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My personal edit of A New Hope (with SC38 Reimagined) (Released) — Page 16


Trancelot said:

Hey sorry I’m just now getting back from some time off. I don’t have the other version, but I can try to make the subs if you send it to me.

Cool, I messaged you.

elothar said:

hi would love to see your edit !

PM sent!


would love to use your edit to show a few people who haven’t seen the original trilogy of star wars yet


Hello! I watched your youtube clip from a few years back and the way you cut SC38 into the movie looks great! The best I’ve seen. I’ve been wanting a version of ANH with SC38 and all the special edition stuff.

I think the only thing that would take your version even further is to add the new CGI clips from Adywan’s ANH Revisited. His clips definitely fit that “Special Edition” vibe.

May I get a copy of your alternate cut without the jabba scene?


theshadowoverfindlay said:

I did my own edit of SC38 Reimagined, if anyone is intersted in checking it out.


I really like your edit of SC38 into ANH as well. Buzz’s version has been the definitive cut in my collection for a while but wished the fight from SC38 had been a bit longer (similar to your version).

Recommended Fan Saga Playlist:

Episode I - The Phantom Menace (Jeremy M West Anti-Cheese edit)
Episode II - Attack of the Clones (Jeremy M West Anti-Cheese edit)
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (Jeremy M West Anti-Cheese edit)
Episode III.III - The Coaxium Heist (Dig_modification Solo edit)
Episode III.IV - Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Kai Patterson cut)
Episode III.V - Rise of the Rebellion (Dig_modification Rogue One edit)
Episode IV - A New Hope (Buzz Lightyear sc38 edit)
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (Adywan Revisited edit)
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (Harmy’s Despecialized edit)
Episode VI.I - A Vergence in the Force (Smudger9 Mando edit)
Episode VI.II - Search for the Jedi (Smudger9 Mando edit)
Episode VI.III - A New Way (Smudger9 The Book of Boba Fett edit)
Episode VI.IV - Return to Mandalore (Smudger9 Mando edit)
Episode VII - Heir to the Force (Wakeupkeo Anti-TLJ edit)


Hey man, could you please send me the edit(The one without Jabba ideally) I really want to watch it. Thanks in advance


DarthVendar said:

would love to use your edit to show a few people who haven’t seen the original trilogy of star wars yet

Patali said:

Hello! I watched your youtube clip from a few years back and the way you cut SC38 into the movie looks great! The best I’ve seen. I’ve been wanting a version of ANH with SC38 and all the special edition stuff.

I think the only thing that would take your version even further is to add the new CGI clips from Adywan’s ANH Revisited. His clips definitely fit that “Special Edition” vibe.

May I get a copy of your alternate cut without the jabba scene?

Maffin14 said:

Hey man, could you please send me the edit(The one without Jabba ideally) I really want to watch it. Thanks in advance

PMs sent!


Could I get a link for both versions (with and without Jabba) please? Thank you!


A link to your edit would be much appreciated. Sounds great.


can i get a link? ive always wanted to see obi-wans duel with vader to actually feel like its them


Hello there, may I get a link to your ANH fanedit?


Heya! If you could DM me the movie that’d be great! ❤️ Much love


Hello Buzz Lightyear

I would love to see your fan edit - may I get a copy of your edit with the jabba scene included?

Thanks heaps