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McCallum on Jar Jar & Kids before TPM came out — Page 3

Originally posted by: Wesyeed
Ian, I think was the only other OT actor besides JEJ and Daniels to return and he was ok except for when he went nuts and became a goofy clown unlimited powaaah .


Originally posted by: Wesyeed
Now I'm sorry Evil, but I have to disagree.

Ewan really somehow pulled off his character even under George's non-direction.

Don't be sorry. He was good. He was the best about ATOC and ROTS, and cirtainly did a great job with what he had to work with. I guess I forgot about him. Sorry Ewan...
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I know I missed most of this conversation, but ...

Originally posted by: Go-Mer-Tonic
1) Obviously Lucas isn't surrounded by people who won't question him, as McCallum himself questioned Lucas about his use of Jar-Jar in TPM.

McCallum wasn't questioning whether Lucas should rape film, simply how hard and whether or not to use lube.

2) Lucas knew exactly what kind of reaction he would get from Jar-Jar, yet he used him anyway.

I know exactly what kind of reaction I will get when I make my dog evacuate on my neighbor's lawn; I don't do it precisely because that reaction isn't worth the minor joy I get in annoying people.
"It's the stoned movie you don't have to be stoned for." -- Tom Shales on Star Wars
Scruffy's gonna die the way he lived.
1) You think Lucas is raping film because he makes movies the way he would like them to be.

2) You think Lucas's taste is the equivelent of taking a dump on your lawn, when really these movies are his lawn to begin with.
Your focus determines your reality.
Ever notice how Jake actually LOOKED like he could be a 9-year-old Sebastian Shaw?

Then there was the desire when casting Anakin in II & III to look like an older version of Jake, while also a younger version of Sebastian. I remember the article distinctly though Google isn't helping me locate it at the moment.

It was nuts when they actually changed out Sebastian Shaw at the end after making such a big to-do about casting Jake Lloyd to look like him. This was another case for Leo DiCaprio. Not only is he a better actor than Hayden, he actually looked like the previous actors to play the part.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
When were they looking at pics of a younger Shaw?

One thing I noticed when Lucas was picking Jake is how Lucas was smiling while he watched Jake's performance.

I have noticed that a lot of Jake' mannerisms as a young Anakin seem to almost mirror the way Lucas reacts to things in his inteviews.

Anyway, trying to make Anakin look like a younger version of Shaw wouldn't have made Shaw look more like a younger version of Shaw. If Lucas' point was to make Anakin appear as he did before he became Darth Vader, then no matter what they did Shaw would have been too old.
Your focus determines your reality.
Originally posted by: Go-Mer-Tonic

One thing I noticed when Lucas was picking Jake is how Lucas was smiling while he watched Jake's performance.

Why? Because he was thinking "I can't wait to get inside this kids butthole."?
Watch DarthEvil's Who Framed Darth Vader? video on YouTube!

You can also access the entire Horriffic Violence Theater Series from my Channel Page.
Really? Well I guess that could explain it?
Your focus determines your reality.
Speaking for myself, after TPM I went to the other two movies largely out of a sense of obligation.

I'd like to see an accurate poll on this matter - did Star Wars fans watch the PT because they wanted to, or because they felt they had to?

(I say accurate because I know how that poll would look here, and I know how that poll would look at tf.n)

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Originally posted by: vote_for_palpatine
did Star Wars fans watch the PT because they wanted to, or because they felt they had to?

Having been so disappointed by Return Of The Jedi when it was in the theaters, I'd given up on Star Wars as a series of films back in 1983.

I went to see Phantom Menace solely out of curiosity. I thought for sure it would, at the very least, be better than ROTJ. I was shocked at how juvenile it was.

I've not seen the last two.

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Really Anchorhead? That's actually pretty amazing. I admit now that I was young enough when the PT was coming out to be taken in by all of it, thought I didn't much enjoy ROTS. When I saw that, I was just getting my taste for movies refined into an adult style, and I saw that it was pretty damn bad. Now, my taste for movies is very adult, and different than most people. I love the classics like old Disney films, and the live action classics. I love action films and dramas, and can easily sit through a 3 hour set piece, which I love. I'm the only one in my family that enjoys slow movies, and sees the stupidity in modern American cinema. Like I'll even bother with the modern horror film...so stupid. I think my taste for movies comes from being a film critic for the Denver Post's Kids section for four years now, reveiwing lots of films before they are released. I've seen more movies than most my age, or usually any age, and I'm glad I have, because I'm proud of my taste in good film. And this taste shows me now that the prequels were total crap. If I had had my current taste in film, I probably would only have seen the films out of curiosity. I would have preferred never to watch them, but curiosity would get the better of me.
Watch DarthEvil's Who Framed Darth Vader? video on YouTube!

You can also access the entire Horriffic Violence Theater Series from my Channel Page.
I'm amazed, too. I'm glad I didn't give up on the prequels ... if only because I had such amazing times on the 6-week line-ups and met so many good friends.

I also must admit that I kinda liked Attack of the Clones. It seemed to head the prequels in a more StarWarsian direction than Episode I, and I actually found it enjoyable the seven or eight times I saw it in theaters. That I can't bear to sit through it now does not take away from the fact that I enjoyed it when it was released, something I cannot say about either of the other two prequel films.

But I'm glad I saw all of them. Even Revenge of the Sith, which I deplored with all my being.
Truthfully - Star Wars is most likely the only movie of the six that I'll ever see again. I might watch Empire sometime in the future, but I'm in no hurry. Even it shows that Lucas had no more story to tell.

D.E. - I'm right there with you on set pieces. Especially where film is concerned. I love films that take place in a single location. One of my absolute favorites is Rear Window. Jefferies can't leave his one room apartment - so neither can the viewer. Great stuff! Of course, you have to have one hell of a story to pull it off. The frustration with not being able to stop the murder, the fear that he may have been seen, the feeling of captivity - all of it is so perfectly executed.
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Originally posted by: Knightmessenger
Wasn't an earlier Hitchcock film, Rope, also in just one setting?

Yes it was. It was also shot in real time. Each scene lasting between 7 and 10 minutes (10 was the length of a reel of film). The walls of the set were on wheels so they could be moved once they were out of the shot, to allow for the continuous takes, and moved back when they were about to come back into the shot.

Forum Moderator
I love films that take place in a single location.

How about Reservoir Dogs?

Oh, and as for modern horror movies, D_E, what is your take on the Saw franchise? I actually thought the first one was one of the few decent horror movies out there in recent years, but its sequels have been, shall we say, lacklustre.


Originally posted by: Nanner Split
How about Reservoir Dogs?.

Haven't seen it. Don't care for Tarantino's stuff. Too much work just to watch his movies. The guy could probably do some great work but he seems completely caught up in style over substance - shock over story. "I don't have a real story, so I'll just make the movie so violent and bloody that people will actually vomit in the theater - it'll be awesome".

The non-linear timeline of Pulp Fiction was interesting, but not when it's every damn scene. I don't want to have to work that hard. Again - not enough story to tell, so he just hacks-up the timeline, adds ridiculous amounts of blood and over-the-top violence - style over substance.

Forum Moderator
Originally posted by: vote_for_palpatine
Speaking for myself, after TPM I went to the other two movies largely out of a sense of obligation.

I'd like to see an accurate poll on this matter - did Star Wars fans watch the PT because they wanted to, or because they felt they had to?

I never bothered to go to the cinema to see The Phantom Menace, I was so dissapointed with the film then I checked out of Star Wars for years but I decided out of my obligation to Star Wars to give it another go by seeing Clones but only two weeks after it opened and enjoyed it but I went only once. The only one I had interest in months before because of the story and I made a big effort to see it on the first day was Revenge of the Sith and it was the only Prequel I went multiple times to see.

Looking back I should've gone to see TPM at the cinema, because when I watch it today on DVD there is stuff I like in there and if I had I would have been more enthuasiastic about going to see Clones and would have probably gone earlier and seen that more than once, because when Ive decided to watch the films on DVD Ive enjoyed them.
Originally posted by: Anchorhead
Originally posted by: Nanner Split
How about Reservoir Dogs?.

Haven't seen it. Don't care for Tarantino's stuff. Too much work just to watch his movies. The guy could probably do some great work but he seems completely caught up in style over substance - shock over story. "I don't have a real story, so I'll just make the movie so violent and bloody that people will actually vomit in the theater - it'll be awesome".

The non-linear timeline of Pulp Fiction was interesting, but not when it's every damn scene. I don't want to have to work that hard. Again - not enough story to tell, so he just hacks-up the timeline, adds ridiculous amounts of blood and over-the-top violence - style over substance.

I see where you're coming from, but you may still enjoy "Reservoir Dogs" anyway. It's still somewhat non-linear, but not nearly to the extent of Pulp Fiction. Basically, it's a bunch of robbers/killers committing a jewel heist, only you only see the aftermath of the heist. The majority of the movie takes place in a warehouse where all these guys (about 5 or 6 in all) meet and try to figure out if someone set them up, and if so, who? Is it violent? Sure. But it's more of a "less is more" type violence, where the majority of it happens off-screen. Although I enjoy Tarantino's movies, RD is the only one I can watch repeatedly.

In the movie, Steve Buscemi (Mr. Pink) hijacks a car much in the same way that I hijacked this thread.


Originally posted by: Nanner Split
I see where you're coming from, but you may still enjoy "Reservoir Dogs" anyway.

A friend of mine loves the film and I've heard other people mention that it's probably his best movie. If it were to come on cable, I'd probably give it a look.

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Originally posted by: vote_for_palpatine
I'd like to see an accurate poll on this matter - did Star Wars fans watch the PT because they wanted to, or because they felt they had to?

I saw TPM out of excitement for a return to the Star Wars universe. I saw AOTC partially out of obligation and partially out of a hope that it would be better than Ep1. In my estimation, AOTC was the worst movie I have ever seen. Just a train wreck. My wife agreed and has to this day refused to see ROTS, which I saw purely out of obligation.

I don't recall if I saw TPM twice or only once. ROTS I will eventually see again. I still haven't sat through my MagFan edits of 1 & 2.

Originally posted by: Knightmessenger
Wasn't an earlier Hitchcock film, Rope, also in just one setting?

Not just one setting, but filmed so as to appear to be one entire take. The edits between takes were masked by methods such as a character walking in front of the camera in the foreground and stuff like that. It's a really fun film to watch on a few different levels.

Pink Floyd -- First in Space

The first time I saw TPM, it was on opening weekend, up here at the Famous Players Coliseum in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. For an afternoon show, it was relatively busy, but not overly crowded (and this is one of the largest theatres in the GTA). I guess all the diehard fans had come the night before. Anyway, watching the film, I found that everyone was very subdued. No one clapped for the title crawl, no shouts of excitement when the lightsabers first turn on. No surprise when Darth Maul showed up. It's like...I think people had read some of the mixed reviews and were wary. Making a character that does stupid things and doesn't serve the plot (no, he doesn't do anything; the reason he's still alive is because people felt sorry for him and did him favors) does NOT make a good film. That said, I thought there were some interesting ideas in the film as well that were never realy explored (Trade Federation, what Naboo society is like, etc.)
I'd like to see an accurate poll on this matter - did Star Wars fans watch the PT because they wanted to, or because they felt they had to?

I saw TPM for probably the same reasons as everyone else. A new Star Wars film after years of nothing. It was exciting to have something come back to the theaters that everyone loved so much. I was so high on that feeling of excitement that I only noticed Jar Jar a little during my first few viewings (once with friends, once with gf and some other friends, and then a bunch by myself or with other friends). I saw TPM 11 times, partially because I wanted to like it (I got more annoyed with Jar Jar at each viewing) and partially because I wanted to keep seeing it while it was in the theater. I picked up the DVD thinking I could learn to at least like Jar Jar a little. To this day I still cannot stand Jar Jar.

AOTC I saw since I figured it had to get better. I also had to see what would happen next and if it would be better than TPM. I thought it was a little better. Less Jar Jar helped quite a bit. I saw AOTC one time.

ROTS was seen purely out of obligation. I wanted to see how this crappy set of movies was going to end. I wanted to see what would make a Jedi become the greatest villain the galaxy had ever known. Instead, I saw a whiney brat get put into a black life support suit. I also saw ROTS only one time. I do enjoy ADM's edit though. ADM's edit makes for a far better movie. ROTS is the only one of the three where I sat there going "What the? why did that happen? wait, what's going on?" I did that mostly during the last half of the movie.

If I remove the Star Wars name from AOTC and ROTS, I can watch them, be entertained, and enjoy them. TPM has absolutely no entertainment value whatsoever to me. As Star Wars movies, they were pretty crappy. As regular movies, TPM was still utter garbage, but AOTC and ROTS are tolerable. Of course, I now think Ewoks are actually the most tolerable thing in a Star Wars movie

As for movies shot almost entirely in one location, Phone Booth was a pretty awesome movie (IMO). I wasn't sure how well it would work, but I loved it.
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You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Pissing off Rob since August 2007.
I'd like to see an accurate poll on this matter - did Star Wars fans watch the PT because they wanted to, or because they felt they had to?

Once again, I saw TPM for the same reason as everyone else here, because I was excited to have a new Star Wars movie. I guess I'm a rarity on here because I actually thought TPM was good. I didn't think it was on the same level as the OT by any means, but it was ok. Could of been better with much less Jar Jar/Gungan sillyness.
AOTC and ROTS I saw wanting to see how this finally wrapped up. AOTC was horrible, easily the worst of the series, IMHO. The only saving grace of it was the great job that Christopher Lee did as Count Dooku, who I thought was wasted later on. ROTS was ok. After AOTC, I wasn't nearly as excited about ROTS as I otherwise would of been, because I didn't expect much out of it, so I thought it was pretty good all things considered.
I've enjoyed all of the SW films. I saw TPM 21 times at the full price theaters, and lost count at the dollar theaters.

I saw AOTC and ROTS each 7 times, mostly because the DVD came out so soon I could handle waiting more than I could with TPM.
Your focus determines your reality.