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Last web series/tv show seen — Page 57


I don't think it would have done any better without the Galactica connection indeed the connection could have answered those critics felt let down by the finale of NuGalactica.

It remains the nearest thing yet attempted to something like Rudy Rucker's books but lacking the necessary, "what the heck just happened to my brain?" quality that make the Ware books such a jolly good read.

So much of NuGalactica was similarly pinched from the Singer television treatment anyways so as amazing as it was it really was a chance collision of ideas that got the parent show started.

Let's also not underestimate the influence of the Funky Space Mormon show from the seventies or Richard Hatch's attempts to resurrect it.

At the time all the devotees raved at the Season One finale of Caprica but I saw it as a bit of a sell out.

I was expecting the big reveal to be that the Cylons really were robots possessed by the personalities of dead people, opening the door to the possibility that the humans were a simulation run by the Godthing and his 'Angels' (which would cover practically all the hanging problems left over from NuGalactica.


Arrested Development is ruining my life.  I have finals right now but I can't stop watching.  

How it took me this long to watch it I have no idea.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


bkev said:

Arrested Development is ruining my life.  I have finals right now but I can't stop watching.  

How it took me this long to watch it I have no idea.
AD is more important than finals.

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I'm watching 'The Following' on Netflix, Its pretty good so far (getting a wee bit silly where I'm at around ep 12)

Kevin Bacon is great in it, reminds me a bit of Clint Eastwood

James Purefoy reminds me of a cross between Hugh Jackman & Stephen Gately



Just been watching a live action series on youtube based on Fallout called Fallout: Nuka Break.

It's the most impressive thing I've seen in a while - even compared to big budget hollywood stuff. - It even has a Doug Jones in it [Hellboy, el laberinto del fauno, etc] 

you can check out the entire first season as one video here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcgxXnEVVyM

I assume they'll do similar with the second season at some point..

* there was an earlier fan film that spawned the series but i would personally recommend people skip that and check it out later if curious - the quality just isn't as good as the series. And it isn't really needed to explain things..

there's also a spin-off film called Red Star which was quite good, although the effects and make-up weren't quite as good as the series..


We've been watching American Horror Story. I like the idea of every season being different and actually trying to tell a story with a beginning, middle, and end without trying to keep a dying show alive year after year, but so far, the first two seasons seemed to have a really rushed endings. like they have 15 episodes worth of stories and are trying to fit them into 13. I also like that they have a lot of the same cast in completely different roles. And Jessica Lange is extraordinary in all of them.

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Just started rewatching Farscape...good Lords Of Kobol I still love this show.

Even after all these years it looks unique and the characters are great fun too.


I might be due for a re-watch of that soon. It's cheese but it's fun.


Sherlock... meh. It's kind of worn off it's appeal now. Now I just find it vacuous and silly (and not in a good way)

<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


I haven't seen the latest episode yet but I've enjoyed the rest of series 3.

Saw the Helix premiere [episodes 1 and 2]. Not sure what to make of it yet, I liked what I saw but it never really hooked me. I'll give it a fair go before deciding whether I like it. I WAS tired when I watched it so I may have missed something.

Watched the whole first season of Corner Gas. Love it. Now I need to check out the rest, I think there are 6 seasons in total.

Started watching Twin Peaks. I dunno if it hasn't aged well but it seems incredibly silly. I never really got into it when it was new.


"The Walking Dead" Got through the entire series in under a week. I like it, but it never went anyplace special as far as creative storytelling after season two.

"Star Trek: The Next Generation" I have not seen much of this show after it was ended in the mid 90's. Some episodes are fun, but most have become painfully silly and dated.

"Sherlock" Outstanding writing and photography styles. I've re-watched series one and two, and I was quite enjoying series three until last night's finally.  I'm not sure how I feel about that episode yet. I must have a re-watch.

"Elementary" A somewhat different take and on the Sherlock formula. I am only on the sixth episode, but I am enjoying the character chemistry and the writing is not bad at all.  More of a CSI type format, and quite different then what the BBC's "Sherlock" is trying to do.

"Being Human" I'm watching the BBC version, and just got done with series one. The actors and writing are wonderfully creative. I'm hoping this show retains it's charm in the second series.

"Arrow" Now I like this show a lot. Not anything ground breaking, but it does echo the style of "The Dark Knight" films, and it has kept my attention.  Some of the casting is quite good, but some of the actors are just too pretty boy model types, and don't work for me. Still it's better then "Agents of Shield".

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Johnny Ringo said:

Watched the whole first season of Corner Gas. Love it. Now I need to check out the rest, I think there are 6 seasons in total.

Thanks! Series is pretty good and I was almost out of new things to watch. Near the end of season 2 already.


As a dyed in the wool fan of all of Twin Peaks (even the filler with James and the Black Widow) I for one wish somehow the place can be revisited as a film or a spin off.

It has moments which are silly crammed up against subversively uncomfortable darkness.

As an exercise on audience mood swing it's really hard to beat.

I'm also apparently the only satisfied audience member for On The Air too so feel free to ignore any and indeed everything I say on any subject.


doubleKO said:

Johnny Ringo said:

Watched the whole first season of Corner Gas. Love it. Now I need to check out the rest, I think there are 6 seasons in total.

Thanks! Series is pretty good and I was almost out of new things to watch. Near the end of season 2 already.

 Not bad, aye?

I watched about half the second season last night. It's pretty hot here atm, so not a lot else to do (about eleventy one fahrenheit).

I tried giving agents of shield another go but it's just no good. I think I'm done. Kinda feels like wasted potential.


Watched Bite Me on YouTube, a zombie/comedy series where the survivors are gamers. Not bad. Also watching another one from the UK called Zomblogalypse which is even funnier.

JEDIT: Nick Frost's Danger! 50,000 Zombies! was worth a chuckle or three as well. Does anyone have recommendations for good zombie web series? (They don't have to be comedy).


I started watching Caprica but just couldn't do it. I hate that actress who plays the daughter. She just rubs me the wrong way.

Funnily enough, I just started watching Twin Peaks as well. I was intrigued because Netflix had recommended it a while back when I was doing my run through of the X-Files. But I kept putting it off. Then I started to play Alan Wake and remembered hearing that a lot of that game was inspired by Twin Peaks. So I've been playing a chunk of Alan Wake every day and then watching around two episodes of Twin Peaks immediately after.

I'm a big fan of both now and highly recommend Alan Wake to any Twin Peaks fans.

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Bingowings said:

As a dyed in the wool fan of all of Twin Peaks (even the filler with James and the Black Widow) I for one wish somehow the place can be revisited as a film or a spin off.



For the past couple of weeks, I've been watching Friday the 13th: The Series (despite what the title would imply, it has absolutely nothing to do with the movies with Jason).

While I like the three main characters, the formulaic plot of each of the episodes has really started to bore me (villain of the week has a cursed antique which s/he uses to kill someone so s/he can benefit off of it, the leads have to track them/it down, the villain gets his/her comeuppance and the leads retrieve the cursed antique and lock it away for all eternity, rinse and repeat); the heavy use of reoccurring guest actors certainly doesn't help -- seeing the same five or so actors playing different villains/love interests/etc. only adds to the "small" feeling of the show.

So, after the first two seasons and the first two episodes of the third season, I'm calling it quits. One of the leads has left and been replaced by this point, anyway, and the show apparently doesn't even have a decent final episode, so there really is no impetus for me to continue watching.


Sci Fi had the gall to rip the premise off for one of their many reality shows recently. Although apparently none of the cursed antiques have been used to kill. ;)

Where were you in '77?


I didn't set out to watch a lot of Cop shows...it just sort of happened.

True Detective - best thing I've seen in a long time. Sick of people recommending trash while I search for something good to watch. Now I'm all set. The story jumps between now and 1995 where we follow two state police officers on a Homicide case.

Brooklyn Nine Nine - Sitcom set at the 99th precinct, follows a bunch of detectives. A few familiar faces - Terry Crews, Andy Samberg, Andre Braugher

Almost Human - Cop show set at some point in the Future, Karl Urban is the Human [he does the typical human stuff] who gets partnered with an Android. It's hard to decide if I like the show or if I just like watching KU acting like an asshole.


Just re-watched my RWBY DVD, and spent the whole time wishing I'd bought it on Blu-Ray instead, lol.

It's basically an anime about socially awkward young girls going to an academy where they learn how to explode monsters with extremely improbable weapons, like sniper scythes and revolver rapiers and shotgun gauntlets. It's done by Rooster Teeth and directed/animated/everythinged by Monty Oum, so the fight choreography is totally sick, and I pretty much love the entire cast and their crazy, nonsensical weapons.


I've been watching the new show "Black Sails". It being presented as a prequel to "Treasure Island".  It's not bad, but seems to lack the High Seas Adventure you would expect from a pirate show.

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison



YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME. I just finished Twin Peaks.

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^I feel your pain. All things considered, though, the show left a pretty good legacy behind.


The next time you'll see me it will be 25 years.

The United State of America may be bigger than the village of Midsomer but what it lacks in deaths per head of the population (which must be somewhere around 2000% in Midsomer Murders) Hannibal the series, makes up for in numbers of weird artistic genius sickos and really arcane mental health facilities.

The detectives are all Lestrades too.

Great show mind. I've been rewatching series one and hoping one day someone will take William Peter Blatty's books and turn them into a similar show.

Now that would play a bit like Twin Peaks.