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Green Lantern TAS

I'm not really familiar with Green Lantern, but I like this show. The computery animation style is not my favourite, but it is nicely paced and has had decent ongoing story arcs from the beginning. The voice work is outstanding and while not there with Avengers for me (I am a Marvel guy after all), it sure beats the hell out of Ultimate Spider-Man.

Did I mention they brought back the Spider-Cycle?


Fans of the books please bear with me, I haven't read them but usually villains (even cruel sadists) have some feature of interest which makes them compelling to watch or read.

Young King Joffrey is just a nasty little git.

There is nothing interesting, redeeming, or entertaining about him at all so far in the series.

He isn't a love to hate character he is just a vile piece of work and I can't see how any death, no matter how imaginative would work as narrative payback for what he is.

He is like one of the monsters from Salo.


What is Game of Thrones.

"Guess the Show Bingowings is Talking About" for two thousand please Alex.


What is Jeopardy?

"Guess the American Game Show doubleKO is Talking About" for two thousand please Alex.


^ Touché!

Just checking out Sealab 2021 for the first time (thanks greeny and bkev). Six episodes in, the humour and timing reminded me so much of Archer that I looked up both shows to find that one of Sealab's co-creators (Adam Reed) is the creator of Archer... Anyway, I like it.


Fig nuts!

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Bingowings said:

Fans of the books please bear with me, I haven't read them but usually villains (even cruel sadists) have some feature of interest which makes them compelling to watch or read.

Young King Joffrey is just a nasty little git.

There is nothing interesting, redeeming, or entertaining about him at all so far in the series.

He isn't a love to hate character he is just a vile piece of work and I can't see how any death, no matter how imaginative would work as narrative payback for what he is.

He is like one of the monsters from Salo.

This is why I take issue with the scene of him with the prostitutes this week.  It's not in the books, but it's not a necessary addition either - you don't learn anything new about him, except maybe that he's even worse than you thought.  But we already thought he was a monster, so it doesn't significantly enhance our understanding of the character.  It's just unnecessarily off-putting.

Overall, though, this season's been fantastic, even though it's less faithful to the book than season 1 was.  This is really the only non-book thing so far that I don't like.


ChainsawAsh said:

Bingowings said:

Fans of the books please bear with me, I haven't read them but usually villains (even cruel sadists) have some feature of interest which makes them compelling to watch or read.

Young King Joffrey is just a nasty little git.

There is nothing interesting, redeeming, or entertaining about him at all so far in the series.

He isn't a love to hate character he is just a vile piece of work and I can't see how any death, no matter how imaginative would work as narrative payback for what he is.

He is like one of the monsters from Salo.

This is why I take issue with the scene of him with the prostitutes this week.  It's not in the books, but it's not a necessary addition either - you don't learn anything new about him, except maybe that he's even worse than you thought.  But we already thought he was a monster, so it doesn't significantly enhance our understanding of the character.  It's just unnecessarily off-putting.

Overall, though, this season's been fantastic, even though it's less faithful to the book than season 1 was.  This is really the only non-book thing so far that I don't like.

Season 2 is pretty damn good so far, but damn do you hate Joffrey or what, I really hope he gets what is coming to him, hopefully Ned's Daughter will give it to him in the end.


Fringe has been renewed for a fifth (and final) season of 13 episodes!  Woo-hoo!  I hope a large chunk of the season takes place in 2036...


I'm loving Community. Almost caught up.

“Grow up. These are my Disney's movies, not yours.”


Watching DS9 and Voyager. Switching back and forth. Seen all of Voyager before, just a bit of DS9. Fun Trek times.

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Loving The Venture Bros.

Super run-away!


ChainsawAsh said:

Bingowings said:

Fans of the books please bear with me, I haven't read them but usually villains (even cruel sadists) have some feature of interest which makes them compelling to watch or read.

Young King Joffrey is just a nasty little git.

There is nothing interesting, redeeming, or entertaining about him at all so far in the series.

He isn't a love to hate character he is just a vile piece of work and I can't see how any death, no matter how imaginative would work as narrative payback for what he is.

He is like one of the monsters from Salo.

This is why I take issue with the scene of him with the prostitutes this week.  It's not in the books, but it's not a necessary addition either - you don't learn anything new about him, except maybe that he's even worse than you thought.  But we already thought he was a monster, so it doesn't significantly enhance our understanding of the character.  It's just unnecessarily off-putting.

Overall, though, this season's been fantastic, even though it's less faithful to the book than season 1 was.  This is really the only non-book thing so far that I don't like.

I don't think it was totally unnecessary.

For one, I couldn't have been the only one thinking that a teenage king is a horny king, and this kid, unmarried as he is, should be taking advantage of his status to fuck every beautiful woman in the seven kingdoms. I think the scene proved that his proclivities are of the unusually sadistic, non-sexual kind. It almost makes one wonder if he has any interest in sex at all.

Secondly, up until now, we've seen Joffrey behave as a tyrant prince and king, but one could rationalize his decisions as cruel necessities to assert his new authority over the threat of every other house coming for the throne. This scene provided a contrast, as the only one in which his cruelty extends to private affairs not associated with ruling.

Finally, using whores is a distinctly Tyrion means of trying to appease the boy, and if Joffrey can't quite bring himself to harm his uncle, the scene at least showed just how much he'd like to.


We've been on a Joss Whedon kick (understandably), so we started on "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" this week. What a great show! The wife has seen a lot of the later episodes, but I hadn't seen any. I'm really liking it, and its not even supposed to have "Grown The Beard" yet!

We've also been watching Geek & Sundry, the YouTube Channel from Felicia Day (of The Guild and random Whedon projects). We really enjoy the weekly Flog (Felicia doing something random) and the bi-weekly TableTop (Wil Wheaton plays a game with some of his friends). TableTop actually inspired us to play more games and try out some different stuff we wouldn't have known about before.

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Oh lucky you.

I wish I could have a mind wipe and watch them all over again afresh.

Are you going to try and slot Angel into the time frame or are you not going there?


doubleofive said:

we started on "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" this week. What a great show!

Yay Scoobies!

I am not thrilled with The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes season 2. For a start they now have a stupid voiceover obscuring all but one guitar riff of the "Assembled We Are One" song which I had grown to enjoy. They ruined Cap's costume (again), and instead of consolidating the dynamic of the team they had in season 1, they introduce a whole new bunch of people. Probably to sell more action figures... I was just waiting for the "Michael Korvac" episode to hurry up and finish. I don't care about SWORD or Ms. Marvel or interplanetary frickin' RACCOONS DAMMIT!


Bingowings said:

Oh lucky you.

I wish I could have a mind wipe and watch them all over again afresh.

Are you going to try and slot Angel into the time frame or are you not going there?
Angel is defiantly next. Oh , they ran concurrently! I've always wanted to try that switching back and forth, so I think we'll give that a shot.

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There seems to be less swapping than my "go by the air dates" spreadsheet I made. I may just use that then.

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I recommend this order.  It's the one I used while watching, and it's pretty flawless.  It's also designed for minimal disc-swapping if you're using the DVDs.


Anyway, the Fringe finale was last night.  I enjoyed it quite a bit, even if the latter chunk of the season had a distinct "Oh shit we might get cancelled" feeling to it and the finale itself felt a little rushed.  There were some great surprises, one of the most disturbing scenes I've ever seen on the show (THOSE EYES), and it made the 2036 episode feel relevant to the season itself by fulfilling quite a bit of its foreshadowings.

Really looking forward to the final season!


ChainsawAsh said:

I recommend this order.  It's the one I used while watching, and it's pretty flawless.  It's also designed for minimal disc-swapping if you're using the DVDs.
Watching on Netflix, so I'm not sure how much swapping would affect me.

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So I keep watching Ultimate Spider-Man... The show has grown on me a little since Toilet Venom. I'm getting used to the SHIELD team angle and the humour that constantly falls flat; Jameson's voice is done by J.K. Simmons and Venom's second appearance was a lot better.

I like the art style more than any previous Spidey cartoons and their version of the Hulk was maybe the most entertaining I've ever seen (I like my Hulk dull-witted and hilarious). If they could only quit the ridiculous metaphor visualizations and the tiresome devil/angel on the shoulders nonsense that constantly kill the pace of the story I might actually start to like it. It seems to be aimed at children with attention spans of twenty seconds or so.