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Nice work on the instructions solkap, and for keeping the set going! Hope those that have downloaded it are enjoying them 😃
I absolutely will if possible. The first step will be my having access to them. I don’t have access to to myspleen or any other bit torrent trackers. The only reason I was able to re-post them was that various members here who do have access to myspleen were kind enough put up temporary mega links for me to download.
But provided NJVC updates his projects with the new files, and provided others help me out again when 3.0 versions come out, I’ll definitely update my links as well.
The NJVC Custom Bluray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions is available on Mega.
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Nice work on the instructions solkap, and for keeping the set going! Hope those that have downloaded it are enjoying them 😃
Just want to add additional thanks to solkap and the other benefactor for the BD25’s.
Nice work on the instructions solkap, and for keeping the set going! Hope those that have downloaded it are enjoying them 😃
Very much, thank you for creating them!
just completed complining the 50GB iso for the first movie, and got a file size of 46.3GB. is this correct? can someone list the iso file sizes for all the 50/25 disks?
just completed complining the 50GB iso for the first movie, and got a file size of 46.3GB. is this correct? can someone list the iso file sizes for all the 50/25 disks?
All of the folders have file hashes provided, I recommend verifying them since about 5% of my rars failed the check on the first download. Also keep in mind BD50/BD25 are advertised in GB not GiB.
But these are the file sizes after unpacking verified rars:
Star Wars Despecialized 2.7 BD50.iso
46.3 GB (49,773,346,816 bytes)
Star Wars Documentaries.iso
23.1 GB (24,829,231,104 bytes)
The Empre Strikes Back Despecialized 2.0 BD50.iso
46.2 GB (49,627,856,896 bytes)
The Empire Strikes Back - Documentaries BD25.iso
21.7 GB (23,392,223,232 bytes)
Return of the Jedi Despecialized BD50.iso
46.4 GB (49,923,424,256 bytes)
ROTJ & SW Trilogy Documentaries BD50.iso
46.1 GB (49,578,377,216 bytes)
Welcome to the forum!
Yes, that is correct.
When talking about the ISOs, I find it easier to refer to them as 50 or 25 gigabyte versions, but that is a bit of a misnomer.
It is the blank discs that have those amounts as absolute maximum capacities and the ISOs are designed to fit them.
You wouldn’t really want to actually try to fit 50 or 25 gigabytes onto those discs anyway. Doing so would be like filling a drinking glass all the way to the brim. In actual use, neither practice would go very well.
The NJVC Custom Bluray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions is available on Mega.
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just completed complining the 50GB iso for the first movie, and got a file size of 46.3GB. is this correct? can someone list the iso file sizes for all the 50/25 disks?
All of the folders have file hashes provided,
never tried a checksum before, did it and got the error “Expected no more than 2 args, received 6
CertUtil: Too many arguments”
just completed complining the 50GB iso for the first movie, and got a file size of 46.3GB. is this correct? can someone list the iso file sizes for all the 50/25 disks?
All of the folders have file hashes provided,
never tried a checksum before, did it and got the error “Expected no more than 2 args, received 6
CertUtil: Too many arguments”
I use Linux based tools to verify, but there are windows based options.
According to the header, the MD5 files were created with http://www.big-o-software.com/products/hksfv/
It looks like it offers a nice right-click menu integration to verify files.
never tried a checksum before, did it and got the error “Expected no more than 2 args, received 6
CertUtil: Too many arguments”
LTD, what checksum utility are you trying to use?
Also, I could get checksums for the ISOs generated for you to verify against the ones to your downloads if you like, but it would take awhile because of the size of the files makes hashing them a very slow process. Would that be helpful?
The NJVC Custom Bluray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions is available on Mega.
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I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am following your step by step instructions I am on step 5. However when I click on the “BD-R 25 only rars” it takes me to a blank page. Nothing happens the url section say “about:blank.” can you help me out? what am I doing wrong? why am I sent to a blank page when clicking on the “BD-R 25 only rars” link. I don’t get a “Whoops! There was a problem with the preview.” or a request to put in a password.
I tried this in Chrome and Internet Explorer with the same issues.
The NJVC Custom Bluray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions is available on Mega.
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I have downloaded the movie only versions of all three movies and have successfully burned Star Wars and Return of the Jedi, but struggle to burn Empire. Any ideas for why that might be? Thanks in advance!
Hi O16,
I’d need more details about what the struggle is to help.
What are the steps in which something goes wrong for you? And when it goes wrong, can you be more specific about what happens?
The NJVC Custom Bluray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions is available on Mega.
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Hi solkap,
I’m having a problem downloading one of the ROTJ 25GB RAR parts (NJVC.ROTJ.Despecialized.2.5.BD25.part02 .rar) on Mega. A message pops up on that file alone saying “Temporary error, retrying.” The other files are downloading fine except for that one. Any idea what’s going on?
Thanks in advance!
UPDATE 10-1-18 7:15am Mountain: Part036 in the ROTJ Despecialized 50GB folder is not downloading either. Same error.
“You don’t suck because these people say you suck. You suck because Stone Cold said so, and that’s the bottom line!”
Here’s a screenshot of the error.
“You don’t suck because these people say you suck. You suck because Stone Cold said so, and that’s the bottom line!”
Nekrokhrist PM’ed. O16, any luck with burning ESB?
The NJVC Custom Bluray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions is available on Mega.
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Can somebody please help me? The Link for the Star Wars Documentaries.part20 wont download. I have been trying for 3 days. The others 25BD links are perfect.
Sorry for my english i’m Brazilian. Thanks in advance!!!
Here’s a screenshot of the error.
Can you please help me?? I´ve been trying for 3 days download Star Wars Documentaries.part20 and it wont download. Can you please reupload or help me another way? Thanks.
Hello yurioberg09,
Sometimes certain mega links behave strangely with FreeRapid Downloader.
Try downloading just that link through your browser, and save it to the same folder as the rest of your files.
The NJVC Custom Bluray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions is available on Mega.
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Hello yurioberg09,
Sometimes certain mega links behave strangely with FreeRapid Downloader.
Try downloading just that link through your browser, and save it to the same folder as the rest of your files.
Thanks for the info man but this file won’t download by any means possible (browser, freerapid, etc.)
I still think you may be running into data caps. I’ve checked the file and it’s working on my end.
Take a look at this screenshot I took on Wednesday December 5 at 1:42 pm Central Standard Time.
(Note the link is redacted so as to avoid posting a direct link on the main thread, but I’m assuming you already have the correct necessary url.)
You can also check it yourself, if you wish, by using http://urlchecker.org/.
Have you tried waiting a few days in between attempts to make sure that your data allotment has ample time to refresh? Or using a flash drive to manually download just that file from another computer, say a friend’s, or one at a college or public library lab?
The NJVC Custom Bluray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions is available on Mega.
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@Solkap - is there a way to get the file --> Star Wars Documentaries.part30.rar
Mega says since one Week temp off …
you can get from me your missing part 20 …
Greetz Sandy2503
Double Post - please delete …
^ Sandy2503 PMed.
I’ve checked both parts 20 and 30 of the Star Wars Documentary Disc rars. They are both functioning. I’m working with those who have posted to try to figure out what might be causing their issues.
The NJVC Custom Bluray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions is available on Mega.
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I have also had a problem with downloading pt 30. Any help would definitely be appreciated:)