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Looking For "Introducing the Despecialized Edition and Its Sources" Video


Hey Guys,

I am looking for Harmy’s 20 minute “Introducing the Despecialized Edition and Its Sources” Video. I watched it a couple days ago on YouTube and now it seems to have been blocked by FOX:

Tried to find it via google and on Vimeo but didn’t have any luck.

I convinced my girlfriend who has never seen Star Wars to watch the despecialized version with me, because she’s doing her masters in digital media and I told her it would interest her at least on a technical level. Of course I was planning to show her Harmy’s video, which unfortunately now is blocked. I found a video for version 2.5 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHfLX_TMduY), but I’d like to show her the 20minute video.

Help me OT Forum, you’re my only hope!


I see I am not the first to notice this. Thanks for the quick reply!