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Line Graph For Signatures

Would it be too much of a hassle to make a line graph showing the rate that signatures have grown? Key places on the timeline could be marked, such as when the dvd's were released. This would make it easy to see the publics reaction (I'm guessing the graph would take a sharp shoot upward at that point). It would also show the growth of the popularity of this issue.
I think that would be pretty nifty to see. I wonder if the last few weeks will be a much higher percentage of increase than any time before the release? Like you said, it seems that would be the case.
"You don't own space, so stop actin' like you do."
Well, yeah, it would be work...does Jay have the list of signatures in a tab-delimited text file or anything? I'm guessing Excel has some way of converting tab-delimited text to a spreadsheet. That's really the only hard part...if they can be automatically put into the spreadsheet, then all there is left is the graph, which is pretty easy to do.
The signatures are actually stored in a SQL database with a time/date stamp, so manipulating the numbers wouldn't be that tough.

However, the actual value of the graph wouldn't be worth the work involved. There were two big spikes: one when the site first launched, and a bit of a spike leading up to the release of the DVDs. Other than that, it's a few signatures a day. Not much of a story to tell really.
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