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Lucas on CNN.com - 'Why Lucas tinkered with Star Wars' article


Well, first time posting but here goes. I was reading on CNN.com about the release of the new boxed set where they did an interview with Lucas, and the part that glaringly stuck out was this question:

Q: Why not release both the originals and special editions on DVD?

LUCAS: The special edition, that’s the one I wanted out there. The other movie, it’s on VHS, if anybody wants it. …

I’m not going to spend the, we’re talking millions of dollars here, the money and the time to refurbish that, because to me, it doesn’t really exist anymore. It’s like this is the movie I wanted it to be, and I’m sorry you saw half a completed film and fell in love with it. But I want it to be the way I want it to be.

I’m the one who has to take responsibility for it. I’m the one who has to have everybody throw rocks at me all the time, so at least if they’re going to throw rocks at me, they’re going to throw rocks at me for something I love rather than something I think is not very good, or at least something I think is not finished.

Q: Do you pay much attention to fan reactions to your choices?

LUCAS: Not really. The movies are what the movies are. … The thing about science-fiction fans and “Star Wars” fans is they’re very independent-thinking people. They all think outside the box, but they all have very strong ideas about what should happen, and they think it should be their way. Which is fine, except I’m making the movies, so I should have it my way.

Ok, so actually it’s two questions. Now I’ve always thought Lucas was a little nuts, but it’s statements like these that make me think he really is just a pompus jackass, runnig around like a two year old screaming “MINE, MINE, MINE”

In the end, it just leaves me a little disgusted and insulted, but maybe I’m just overreacting.

The Whole Article: Lucas Interview


Mod Edit: a working link to the above article can be found here:-


That's been in a few places, with the reactions the same. It's like the guy wants us to hate him.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

What's ironic is we built his "empire" (pun intended) so he can have that creative freedom he enjoys. If he was still trying to ride THX and American Graffiti (both good movies, but not hugely popular) he'd be an afterthought by now. He wouldn't have the money or the power he has now. To ignore the fans. Well, its crap. It's like a primadonna athlete that was amazing and then chastises his fans, then bitches there's a disconnect. Screw Lucas. Really. The technology is getting better with fan edits, fan fiction and fan films...what he screwed up we'll correct and now it will be by the fans for the fans. What he doesn't realize is it was ours all along. We made it great, we made it possible to do a trilogy, we made it pop culture. It has grown in to a worldwide phenomenon because of of us. He sucks and I am tired of his attitude.
16 years I wait and this is what I get???
Again, the same interview?
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Obi-wonton, American Grafitti was very popular. Before Blair Witch it was the most profitable movie ever, based on it's relative cost.


Well at least the reversed surround channels have been addressed.

Utter newbie here. Grrr.

I'm sorry you saw half a completed film and fell in love with it.
His contempt for his audience shines through like a beacon. So we were stupid to like his movie in the first place?? You'd think the guy would have at least a hint of respect for the big phenomenon of 1977: the huge lines, the cover stories in all the magazines, everyone seeing the movie over and over, the way his movie defined all pop culture for a year or more...

It's history, man. You're trying to erase history. Shades of Big Brother: Just change your name from George Lucas to George Orwell and be done with it...
Reading crap like that about his fans opinions makes me regret every single penny i have spent on any and all Star Wars related merchandise. Not to mention all the other people i have turned on the SW.

"No, i really dont give a [explicative] about any of my fans. Those dumb bastards, i just like to rape there wallets and time. After all, anyone who doesnt think evey Sci Fi saga needs a catchey little song and dance number is simply insane. But even though i hate those morons, i hope the enjoy and BUY my next version of the films in '07, and then the super deluxe version of all 6 films in '09 (MSRP $349.99)"

ajasdghaw'oghw he hacks me off...
I keep arguing this very point with people. The fans are the people who made Star Wars what it is today, for him to turn his back on such a large number of fans is just not cool.

We all obviously know that there is no reasoning with the bastard. I have a new idea for how to get the OT, im sure its been mentioned, but I think ill start a new topic for it.
"You don't own space, so stop actin' like you do."

Originally posted by: adamblast
Utter newbie here. Grrr.

I'm sorry you saw half a completed film and fell in love with it.
His contempt for his audience shines through like a beacon. So we were stupid to like his movie in the first place?? You'd think the guy would have at least a hint of respect for the big phenomenon of 1977: the huge lines, the cover stories in all the magazines, everyone seeing the movie over and over, the way his movie defined all pop culture for a year or more...

It's history, man. You're trying to erase history. Shades of Big Brother: Just change your name from George Lucas to George Orwell and be done with it...

Yep, its time to burn it all!!!!
