in a while. You're representing the OOT fans so well.

Good job!
"Among many things I have to be thankful for are you, the fans. I know that some of you haven't liked every single thing that I've done with the saga, and that you have a strong sense of ownership over all things Star Wars. But take that passion and devotion and channel it into a creative project of your own."
-George Lucas
Poor Randy, just don't get enough attention, do you?

Leave him alone, guys. He's not worth your time.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
I'm not sure what you wish to accomplish here, aside from "stirring up trouble."

Why hasn't Zion banned this guy yet?

For what? Not agreeing with you?

Meanwhile, people are telling me to give BJ's to George Lucas, but that's fine because he like the OOT better than the SE.
"Among many things I have to be thankful for are you, the fans. I know that some of you haven't liked every single thing that I've done with the saga, and that you have a strong sense of ownership over all things Star Wars. But take that passion and devotion and channel it into a creative project of your own."
-George Lucas
Originally posted by: JediRandy
Originally posted by: Hal 9000
I'm not sure what you wish to accomplish here, aside from "stirring up trouble."

Why hasn't Zion banned this guy yet?

For what? Not agreeing with you?

Meanwhile, people are telling me to give BJ's to George Lucas, but that's fine because he like the OOT better than the SE.

Must have hit him pretty close to the Mark to get him all riled up like that.

Seriously dude, what is your deal?
"For what? Not agreeing with you?"

Disagreement is fine. Trolling is not. Case in point: "I came here to stir shit up... mission accomplished."

Even esteemed members of our own community have been banned for such behavior, and you are no exception.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

To try get slightly back on topic here, check this out.


The above link contains this excerpt, which I haven't seen before in other online reports:

"On Dec. 31, the original movies will be returned to the Lucasfilm Archives."

Is it just me, but why in the world would a company take the effort to mention this, unless their intent was ONLY purely aimed at using scare tactics to persuade people to "buy, buy, buy".

As an employee of a global billion dollar company, I can say I've seen some pretty evil marketting campaigns by Sales staff, but Lucasfilm is taking first prize with this one.

Originally posted by: RATLSNAKE
To try get slightly back on topic here, check this out.


The above link contains this excerpt, which I haven't seen before in other online reports:

"On Dec. 31, the original movies will be returned to the Lucasfilm Archives."

Is it just me, but why in the world would a company take the effort to mention this, unless their intent was ONLY purely aimed at using scare tactics to persuade people to "buy, buy, buy".

As an employee of a global billion dollar company, I can say I've seen some pretty evil marketting campaigns by Sales staff, but Lucasfilm is taking first prize with this one.


Yeah, its like when Disney says "such and such movie for a limited time--buy it now before it goes back to the Disney vault."

In either case its very easy to obtain a copy regardless of the year--they are re-released every five years or so, and in the last two years between them when copies are scarce in stores you can always get used copies off Ebay and such.
Don't worry, guys. He's gone.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Don't worry. He won't be responding. You can delete your post.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

Originally posted by: seventiesfilmnut
no anamorphic (again IFFFFF true!) is just unforgiveable being as they did it on the film clips in Empire of Dreams and other clips throughout that disc

As someone who has had almost no real-life experience with 16x9 and all that jazz (this is an excellent guide, though!), I was just wondering if the entire EOD disc is anamorphic, or if just parts of it are. If the whole thing isn't, how does one tell that it isn't? I know the resolution for regular widescreen is different, but...? Maybe I'm not phrasing it right, but I'm sure you'll know what I'm getting at, at least.

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Has anyone attempted to call and leave a voicemail, rather than sending something in the mail? And if so, do you know Jim Ward's extension? I kinda purposely wanted to do it after business hours because I don't want to wind up actually talking to the dude, because I'd probably just mutter something about a wrong number and hang up.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

Here is another interesting read concerning the possible restauration of the OOT. This time, famous film restauration expert Robert A. Harris voices his opinion:

Originally posted by: ricarleite
GL: Shut up! Now... SINCE you guys want it like it was released in 1970s... And since my home TV back then was a 15 inches monoraul faded NTSC low res TV set with a manual selector and a penguin on top, I am releasing the DVDs on letterbox, non anamorphic.

That was one hilarious post, but the sad thing is that I actually believe Lucas would make an argument like that.

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

Originally posted by: Darth Richard
Hmmm the Star Wars San Deigo Society is gonna be and locel pizza place in 2 day maybe I should go and ask them questions. But I'm not a member so I don't know lol

I know people in the Society, I can ask them.
There's good in the Original Trilogy, and it's worth fighting for.
"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."
Hey everyone

I was SO exited when I heard the news, and SO dissapointed when I heard the BAD news about the non anamorphic transfer.

Im also gonna write Mr. Ward a nice letter, but I was wondering if we should try to do this another way. Like say that we would really like anamorphic transfers, but if they wont do them, they shouldnt bother releasing them anyway. Like a "thanks, but no thanks" Make them know that we are very dissapointed if they wont give us anamorphic, and they can just save their money and spent it on charity instead...that way someone will benefit from it in some way.

Just a thought I had
Honestly, we need to take this to the media.

Major newspapers in USA, UK, Australia, and Europe. Like collect what evidence exists, and send it to them, as a "fans from all over the world unite in an up roar" type of story. "Defenders of historical art" etc etc

An email to some of the major tabloids might be enough to spark something off. Get the media involved and embarass Lucasfilm and Fox to the point they have to release an official statement, at which point the media will eat it up and be on our side. But it would have to be done cleverly and professionally.