The recording you are talking about was from the Sci Fi channel when they first aired the wide screen version of the OT . It was hosted by Billy Dee Williams in 1995 , a few years earlier in 1993 , Carrie Fisher hosted the first marathon of all 3 movies in full screen on the channel . This site hasn’t been updated since 2012 , but there is a contact email at the bottom of the page which may or may not work . Good resource for what it contained though …
There are also snippets of these hosting segments on youtube .
Also , there are people out there who have kept recordings for decades , a couple years ago , I got one off ebay that was a VHS recording from HBO in 1987 , from the same month they first showed Return Of The Jedi . It also had Police Academy 2 and a few episodes of The Hitcher on it , as well as some HBO promos for that month’s offerings between shows . The person who had it started the recording at the 20th century fox fanfare , so sadly the HBO intro , feature presentation and ratings card didn’t get recorded at the start but are on there for Police Academy 2 . The image quality is not so great but is passable on a CRT TV . The audio is very low volume on it though . Probably recorded in long play mode . One interesting thing to note is that the pan and scan cropping on Jedi is a bit different to other full screen vhs home video releases I have seen , at least in the opening shot . In this HBO airing , the camera pans left to show the second Death Star when it is first seen .
another thing that may be useful is to look for VHS tapes , " sold as blanks " on places like EBAY etc . A lot of them have multiple movies and shows per tape , but its a bit of a crap shoot . I tend to zoom in on the tape labels and would contact the seller for more information .