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An edit I’ve been working on a little over the last two months around my Star Wars Episode III.I edit, which has been stuck on 99% for ages, with the only thing left being getting a bespoke opening crawl done at the same film-grade quality (ideally for free). I started it last July and worked on it for 2 weeks before hitting a bad wall, but my second burst from the end of this May was much stronger. The most recent brick wall I hit was at the start of this month, but none of the solutions to create a crawl seem to work right, and I haven’t really touched it since.
Also, I’ve been working on the “What If…?” series lately, but I’m limited by what’s available to create the vision I had in mind for the whole first season’s episodes, sadly. I might just upload what I’ve done for the sake of it, but who knows?
Aside from that, I have about 10 other projects currently in my mental pipeline, including Marvel’s Echo & X-Men, a sort of ‘Phase 2’ giant overhaul of the Mandoverse based on my own projects I’ve already done, and another DC comics series project I’ve already gotten one episode sorted on.
These are all at one degree of completion or another, it’s just finding the time and energy to work on that project on that day around everything else I’ve got going on. Also, this month has been quite heavy and difficult for me on a personal level, so there’s that – and why I haven’t been posting or publishing much of anything – but I’m dealing with it properly and have these projects as a productive and creative distraction on the days I feel I CAN work, so that’s good.
Now, onto THIS project. The first 3 episodes were greatly helped along by the editor ‘Joshuabri’, who gave me permission to use his 720p chronological edit of “WandaVision” that takes the first 4 episodes, puts them in a neat order, and trims some of the extra fat. This way you get episode 4 working neatly around episodes 1-3 in a single large feature-length story of about 100mins – so credit and thanks to them for this.
By reworking the series as I did with the help of their work, and being able to turn 4 episodes into 3, I was able to make the whole season an 8-episode story – which fits very well with the original “House of M” run of comics from 2005, which is also in 8 parts. With that in mind, I’ve named each episode an “Issue” instead, to tie it to the comics that little bit more.
For each episode, I devised a formula to put the events in order, have my custom title sequence (with a red filter over the Marvel Studios intro for a Scarlet Witch Motif), and even keep the original ‘WandaVision’ titles in the respective episodes too. Each “Issue” would start in the real world, get to a natural stopping point, have my custom titles for the show, then go into the Hex until it reached a similar natural stopping point and have the appropriate WV titles. This way, each episode is consistent and works along the same lines, and the whole “TV show within a TV show” motif of the original series remains – with the ‘WandaVision’ sitcom Darcy and Jimmy watch being a part of the ‘WandaVision’ mystery series WE watch on D+.
The custom intro I made was the result of me seriously lucking out. I found a YT channel with plenty of royalty free background videos, and inside – somehow against whatever great odds – was a video of a red mist (Wanda) and a yellow circuitry/figure background (Vision). I used them blended together for the background on the initial “House of M” logo I found (another good find on Pin like the Manticore medallion in my linear edit of The Witcher S1).
For the background of the ‘Issue’ and episode name screen, there was even a purple smoke background animation that actually had a crackling embers motif with it (like not just Agatha, but also the stake at Salem) – and underneath it all, was the beginning of the series’ theme music in the start of the credits – so overall, I think it all worked great. All of the edit text with this, the ‘issue’ names and the series name at the end of the credits, is in the same text and style as the previous WV edit I did and published of just episodes 5&9, for consistency, which in turn was quite close to the original font of the series.
“Issue #1: Living The Dream”
The first episode, in the 1950s black & white aesthetic, on the ‘welcome to the neighbourhood’ dinner party, being introduced to “Agnes” and such.
Working the release episodes around the chronological edit from ‘Joshuabri’ was very straightforward. All I really needed to do was put the custom series titles in between Monica Rambeau at the hospital and Monica at S.W.O.R.D and put the first episode’s credits on the end seamlessly. Lastly, with the blurriness at the end of the credits where the final ‘WandaVision’ titles appears, I replaced that with my own ‘House of M’ titles.
The name is fairly straightforward: Wanda is immersed in a dreamworld, whether she consciously realises it yet or not.
“Issue #2: Swinging Sorcery”
The second episode in the next time period setting, with finding the mysterious small red and yellow helicopter, partaking in the Westview talent show, Wanda meeting the town newbie “Geraldine”, and so on.
I needed to adjust things a little with the chronological edit to make things work with the formula I devised. It begins in episode 4’s footage with Jimmy briefing Darcy and the team about finding out what they can about Monica inside the Hex, and identifying the other ‘characters’/Westview residents. After Darcy and Jimmy see Monica in the “sitcom”, and Darcy talks says she has an ‘idea’ [to reach Rambeau] that feels like a good natural stopping point, so the reddened Marvel Studios logo plays out with my custom ‘House of M’ titles following. After that begins the next chunk of ‘Joshuabri’s chronological edit.
The episode’s story inside the Hex begins, with Wanda and Vision in their beds in the 60’s time period. They converse, the ‘Wandavision’ opening credits from that episode play, and Vision practices his magic routine, Wanda discovers the mysterious small red helicopter and so on. The only change I made to the chronological edit was at the end, when the Hex goes from black & white to colour inside it was very easy of me to put the original second episode’s ending and credits on – with my own project name at the end of them of course.
The name of this episode is a spin on the decade it’s set in – being a 60’s era setting and theme, and obviously the magic therein.
“Issue #3: Twins and Trouble”
The episode from the 70s setting of the show, and this time I needed to adjust the episode and chronological edit quite a bit to match the formula I created for the whole series. This was a little tricky given how conversations and scenes flow in what I needed to change, but since this is the only episode that needed a big restructure to get around the limits of what’s there with real world/hex world, hopefully it was done well enough
It begins in the real world with the SWORD personnel setting up old chunky TV sets, before cutting to Darcy and Jimmy watching with the former asking why it switches time periods (the first half of that statement is saved for later). She and Woo discuss Wanda’s pregnancy – revealed at the end of the last episode so it’s consistent with the old episode and the new formula – and when Woo misunderstands her kids question and takes one of the crisps she’s offering, it’s really the only natural stopping point in the real world’s events before you get into the meat of things inside the Hex with Wanda and the twins being born.
After my custom opening titles, it begins with the original starting point of the streamed episode with the Westview doctor paying the Vision residence a visit to check up on Wanda’s pregnancy. That plays out as normal with the doctor leaving, the neighbour Herb cutting through the wall, and Wanda ballooning when Vision comes back in the house. Then, instead of the transition from Wanda & Vision talking about the fruit to Wanda using magic to assemble the baby’s room, I’ve put the original episode’s opening credits there instead – so the “TV show within a TV show” motif is present again.
Following that – Wanda nests, Vision reads up on things, and the neighbourhood glitches. When the house sprinklers go off, I put the original episode back in with Wanda drying everything – which was cut from the chronological edit because it appears on background screens in the real world instead, so it IS still present and in the right order, just not in the foreground.
Vision runs out of the house for help when the baby(s) start kicking, it briefly goes back to the real world with Darcy and Jimmy watching – the scene we just saw with Wanda asking Vision to get help is on one of their TV screens, and she remarks about the change in time periods from the 50s-70s – so they are still watching and paying attention in the real world and keeping track of things.
It cuts back to the chronological edit in the Hex with Wanda on her own before “Geraldine” shows up who helps her deliver the baby(s!), while it cuts back to real world as Darcy and Jimmy keep sharing the bag of crisps and watch her help Wanda with the delivery and they watch the twins being born.
The chronological edit continues as normal until Wanda talks to “Geraldine” about being a twin herself, here I added some extra material to make the scene deeper. After Wanda mentions Pietro by name, there are two very brief flashbacks to “Age of Ultron” back-to-back for a few seconds – colour saturation at 0, border vignette added, in my usual style, but also a slight reverb for the audio too, making it as “flashback”y as possible. I tried obscuring Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s face as much as possible to make things as consistent with “Pietro” in the hex as I could, so seeing Quicksilver run through the Ultron sentries in Sokovia and pick up Wanda next to Hawkeye (who now makes a brief cameo in this edit) hopefully stays as smooth as it can be.
After it cuts back to “Geraldine”, everything plays out in the chronological edit the way it comes for the rest of the episode/”Issue” until my own title at the end of the credits as usual. From there, I only work with the released episodes with creating this new story across the other “Issue”s, so the work of editor ‘Joshuabri’ comes to a comfortable close here, and I’m once again thankful for their permission to use their work in this project.
The title comes from the very famous phrase associated with Witches from the Shakespearean tragedy “Macbeth”. I initially wanted to do the whole title: “Double, Double Twins and Trouble” – since twins are double of course and Billy & Tommy Maximoff are born in this episode, but it was too similar to the title of the following ‘Issue’ episode, so I cut it back and think it works just as well anyway.
“Issue #4: Double-Edged S.W.O.R.D”
This episode is mostly identical to the “episode 5” edit from my previous WandaVision project, where I just adjusted episodes 5 & 9 to cut down on the Wanda apologism and also restructure the finale’s ending to better lead and tie into other things.
I made some adjustments this time around to fit into the formula I devised for all episodes of the series. Now, it starts in the real world, has the adjusted SWORD briefing I changed before, then afterwards when Darcy, Jimmy and Monica are watching the Hex’s broadcast and the former wonders aloud what happens with Vision when he learns the truth [about how he’s alive and why] that feels like a good stopping point, so the series’ custom titles roll.
From there, it starts with the beginning of the streamed episode, in the Hex with Wanda and Vision trying to calm the twins. It plays out as normal, after the twins suddenly age up 5 years, the episode’s WV opening credits roll. Once they finish, it quickly cuts back to the real world briefly, with Darcy, Jimmy and Monica in the same place watching the same screen, which has the same frame from the end of the episode’s titles on it, so they’re still up to date with everything and going back into the Hex from there feels simple.
From there, with Billy and Tommy washing Sparky the dog in the kitchen sink, the rest of the released episode plays out as normal until the end of the credits where I have my custom end titles as usual.
The name comes from Hayward trying to see what’s going on inside the Hex and then immediately trying to kill Wanda with the drone with no warning, even to his own personnel. Following this, when she emerges from the Hex to confront him, she turns his own squad against him as she leaves – so there’s kind of a lot of ‘double-crossing’ in one way or another.
“Issue #5: Hex of Horrors”
I had to restructure this episode again to meet the requirements of the ‘formula’ I set up with everything, but not too much, luckily.
It begins at the S.W.O.R.D base outside Westview where they’re examining the drone they used to attack Wanda with, talking about the aftermath of Hayward’s attempt on her life. After Rambeau, Darcy and Woo are led away but beat their escort and adopt disguises, it goes into the custom titles for the series.
Following that, the story in the Hex starts, with Billy in his comics “Wiccan” costume talking to the camera. That sequence plays out until ‘Pietro’ offers to take the boys for Halloween instead of Vision, and after it’s agreed and everyone’s in their costumes, it goes from Wanda telling everyone, especially Quicksilver and Speed to be on their best behaviour or she’ll turn him into a pickled herring, into the original Wandavision episode credits – keeping the ‘TV within TV’ trope again.
From there, it’s the episode playing out as normal like the streamed release. From trick-or-treating in the street to discovering Tommy has speed powers too like his uncle, to “Agnes” and Vision on the outskirts of the Hex, Billy’s telepathic powers coming in too, and the Hex expanding to save Vision’s life, also enveloping Darcy.
The name is relevant to the Halloween theme of the episode, like a play on words for the famous “House of Horrors” and such.
“Issue #6: Technical Difficulties, Please Stand By”
Again, I had to do some small restructuring to meet my formula for the series. This time the episode starts at the SWORD retreat and after a short conversation where Hayward confirms they’re launching today, the series’ custom titles begin, after only 30 or so seconds out in the real world in fact.
After that, we go into the Hex with Wanda waking up in her costume from the night before. Once that continues as normal and it goes into the regular episode titles after a glitchy breakfast, we finally meet Vision, outside by the new circus of what used to be SWORD agents.
That continues as normal and the rest of the episode plays out unchanged from the original version. We see Wanda again, “Agnes” takes the twins, we heard about “Project Cataract” Monica gets her armoured rover vehicle, tries and fails to penetrate the Hex with it before doing it herself on her own, Darcy and Vision try getting back to town before meeting some convenient “distractions”, finally Wanda goes down into “Agnes”’ basement and meets Agatha Harkness for the first time.
The name comes from the real-world phenomenon with TVs once the signal or reception gets bad and glitchy. To the point where for the custom titles for the series, and the new series’ title at the end of the credits, I actually added a glitch filter when editing – to make it as authentic to the title as possible, just for this episode.
“Issue #7: Previously On….”
I had to restructure and format this quite a bit, despite the fact this entire episode takes place inside the Hex. One of the ways I did this was not only shifting the episode’s original footage around in the story, but by adding flashbacks to deepen some lines and scenes, like in “Issue #3”, hopefully to great effect. I was always a little let down and annoyed at this episode for not going as far as it could have in quite a lot of areas where expositing details and background depth could have gone, so hopefully this fixes that.
This “Issue” starts off with Agatha in Salem back in 1693, then after that sequence is done, it goes into the Marvel Studio titles, fading from my enhanced red to purple the entire time, before picking up in Agatha’s basement in Westview in November 2023.
The episode continues as normal until the flashback gets to when Wanda and Pietro have their apartment building in Sokovia shelled by a Stark Industries missile. When Agatha says the only way forward is back and she makes a door to Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker’s lab appear, I put in a reverbed audio flashback from the post-credits scene of ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’, where you can hear Strucker say to Doctor List that this is “The age of miracles”. When Wanda steps through that door, the audio flashback continues, echoing with Strucker saying “There’s nothing more horrifying than a miracle….”.
Next, when Agatha asks about the Maximoffs joining HYDRA and Wanda saying [she and Pietro] wanted to change the world, there’s a brief flashback to the Maximoffs in the first ‘Age of Ultron’ trailer in a civilian protest before they got their powers – zoomed in slightly to obscure most of .A.T-J.’s face so it doesn’t conflict with Evan-Moff in this series, as I did before with “Issue #3”.
Next was probably my biggest change. I was always really quite irritated with this episode because it felt like such a huge missed opportunity to introduce at least the IDEA of mutation into the MCU with it. Even just having Strucker’s HYDRA doctors say out loud that it’s possible Wanda and Pietro were the only ones to survive the experiments because of an aberration in their blood/DNA or whatever would have been a great start to get that ball rolling in my opinion. Now, after the Mind Stone explodes out of its blue casing as part of Loki’s sceptre and its yellow energy engulfs the room, it goes into a black & white echoing short version of the title sequence of “X-Men: Days of Future Past” with the cells dividing and forming the DNA helix.
Ironic that that was the only X-Men film to have that specific kind of thing in its opening sequence, given the Maximoff twins both appear in that film too, with Peters being that ‘Quicksilver’ for real, of course. This way, in the “Issue”’s story, you see Wanda hit by the energy cloud and you at least see the implication of how the process is changing her from the inside, affecting HER cells and changing HER DNA. With this either mutating her, or allowing the changes to happen safely when it was lethal for the other volunteers, because she already had some kind of mutation there the others didn’t. Personally, I prefer the latter.
Following this, there’s a small change as Wanda looks into the energy cloud, before you can see the ethereal being reflected in her eye. I added Charles Xavier’s echoing voice in the background uttering the word “Mutation….” from the opening of X-Men 1 in 2000 to really hammer the point home. It might be a little bit much, but it felt like having it on top of the DoFP visuals was definitely too much at once, and hopefully this way it keeps even casual viewers abreast of what’s actually going on now in this new edited take on the story.
After Wanda collapses and is said to be taken away to isolation, more of the post-credits scene from CA:TWS is shown, with the twins in their small side-by-side rooms showing their respective powers. Strucker’s echoing voice can be heard saying ‘sooner or later [the Avengers] will meet the twins.
After that the rest of the episode plays out as normal, making it to the end in and out of The Hex with White Vision being activated with the only other change of mine being the edit’s new title at the end of the credits, like the other “Issue”s/episodes.
This episode is the only one that shares the name of the released episode, only with some ellipses added because it’s always a very leading statement at the start of a TV episode
“Issue #8: No More Magic”
This episode is the only one that doesn’t take my series formula into account. Because it’s the finale and the episode that deals with everything the season has built up to so far, including an immediate cliffhanger from “Issue #7”, it feels like getting the opening Marvel logos and custom titles out of the way straight away so everything plays out beginning-to-end completely uninterrupted is much better.
The story of this episode is the same as my previous edit of the ‘WandaVision’ series where I changed and restructured the episode’s ending. Now, Monica’s sacrifice line to Wanda is still cut out, but a deleted scene has been added which finally explains the “missing persons” thing which drew Jimmy Woo to Westview in the first place where he discovered everything with the Hex after he already arrived. The Photon/Skrull set-up is still removed, and had the mid-credits scene Wanda in the cabin with the Darkhold in Sokovia, finishing with the post-credits scene being a very Wanda-centric version of the teaser trailer for “Multiverse of Madness”.
The name comes from the famous “No more Mutants” line from the end of the original ‘House of M’ run of comics in 2005. But this time, it comes from Wanda finally doing the right thing and taking the Hex down and setting everybody in Westview free – and also stripping Agatha of her powers after beating her and imprisoning her in her dream-sona. Building on that, the series having a magical focus more than anything else, even with my pushing the Mutants angle in “Issue #7”, means the title of the whole series could stand for “House of Magic” in this case. Alternatively, because of the TV focus, it could also be “House of Media”, but probably not – ‘Magic’ makes more sense so I’m sticking with that.
Footnote: I am merely a self-taught editor and VFX artist here, as such, some areas might be visibly mostly good – as I have to be realistic with the footage in front of me and what I can do with it, of course. If you do have any particular notes and feedback, feel free to give me your thoughts, but please be constructive and don’t be an ass about it.