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Massive 35mm Leaks on Reddit — Page 2

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17strangeboy said:

As someone who lurks the FanEdits subreddits I just wanted to thank you for clarifying the problem with sharing the 35mm files. This thread gave me a better understanding of the potential problems with that.

Seconded. I’ve donated to a few projects already and noticed an uptick in the 35mm sharing. It’s a bummer than these projects can’t be celebrated in a more private environment. Maybe screenings in VR could be done of certain films. It would be almost impossible to screen capture or share from that vantage point. Big screen VR would be a good option. Donate x amount of dollars to a charity and get a seat to watch a certain scan. Just an idea.


DigMod said:
I’d like to better understand the claim that some have made that copyright does not apply to film. Can anyone share that info?

No, because it’s a false claim.

Like any fairly insular community, perspective can get warped a little and people can start to believe “facts” that aren’t really facts; but if someone who illegally scanned and further illegally distributed a copyrighted print (setting aside whether or not they fundraised off it) tries to say they “own” that scan, they’re not really correct. Granted, they would in fact “own” the repercussions should any studio decide (against their better judgment) to go after enthusiasts that have spent an exorbitant amount of money on said studio’s official products.

But the legality of “owning” the scan they made is zero. Which is why putting it up for grabs is always a bit of a risk, because it’s out of your control as to what happens to it after that point, and you’re effectively trusting the small circle of pirates in your pirate community to honor the unspoken code everyone’s presumably operating by.

It sucks when someone decides to - effectively - steal from the dealers (you’ve seen this scenario on TV certainly: “what are the dealers gonna do - go to the cops? Say someone stole their stash?”) and get a brief rush or thrill for playing “robin hood” to some degree. But nothing beyond an unspoken community rule actually got broken.


Perhaps what he means is that everyone is well within their rights to make their own backup copy of anything they bought - You can buy a DVD and make a copy, in case the original gets scratched or broken. That’s “fair use”. However, any kind of public distribution of that fair use copy is 100% breach of copyright. That’s not a grey area.

Copying prints should be the same way, since prints can also get scratched, colors can fade, or it can develop Vinegar Syndrome and become unusable, so making a digital backup so that you can continue to enjoy the film even if it gets chewed up in a projector, would be fair use, again, so long as it’s not publicly distributed.

However, unlike a DVD, which was licensed by a distributer and legally purchased from a retail outlet, 35mm prints were never supposed to be in our hands. The studios expected them all to either be returned or destroyed at the end of their theatrical run. Unless the studio (or the cinema) threw them in the trash and put them at the curb for pickup, in which case they are once again fair game. I’m not a lawyer, so I don’t know exactly how it would play in a court of law, but the FBI Warning at the start of every DVD and Bluray doesn’t mention “Fair Use” as an option, and makes it crystal clear that distribution, even without financial profit is very much against the law.


If I were a moderator on Reddit, I would want to remove all the links simply because by leaving them up, Reddit is clearly allowing the illegal distribution of copyrighted works, and it would be Reddit that receives the first DCMA takedown notices and cease and desist letters from concerned studio lawyers, not the people posting them, who are largely anonymous. You’ll notice that although we discuss all these projects here on OT, you won’t find a single publicly posted link to download any copyrighted works.

Donations always welcome: Paypal | Bitcoin: bc1qzr9ejyfpzm9ea2dglfegxzt59tys3uwmj26ytj


I don’t disagree with the complications of the subreddit allowing links. The lead mods have established that practice there. I mostly focus on creating a civil environment and so I’m trying to understand both sides of this current situation.

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If the r/fanedits mods are cool with faneditors posting links to their fanedits, that’s their thing (fanedits are also a super-niche audience that studios don’t regard as a threat at all and don’t care that much about pursuing) - and honestly, letting those links out in the open is probably for the best for the health of that community. But the problem with a couple folks repatriating myspleen’s hoards and dumping it all on the r/fanedits front lawn is that none of those scans are, by any stretch of the definition, fanedits.

Studios being cool with r/fanedits posting the 4 millionth cut of Justice League is one thing. But a 35mm scan of Titanic isn’t a fanedit. It makes zero sense any of that stuff was ever allowed to stay up in the first place, and then on top of that it turns out the guy being a real punk about what he’s doing, is doing it in a place that has nothing to do with any of this.


From what I have seen, the majority of the recent bulk scan sharing on Reddit, is mostly those that have been floating around for a long time, outside LotR trilogy, and Titanic, which I believe are recent releases.

T2, Aliens, Jurassic Park, Matrix etc were shared on major sites from the get go, and didn’t seem like they were intended to stay within a small group.

Not excusing the practice, just thought it was worth mentioning. Thankfully, none of Rob’s scans have been leaked online, and it kind of tells you everything you need to know. These people will only share what they can get for free. Rob asks for a small amount of money for his prints, so I’m confident that they will not end up on random torrent trackers or file sharing sites, as they don’t care enough to purchase them. That’s a good thing.


Thats reddit for you. no morals no honor no nothing. just ‘gib free stuffs plox’. Even worse they do their mini encode on it and kill the quality, thats in the same league of cringe as putting fan scans onto a disc instead of a media server.

Is there anything that can be done to stop, or slow down, the reddit creeps? I know the mods look the other way when their “”“editors”“” post other peoples works/edits as their own so im assuming they also dont care about film scans(or will put a temp ban in place at most until it cools down).


See No Evil said:

What’s the point in my spending evenings and weekends one after the next working on scans, sinking my own money to keep the project going, when you have all that going on?

Why do you do that? Are you doing it as a fun hobby for yourself, or are you doing it for your job? I’m sure the actual creators didn’t intend on you touching their work, but here you are claiming ownership of it. I just don’t understand being mad at someone sharing works they don’t own, when you’re doing it too. I get that you worked hard on your version, and that’s very cool, but you still don’t own that copyright. It’s not your IP to begin with.

I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I think both sides are being a little unreasonable about it all. OT and r/FanEdits are both channels where pirates share movies and series. How one group can act like they’re better than the other is beyond me.


Trancelot said:

See No Evil said:

What’s the point in my spending evenings and weekends one after the next working on scans, sinking my own money to keep the project going, when you have all that going on?

Why do you do that? Are you doing it as a fun hobby for yourself, or are you doing it for your job? I’m sure the actual creators didn’t intend on you touching their work, but here you are claiming ownership of it. I just don’t understand being mad at someone sharing works they don’t own, when you’re doing it too. I get that you worked hard on your version, and that’s very cool, but you still don’t own that copyright. It’s not your IP to begin with.

I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I think both sides are being a little unreasonable about it all. OT and r/FanEdits are both channels where pirates share movies and series. How one group can act like they’re better than the other is beyond me.

No one owns anything that is shared here and this forum isn’t a place for piracy. Files from the scan are never a promise and people donate to preserve the films purely out of common interest. Most of the time the actual scans given are lower quality proxy files or encodes only to get an idea of what the print looks like and to be a bonus for helping on the project.

Please actually do research on this issue rather than simply accusing people of things such as claiming ownership of films. If you look at any project funded on these forums many people donate more than is ever required for helping these projects. Some donate 10 and some donate 70+. If people were simply coming here to buy encodes I’m sure everyone would be paying the lowest amount possible, but no people donate more because they want these scans to happen. They want these films preserved before they rot. That’s the goal. Not equating a fake value on video files like most of the people on the fanedits subreddit are doing by saying people here are “hoarders”



Venny said:

“No one owns anything that is shared here and this forum isn’t a place for piracy.”

What do you call sharing movies for which you don’t own the copyright, if not piracy?

“Please actually do research on this issue rather than simply accusing people of things such as claiming ownership of films.”

If they aren’t claiming ownership, then why are they mad they’re being shared. You can dance around and change words all you want, but it’s still technically piracy.


See No Evil said:

Each scan is costing me around $750-$900?

I applaud your efforts and think what you do is amazing. That’s a very expensive hobby.

Does buying that film gain you copyright owner status? Does it give you the right to share digital copies that you’ve restored?

I get that it’s expensive and time consuming, and I think it’s pretty great.

However, you’re still buying and sharing without permission the copyright works of others. I support you in your efforts, but I’m not going to lie to myself and others that its somehow not still piracy.


I like the film scan preservations very much. However if i didn’t donate to a project i’m not entitled to a copy. If a creator/preservationist says to not share a scan i respect their wishes. I saw Lion King, i didn’t download the link because its disrespectful of donors and the project creator. I didn’t download Terminator 2 because i didn’t contribute to that scan. People asked me for the Raiders scan i said no. It was asked to not be distributed. But someone else posted it on Reddit anyway a place where i don’t have an account.

Making the myspleen materials more exposed isn’t the best idea either there is a reason its a private tracker.

Getting donors to stop donating because of drawing the eyes of the rights holders is not a good thing, nor is getting OT and the entire fanediting/restoration community nuked from orbit. For one person who thinks they are being cool and the rules the community has followed for decades no longer apply.


even private tracks are… iffy at best. Especially one like myspleen which is notorious for leaks. unless its a direct ftp transfer its almost always going to leak, even then less than savory pirates will do what they do 😦 such is the curse and power of the internet. But just putting the stuff on places where anyone not involved can grab the scans seems like a huge security risk. “”“private”“” or otherwise


Trancelot said:

Venny said:

“No one owns anything that is shared here and this forum isn’t a place for piracy.”

What do you call sharing movies for which you don’t own the copyright, if not piracy?

“Please actually do research on this issue rather than simply accusing people of things such as claiming ownership of films.”

If they aren’t claiming ownership, then why are they mad they’re being shared. You can dance around and change words all you want, but it’s still technically piracy.

They are mad it’s being shared because it puts them at risk and they asked for it not to be shared. It’s their print or their scan. It’s not their movie, but like anyone deserving of respect, you shouldn’t do things without the person’s wishes first.

And like I said these threads are not about distributing films they are about scanning and preserving them. Distributing links does not happen in public forums and is actually against the rules of the forums. So again I ask you nicely to please do research before assuming this is a site for piracy



zerocool said:

Is there anything that can be done to stop, or slow down, the reddit creeps? I know the mods look the other way when their “”“editors”“” post other peoples works/edits as their own so im assuming they also dont care about film scans(or will put a temp ban in place at most until it cools down).

As a mod there, I’ll let you know that you’re assumption is incorrect. You’re blanket statements are akin to the name calling on the otherside. It’s pretty embarrassing being in the middle of this name calling sludge.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


I hope you make your way back here at some point, Rob. I see you left today. Which frankly fucking sucks.


DigMod said:

zerocool said:

Is there anything that can be done to stop, or slow down, the reddit creeps? I know the mods look the other way when their “”“editors”“” post other peoples works/edits as their own so im assuming they also dont care about film scans(or will put a temp ban in place at most until it cools down).

As a mod there, I’ll let you know that you’re assumption is incorrect. You’re blanket statements are akin to the name calling on the otherside. It’s pretty embarrassing being in the middle of this name calling sludge.

Just know that I believe the majority of users here are glad that you stopped by to help address this issue. It’s good that most of us here are able to have a civil discussion about all this, rather than devolving into OT vs Reddit sentiments or whatever else. I agree that nothing positive will come of arguing and name-calling.


brad86 said:

From what I have seen, the majority of the recent bulk scan sharing on Reddit, is mostly those that have been floating around for a long time, outside LotR trilogy, and Titanic, which I believe are recent releases.

T2, Aliens, Jurassic Park, Matrix etc were shared on major sites from the get go, and didn’t seem like they were intended to stay within a small group.

Not excusing the practice, just thought it was worth mentioning. Thankfully, none of Rob’s scans have been leaked online, and it kind of tells you everything you need to know. These people will only share what they can get for free. Rob asks for a small amount of money for his prints, so I’m confident that they will not end up on random torrent trackers or file sharing sites, as they don’t care enough to purchase them. That’s a good thing.

This is not entirely true. Robs complete scans to date were all posted online in both image rips and encodes. It was only online for like 36 hours but a few of us were able to grab most of the scans.


I’ve only posted a few of my restorations (upscales) here: “Millennium”, “The Invaders”, “Wild Wild West” and a few others. I’ve completed several others but hadn’t yet posted them here. I’m also a donor to many of the film projects and consider several of the project supervisors as friends. Thanks very much to the good people of OT, the vast majority of you are friendly and passionate folks.

There is much more than money to these leaks. As said before, most projects lose money and are done for the preservation of the print. The time and effort spent to bring these pieces of celluloid back to life are a huge part of the project as well. If everything is leaked for free to the public, there is no reason to donate. And if no one will help defray some of the costs of a film project, that would be the end of film projects.

Wishing all at OT well.


elvismay99 said:

brad86 said:

From what I have seen, the majority of the recent bulk scan sharing on Reddit, is mostly those that have been floating around for a long time, outside LotR trilogy, and Titanic, which I believe are recent releases.

T2, Aliens, Jurassic Park, Matrix etc were shared on major sites from the get go, and didn’t seem like they were intended to stay within a small group.

Not excusing the practice, just thought it was worth mentioning. Thankfully, none of Rob’s scans have been leaked online, and it kind of tells you everything you need to know. These people will only share what they can get for free. Rob asks for a small amount of money for his prints, so I’m confident that they will not end up on random torrent trackers or file sharing sites, as they don’t care enough to purchase them. That’s a good thing.

This is not entirely true. Robs complete scans to date were all posted online in both image rips and encodes. It was only online for like 36 hours but a few of us were able to grab most of the scans.

Thankfully, this is complete BS, and they absolutely haven’t appeared online.
The whole thing really seems to have died down now.


So, here’s the thing. Anyone crazy enough to be into films so much that they enjoy watching fanmade scans already bought the movie and is simply looking for MORE of the movie. Like, if anything scans have shows studios that there’s money to be made here. But instead they release crappy 4k DNR releases because they know the avarage viewer or new young viewer is completely clueless and views filmgrain as unsharp or ‘old’ looking. The tiktok generation doesnt care about the film grain on a movie, so studios won’t care eiter.

Litterally not a single casual will ever be into fanedits or scans etc. I think studios realise this. It’s like game modding in that sense.


Boobafett2 said:

So, here’s the thing. Anyone crazy enough to be into films so much that they enjoy watching fanmade scans already bought the movie and is simply looking for MORE of the movie. Like, if anything scans have shows studios that there’s money to be made here. But instead they release crappy 4k DNR releases because they know the avarage viewer or new young viewer is completely clueless and views filmgrain as unsharp or ‘old’ looking. The tiktok generation doesnt care about the film grain on a movie, so studios won’t care eiter.

Litterally not a single casual will ever be into fanedits or scans etc. I think studios realise this. It’s like game modding in that sense.

I have a family member that is a certified Disney nut, who has seen and been to everything Disney on this planet. Even with all that Disney knowledge, she insists that every new release of her favourite animations are the best they have ever looked.

You’re right. A lot of people don’t care, sadly. Even some of those that you’d think would.

Disney’s re-releases are also probably the worst offenders, too.


brad86 said:

elvismay99 said:

brad86 said:

From what I have seen, the majority of the recent bulk scan sharing on Reddit, is mostly those that have been floating around for a long time, outside LotR trilogy, and Titanic, which I believe are recent releases.

T2, Aliens, Jurassic Park, Matrix etc were shared on major sites from the get go, and didn’t seem like they were intended to stay within a small group.

Not excusing the practice, just thought it was worth mentioning. Thankfully, none of Rob’s scans have been leaked online, and it kind of tells you everything you need to know. These people will only share what they can get for free. Rob asks for a small amount of money for his prints, so I’m confident that they will not end up on random torrent trackers or file sharing sites, as they don’t care enough to purchase them. That’s a good thing.

This is not entirely true. Robs complete scans to date were all posted online in both image rips and encodes. It was only online for like 36 hours but a few of us were able to grab most of the scans.

Thankfully, this is complete BS, and they absolutely haven’t appeared online.
The whole thing really seems to have died down now.

It is not bullshit and Robs Nostalgia knows it because he was the one that demanded the mega files be taken down to begin with. Between myself and two other members of a private forum we ended up downloading about half of the releases before the demand was made to take them down by Mr poopy pants himself.