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Mighty Morphin' Alien Rangers: Hogday Afternoon Part Two Alternate Ending (Released)


Hogday Afternoon part two is the final ever episode of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (retitled Mighty Morphin’ Alien Rangers for the final ten episodes), the story ends on a downbeat cliffhanger with the Zeo Crystal snatched, the Command Centre destroyed, and the Rangers seemingly helpless to stop Zedd and Rita.

Then Power Rangers Zeo starts, and, well, a lot of that is swiftly dealt with. The Rangers find the Zeo Crystal (having been ‘dropped’ by their enemies even though they teleported out), Zedd and Rita are driven away by the Machine Empire, and the Command Centre exterior is magically rebuilt with only the interior changing to the ‘Power Chamber’

Zeo’s one of my favourite seasons, but a lot of that felt a little too clean. For years I’ve wanted to do an edit of this story, but never quite knew what to do about any of this. Then I got the legacy collection and watched the Zeo promotional serial…and suddenly it all neatly fell into place. I could side-step the whole cliffhanger ending entirely and set up the Machine Empire arriving in the final five or so minutes of the story. To achieve this, just cut everything to do with Goldar and Rito with the bomb, and then cut everything out after the Aquitian Rangers leave and replace it with the footage of the observatory as well as the final few segments that focus on Mondo and Machina from the Zeo serial, ending the episode on them plotting to take out Zedd and Rita.