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Last web series/tv show seen — Page 50


BloodnoseThePirate said:

They actually seem to have a plot that they're working toward. I'm actually excited to see where this goes.

Yeah this point in the comics is where it felt like the story found some direction.

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So I managed to get caught up with the Walking Dead aside from the one that's currently airing which I'll watch in a little bit. I have to say it got better from season 2 but it's not entirely at Season 1 standards. I guess that's what happens when AMC isn't playing the drama game behind the scenes. The show actually gets better when AMC isn't pulling crap like "can't the audience just imagine the zombies?"

Last show I watched was the latest episode of Misfits. I think I'm done watching it as a weekly thing. I might watch more episodes if I get bored sometime weeks or months later. Though they've wrapped up every major storyline/character for the show in this episode/previous episodes and there's absolutely nothing urgent to drive me to want to watch further. From now on episodes of Misfits are practically special features.


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I agree about Misfits - it just doesn't hold my attention anymore. I hope it gets better but I feel like the main storyline is told now.

I've been watching a lot of Bob's Burgers lately. I saw it a while ago and was turned off by the somewhat crude animation style but I've started getting into it. It also stars H Jon Benjamin who plays the title character in Archer [love that show.]




ChainsawAsh said:

I recommend this order.  It's the one I used while watching, and it's pretty flawless.  It's also designed for minimal disc-swapping if you're using the DVDs.

At the Angel/Buffy branching point now so started using this guide.

Experiencing the phone call from both sides was fun, the dramatic irony of Buffy speculating on her mother getting an embolism after seeing her book bill burned knowing what will eventually happen in the most gut wrenching episode of the whole show.


24 (2001-2010)

Just finished this series. I have to say I quite enjoyed it and am sad to see that it's over. But I am glad my favorite character made it through to the end! (Not Jack)

Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994)

I was caught off guard that I had finished these two series so close to each other. I was expecting to finish 24 with the X-Files. Anyway, it was a great series. It's a shame they didn't use all of their feature films to tie up various loose ends from the series like First Contact did. I think that's also a part of why Wrath of Kahn was so good.


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Rewatching Buffy it was remarkable to me how similar structurally the Buffy vs Faith fights were to the Obi-Wan vs Anakin one (if you string the Slayer fights together they kind of add up to one Jedi vs *Chosen One smackdown).

The difference was I cared much more about Faith the multiple murderess and attempted strangle rapist than Anakin the child murdering, domestic abuser who killed all his friends and installed a dark wizard as a despot.

The mayor was a better political villain than PT Palpatine.

Even the Jedi highschool gets blown up.

I'd encourage anyone attempting to improve the PT to watch or rewatch season 3 of Buffy to see how it's done.


I rewatched the pilot for The X-Files last night.

Damn. I hadn't seen that in years. It's brilliant. I might need to rewatch the series. I watched the show slavishly when it aired, but aside from random youtube scenes I haven't seen many episodes since then.

The X-Files is easily one of the best shows ever made. It slipped in quality the last 2 or 3 seasons, but it was still damn good.

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


X-Files will always be one of my all times favorites, even if it did lose itself in a really bad way toward the end (I felt the last few seasons were beyond unwatchable at times). I'd really like to see another movie made. I Want to Believe was extremely disappointing when it came out, I think I was expecting something bit more big budget and significant. Watching it again years later, it felt like I was watching a really good episode of the earlier seasons of the show. I wouldn't mind having that to look forward to every few years. Maybe a made for TV movies would be a safer route for something like this?

Just finished The Venture Brothers last week. Good stuff, it is really dense too, not something I've come to expect from adult oriented cartoons. Had a good friend who constantly tried to get me into it right after it first started, but I had zero interest. For some reason I finally gave it a shot, and I'm glad I did.

Have two episodes left of The Walking Dead. Season three started off a lot better than season two was, but I feel like it has slumped into meandering and going nowhere fast. We aren't working on character growth, and we aren't working on pushing the story forward. Really disappointing. Season one was fantastic, I think the six episode length was perfect. It was short but it felt like stuff happened during the season one arch. The storyline of season two could have easily fit into six episodes and benefited from it. And so far it seems like the same case for season three. More isn't always better, I'm all for longer seasons, but not if it means spending hours watching the dramatic equivalent of watching grass grow.


georgec said:


Love the avatar.

OTTOBOD SNR someone should do a OTTOBOD JR.


I don't know what season 3 you're watching. Season 2 was terrible but 3 has kept a great pace. But then I've read past this point in the comics so I know what they're working toward. It's also been really interesting seeing how Kirkman's been reworking the story. The show is a lot better written than the comics. I guess it's not too surprising, from everything I've read Kirkman seems to be for the most part a one draft man. So with the TV series he's gotten a chance to refine the story.

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Tobar said:

The show is a lot better written than the comics.

LOL. Yeah, no.


Some of my favorite characters in the comics are just downright annoying and unlikable in the TV show. Everyone is really two-dimensional and pointless. In the comic you can actually grow attached to these characters and feel shocked and sad when they die. From all accounts, everyone I hear talk about the show is rooting for the deaths of the characters who end up dying long before they bite it. People couldn't wait for Dale and Shane to die. The major death of season three (vague not to give spoilers) is one people have been begging for since the middle of season two. Oh yeah, and T-Dawg. One of the most pointless characters in a tv show. Obviously just the token black guy who they could finally get rid of thanks to Michonne's arrival. I don't even feel like I need spoiler tags for that one, because no one even cares about that guy.

The comic does a far better job of pulling the story forward, a far better job of growing the characters, a far better job of building their relationships. In the comics there are moments that are downright gut wrenching, because you grow to really care about these characters. In the tv show things just kind of happen. What it tries to pull off as suspense just builds boredom. I really have a hard time caring what happens to these characters, because they just aren't interesting. Michonne is a good example of the tv show ruining interesting characters. Michonne is practically a mute who just glares and tries to look suspicious about everything, instead of the fucked up batshit crazy badass character she was in the books. She goes through some of the actions the comic character may have tried to pull had they been put in the same situations, but she does it as a boring 2D cutout.

I'm not even sure what in the tv show you could possible be considering good writing? Rick's we are the walking dead speech from the comics was absolutely fantastic. Nothing in the tv show comes anywhere near to touching that. It meanders on and hashes over the most mundane and uninteresting things and moves forward at a painful crawl. The whole encounter with the prisoners was much more interesting in the book. The whole Woodbury scenario was much more interesting. The tv show really has nothing on the books. They do start to suck as the issues get somewhere past the fifties, they pick up again every now and then, but the prison/Woodbury stuff was pretty great.


I loved the first few seasons of The Venture Bros.  but I felt it got more weird and less funny as it went on.


I do find the token black guy situation on the show pretty hilarious. T-Dog made it all the way through three seasons and then was promptly replaced by the new black prisoner dude. Who was then promptly removed to make room for the new black guy with the family. (Who is supposed to be the guy they find on the side of the road with his family in the comics right?) It's as if they're not allowed to have more than one major black male character at a time. =P

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TV's Frink said:

I loved the first few seasons of The Venture Bros.  but I felt it got more weird and less funny as it went on.

It kind of agree, it started to get really bogged down and hard to follow. Many twists. I do kind of miss the older stuff back when they were actually adventuring, but at the same time I kind of like all the depth and twists. It is too easy for shows to get really formulamatic, breaking the mold and introducing constant plot twists and game changers keeps it more interesting. But perhaps it over does it. I've heard a lot of people say they lost interest once it got more involved. Seems like it reached a point that it is kind of alienating to the casual viewer.


Tobar said:

I do find the token black guy situation on the show pretty hilarious. T-Dog made it all the way through three seasons and then was promptly replaced by the new black prisoner dude. Who was then promptly removed to make room for the new black guy with the family. (Who is supposed to be the guy they find on the side of the road with his family in the comics right?) It's as if they're not allowed to have more than one major black male character at a time. =P

Yeah, that is Tyreese, the guy they found on the side of the road early on in the comics along with his daughter and her boyfriend. He was such a strong supporting character in the comics, I was surprised they didn't introduce him earlier on. They're introducing him really close to his exit point in the comics, hope they keep him interesting and have him stick around a while. Daryl has kind of taken his place as Rick's right hand guy, but those two don't really have the relationship Rick and Tyreese had. Ah, that is another example of how good the writing and story telling is in the comics! How Tyreese sees Rick becoming this darker ends justify the means character and totally calls him out on it after watching him murder Dexter. That kind of character depth is totally absent from the tv show. I feel like the tv show is really watered down appeal to a wider audience.

Actually, I've always felt it kind of disappointing that you have this comic series that had a few really strong and useful African American characters, and the tv series sunk to the level of having the useless token black character in the background doing pretty much nothing. It is nice to see Tyreese and Michonne on the show now, I hope they get to play the roles they deserve.


As Venture Bros. seemed like it was just a funny riff on Jonny Quest in the beginning, it's neat to see it develop it's own history and weirdness. Some of the character arcs have been pretty interesting. And how can I not love a show that throws out so many Star Wars references?

I wonder if David Bowie gets asked to sign stuff as "The Sovereign" these days? ;)

The wait between new seasons is pretty damn long though.

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Where were you in '77?


New season later this year. Yay.


Well they've had a few specials in between and season 4 was longer than usual with a pretty long finale, so it hasn't been to bad. Still, Can't wait for new episodes. The show just keeps getting better all the time.

My favourite episodes are pinstripes and poltergeists and everybody comes to Hank's. - both season 4 eps.

I'd encourage people who trailed off to give it another go. if it turns out that it isn't your thing then that's cool. 

Just watched Blood of the father, Heart of steel. Good fun. Wouldn't mind watching it in chronological order but it probably wouldn't have the same charm.


Three "Hello Megan!"s in about 5 minutes just turned me right off Young Justice. Goodbye Megan.


I've recently started watching Community after my lady friend recommended it to me (She seen this show in Finland, but not John Hughes movies. Weird.)

I dig it.

<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


I finished watching the first two seasons - along with the first sixteen episodes of the third season - of Sliders.

Its hampered by a limited budget and some formulaic writing, the nature of the multiverse could have been depicted better, and too many third season episodes have lame storylines and bad CG monsters. For all that, though, its enjoyable - I love pretty much anything pertaining to parallel universes - and I love the characters and their interaction with one another.

I won't be watching any further episodes, though, because I already spoiled myself in regard to what happens in the end, and I don't want to see two wonderful characters I've come to love get lobotomized, raped, and killed.


Just finished season 6 of Burn Notice. Anyone else think the show really went downhill this season? The first half (up until the end of the Anson Fullerton arc) is quite good, but afterwards it seems like the writers didn't really know where to go or what to do. The second half is bogged down with soap opera drama, which seems more like filler than anything else. With a few exceptions, the plot movements of second-half episodes seem really contrived, Olivia Riley is played so over-the-top that she comes across as hilariously unreal rather than intimidating (which, I presume, they were going for), and there's no significant movement or resolution until the very last episode. It's almost like the development team only had enough material for six episodes, and once they had exhausted it they just ran out the clock for the remainder of the season. Pretty disappointing.

Every 27th customer will get a ball-peen hammer, free!


Watched the live stream of Who reviews the reviewers last night. My god does the audio go to complete suck when they go to play a video! It's like putting your ear next to a vacuum while trying to listen to a quiet person speak. Not entirely sure what could fix the audio but wow is it in needing of fixing. Someone in the chat suggested headphones for the judges that might be worth trying. The critique was good but yeah the audio needs massive fixing for future rounds.


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