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Looking for recordings of the original trilogy on TV (with commercials)


This might be a long shot, but I’ve tried other websites and this seems like my best bet. I used to have some VHS tapes of the original trilogy recorded from TV that my parents tossed after I moved out, and I’ve been trying to find some commercials from my childhood on them that I just can’t get out of my head. I know they were the original cut,featured interviews with Billy Dee Williams in the commercial breaks, and had ads for Anastasia in the recordings. Can anyone point me to where I can find these recordings before I lose my mind? Much appreciated!!


It’s unlikely unless someone was in your exact country, region, city etc. at a specific time and date AND had a video recording that they also happen to have kept saved for decades.


The recording you are talking about was from the Sci Fi channel when they first aired the wide screen version of the OT . It was hosted by Billy Dee Williams in 1995 , a few years earlier in 1993 , Carrie Fisher hosted the first marathon of all 3 movies in full screen on the channel . This site hasn’t been updated since 2012 , but there is a contact email at the bottom of the page which may or may not work . Good resource for what it contained though …http://noneinc.com/SWSFCFBDW/swsfcfbdw-faq.html
There are also snippets of these hosting segments on youtube .

Also , there are people out there who have kept recordings for decades , a couple years ago , I got one off ebay that was a VHS recording from HBO in 1987 , from the same month they first showed Return Of The Jedi . It also had Police Academy 2 and a few episodes of The Hitcher on it , as well as some HBO promos for that month’s offerings between shows . The person who had it started the recording at the 20th century fox fanfare , so sadly the HBO intro , feature presentation and ratings card didn’t get recorded at the start but are on there for Police Academy 2 . The image quality is not so great but is passable on a CRT TV . The audio is very low volume on it though . Probably recorded in long play mode . One interesting thing to note is that the pan and scan cropping on Jedi is a bit different to other full screen vhs home video releases I have seen , at least in the opening shot . In this HBO airing , the camera pans left to show the second Death Star when it is first seen .

another thing that may be useful is to look for VHS tapes , " sold as blanks " on places like EBAY etc . A lot of them have multiple movies and shows per tape , but its a bit of a crap shoot . I tend to zoom in on the tape labels and would contact the seller for more information .



It’s a real niche preservation/nostalgia effort, I feel for you.
Not too long ago I tried to make a 1977 Star Wars edit that felt like watching it at my local theater, period specific ads, don’t forget the concession stand nag, the Duck Dodgers cartoon before the movie that Lucas couldn’t license (when I was a kid they still played cartoons before G rated movies where I lived) and trailers for other later summer 1977 movies. The worst part of it was that everything in the pre-show section looked aged and then the cartoon and the movie looked pristine, I don’t really want to distress/age them to achieve the goal and at the same time can’t upgrade the period pieces and I wound up abandoning the project.