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Let JediTray back in — Page 9


^I sense another Lurker's name suggestion post.

At the risk of sounding like a creep Jay and Moth3r are by far the most balanced and tolerant Mods I've encountered on a discussion forum before.

When this site works it works because there isn't such a heavy hand wielded in here and it's usually a fun, creative and pleasurable place to visit.

JediTray does seem to be a bit of a Hydra (ban one sock head and another two grows in it's place) hopefully there is a practical limit to how many times someone can keep doing this sort of thing.



Bingowings said:

^I sense another Lurker's name suggestion post.

no, I wanted to do that, but it's already Moth3r's user title.


Jedi Tray is a bi-polar, paranoid manic. I would like to say more about him but I am waiting approval from Moth3r or Mothra as I would like to call her/him? We'll probably see another sock appear on here calling me a meanie for saying that about him and then we will see him go on and on and on again about he is a "victim" and it's not his fault he acts this way and it's everybody else fault and then he will apologize after we defend ourselves and start saying how he will miss us when he's gone, but then point out all the people who upset him again and get angry and then threaten anybody who argues with him with gun and then cool down and beg for mercy again to moth3r and then get banned and then the (soc)cycle of life continues...


Ghostbusters said:

I would like to say more about him but I am waiting approval from Moth3r...



I would like to get serious for a moment and talk about chronic sock users. I think they have insecurity problems and low-self esteem. I think they have a hard time accepting who they are so they like to make up their identities and pretend to be someone else. The internet is perfect place for these people to harbor their inner feelings. I don't know if any of you are aware of the DVD called "talhotblonde" that you can currently find in redbox. It is about a couple who meet online and lie about their identities and it leads to someone getting killed. It can get to be a serious issue. I'm going to make up a syndrome for Jedi Tray called sockpuppetitus.


Ghostbusters said:

I would like to get serious for a moment and talk about chronic sock users. I think they have insecurity problems and low-self esteem. I think they have a hard time accepting who they are so they like to make up their identities and pretend to be someone else. The internet is perfect place for these people to harbor their inner feelings. I don't know if any of you are aware of the DVD called "talhotblonde" that you can currently find in redbox. It is about a couple who meet online and lie about their identities and it leads to someone getting killed. It can get to be a serious issue. I'm going to make up a syndrome for Jedi Tray called sockpuppetitus.



Treating you like a dog?


+1 basically means "I agree."  Relax.


JediTray (I do assume you're still reading this thread):

I think it's time someone explained to you how the internet works. Now this may come as a shock to you, but in fact there is not, nor has there ever been, an intricate conspiracy on the part of OT.com regulars to exclude you. Here's the deal: in online communities, a person is judged by his or her behavior. Those who behave rationally, make reasonable and/or interesting contributions, and just generally seem to have a cool head, will inevitably find acceptance. On the other hand, those who act creepy, whiny, or clingy, will not. Attention whoring falls into the latter of the two categories. So does stalking regular members and harassing them incessantly.

Here's where it can get confusing for some people, so pay attention. Claiming to have debilitating problems in real life does not excuse inappropriate online behavior. For one thing, why should anyone believe that alleged problems exist in the first place? For an example of what I'm talking about, just read through the Dayv cancer thread. For another thing, even if someone claims to have horrible problems in real life and those claims happen to be true...well, so what? How does that have any bearing on whether behavior is appropriate or not? You don't seriously think you're the only person on here that has problems in the real world, do you? Life is complicated. I happen to be going through some pretty dire financial straits at the moment, but you don't hear me bringing them up every other post. Why? Mainly because it has no bearing on the ongoing discussion here. And because it's nobody's business but my own. And most of all, because on an online forum like this one, behavior is more important than life circumstances. Take you, for example. You seem very eager to make mention of your various health problems. Well gee, ok, sorry to hear about that, but so what? Poor health doesn't constitute license to act weird, creepy, and needy. Or to go attention whoring. Or to stalk and harass other members of the forum. 

I guess all I'm really trying to say is that OT.com isn't actually a members-only club as you so shrilly purport; it's really more of a non-sociopaths-only club. But then again, where on the internet isn't that the case? And the only stardard of judgment that an online community can really go with is an individual's behavior. As God said to Cain, "If you do well, will you not be accepted?" Of course Cain didn't do well, so he got banished. Similarly, failure to do well on this forum (and others) will get you banned. But I suppose you already knew that.

Good luck socking, and remember what I said. It's your behavior that turns people against you. Nothing less, and nothing else.

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


Did JediTray ever use any of his 'problems' just justify his actions?

On the Dayv thread (where he was the first to demand a refund) I recall him using his personal experience to explain his perceived outrage and confusion over the documents issue but I can't remember him using it as a fig leaf to hide questionable behavior behind.

I'm fully open to be pointed to posts I've overlooked but that was the general impression I got, it's a bit difficult to read now he has been banned.


Post 192 in this thread, for starters (or finishers if you like).

And he kept mentioning it (at one point in this thread I wished him the best in response), to the point that it was obvious he was using it whether he said directly or not.


TV's Frink said:

And he kept mentioning it (at one point in this thread I wished him the best in response), to the point that it was obvious he was using it whether he said directly or not.

Post 72 in this thread.


Cripes! How many socks as this clown worn?

Yes I see your point I was just puzzled because I've only really become aware of JediTray's antics since coming back from the Christmas break.

So that's been mostly in this thread and in the Dayv thread and mostly via his Kenobius Prime moniker.


Or maybe he's a great guy and this is just one big elitist member's only club that unfairly rips into anyone who dares delete all their posts...




...nah, that's stupid.


Well it's sort of is a members only club in the sense that you have to have an account to post on it.

I guess that was too elitist for him which is why he had to give a separate account for each of the voices in his head.

When I hear the voices they have to use my account.

Sockpuppetry seems to work on having at least two contrary personas one creating one scenario to attempt to sway the crowd one way and the other in complete opposition to sway the crowd in the opposite direction, supplementary socks may manifest to back up either of the two polar opposites to some degree usually never as strongly as one of the extreme socks.

The difficulty is that that's how a partisan conversation works anyway without the need of socks.

JediTray comes across as a bit of an oddity as he/she/it as far as we know seems to be reanimating the same persona under different names.

ABC does this sort of thing but doesn't bother to hide it much if at all.


On second thought Jedi Tray is not a troll, he is just an out-of-control-stalker. I seriously think he was not trying to be a troll.


Ghostbusters said:

On second thought Jedi Tray is not a troll, he is just an out-of-control-stalker. I seriously think he was not trying to be a troll.

Ha-ha, I just rediscovered this post and found it very amusing.


Place your bets: How long does the blog stay active?