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Last web series/tv show seen


Are people watching enough web series to include it in this topic?

LWS seen would be The Guild, of course it's also the only one I've watched.  And I watched it on DVD, not the web. :p

I finally started in on S2 of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles last night.  Made it halfway through first episode before baby started crying again.  What a selfish baby!


Last show was Modern Family. We caught up on it, The Middle, and Glee last night. Been busy the last week with a Christmas Madrigal the wife and I were singing at to watch TV.

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TV's Frink said:

Are people watching enough web series to include it in this topic?

Well I use the term "web series" loosely. Like a "let's play", online vid review, or simple video log. For the most part so long as it's not a music video, YTP, (blank) in 5 seconds, internet meme vid, or random animal vid. It likely qualifies.


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Watched about 6 episodes of Canadian sitcom "Corner Gas" last night. Funny stuff.

Does the Video Game Nerd count as a web series?


I finished watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel a few weeks ago, and I've since read Angel/Spike: After the Fall, the rest of IDW's post-ATF Angel/Spike/Illyria run, and Buffy: Season Eight.

I have to say, while I enjoyed Season 7 of Buffy (second-weakest of the series, mind you, but still good), "Season 8" started strong, got really good with the Fray storyline, then just devolved into WTF-ness very quickly.  Just waiting for #40 to come out so I can finish it, and decide if I should bother with Season 9.

Angel: After the Fall was absolutely fantastic, and I want a big-budget movie made out of it right now.  The rest of the series, post-ATF, was interesting at best, ridiculous at worst.  I'm looking forward to the final arc, though, and I'm excited for the new Spike series.

All in all, I'd have to say that Angel's series finale ("Not Fade Away") was much better than Buffy's series finale ("Chosen"), but that the season 5 finale of Buffy ("The Gift," which was constructed as a possible series finale) was better than either of them.  And "Smile Time" = amazing.

And that should be the last I have to say on Buffy/Angel.


On another note, I started re-watching Fringe - I watched the first 5 or 6 episodes when they first aired, and dismissed it as an X Files ripoff.

Now apparently it's gotten pretty sweet, with Leonard Nimoy and alternate universes, so I decided to give it another shot.  I'm about 10 episodes in, I like it better than I did the first time (so far).


We've been re-watching various episodes of Angel, mostly in the Darla resurrection storyline in season 2.  Haven't gone to very many beyond that, though, because season 3 is weird and 4 is just plain awful most of the time (the Faith episodes were good, but the whole Connor/possessed!Cordelia storyline was the wretched and rancid lowpoint of the entire show.  Thank goodness they practically rebooted in-universe for season 5 and got things back on track--and of course bringing in Spike just made it all that much better.

The description of the Buffy comics as devolving into wtf-ery is an apt one.  I've only looked at a few here and there, because generally speaking I am really not interested in comic books, but the early ones seemed to have promise while the later ones just plain sux'd.  The Angel: After the Fall series was fantastic, though; it gave a lot of closure and completion to the show's unfortunate premature cancellation.

Firefly is definitely my favourite Whedon show by a considerable margin, though.  Actually, it's pretty much just my favourite show, period.  Saw those again a few months ago.

Utterly despised Dollhouse--watched about three episodes and gave up in disgust.  Not a trace of what made his earlier shows so great, and it's next to impossible to give a damn about any of it when the main character doesn't have the first clue what the hell's going on about anything . . . *head-desk*


Watched the two-part Doctor Who episode of The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit recently.  I always liked that one a lot.  (And holy crap there's some loud bass in that when the drilling equipment shuts down!)

My girlfriend wants to get me into Twin Peaks.  Only seen the first episode so far, but it seems strangely interesting.  Also been watching some Moonlighting and Remington Steele to fulfill our silly detective show needs, and of course Castle since we love Nathan Fillion.


hairy_hen said:

My girlfriend wants to get me into Twin Peaks.



I can't tell if you're talking about simultaneous orgasms or gay sex, Phrinke.

Or maybe both?  :p


hairy_hen said:

I can't tell if you're talking about simultaneous orgasms or gay sex, Phrinke.

Or maybe both?  :p

"Twin Peaks", simultaneous orgasms, and gay sex (provided you have simultaneous orgasms) are all awesome. But renting "Twin Peaks" is easiest.


Obvious Joke, wasn't Obvious.

Women have twin peaks...under their shirts.

They can't all be winners, folks.


Even I got that one.


Um.. move along.


Ah, I love me some Twin Peaks.

Be warned that the second half of season 2 stumbles pretty hard, but the last 3 or 4 episodes make up for it.


Fringe was an X-files rip-off when it began, but it's far surpassed it now.



That's a bold statement right there!

I'm on episode 9 of season 1 of Fringe at the moment.  It's not bad, it's just that it still feels like an X Files rip-off.


Simultaneous gay boobgasms?

er . . .



Watched the Angel episode 'Waiting in the Wings' tonight, the ballet episode with Summer Glau.  Cool stuff.  Also saw the one with Gwen the electric girl.  The scene with Wesley and Lilah--goramn, I'd forgotten how intense those two were!  lol


Wesley's my favorite character on Angel ... which is odd to me, 'cause I hated him on Buffy.  But the dramatic shift his character underwent over the course of Angel's five seasons was, I think, incredibly well written and well acted by Alexis Denisof.

I think part of why I liked what they did with Wes so much is that usually on TV shows, when a character acts out of character, it's just that - they act one way, do something that goes completely against that, then go back to the way they were acting before.  But when Wesley started acting "out of character," his actions irrevocably changed his character.

And thus, the wimpy, stuffy British guy with glasses that pretty much seemed like a wimpier, much-less-cool Giles became one of the most badass characters I've ever seen.

And his and Fred's arc in season 5 ... I have to stop there, for the manly tears are beginning to form ...


ChainsawAsh said:

That's a bold statement right there!

I'm on episode 9 of season 1 of Fringe at the moment.  It's not bad, it's just that it still feels like an X Files rip-off.

well you are still two seasons ago...


Definitely, the whole Fred and Wesley story is so sad it's hard to even think about sometimes.  It was also one of the things that benefited most from extension in the After the Fall series--I was glad they gave them such a good sendoff.

I think Wesley was intended to be killed off after only a few episodes on Buffy, as Spike was originally.  Thank goodness both of them got to stay on and evolve so much over the course of both shows.


The last show I watched on T.V. or the Internet was on May 24, 2010.

It was the "LOST" series finale.   

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Finished Ep 1 of S2 of Terminator:TSCC last night.

Meh.  Don't know if I'll bother with Ep 2.


FanFiltration said:

The last show I watched on T.V. or the Internet was on May 24, 2010.

It was the "LOST" series finale.   

are you implying that it turned you off television? - I mean it WAS mind blowingly awful.

and Frink - i get where you are coming form but I would encourage you to at least watch episode 4 of season 2 - "alison from palmdale." Ultimately it's a show that will leave you hanging for a third season that never comes...


You know, one of the issues I had was that I couldn't remember who anyone was apart from the three main characters.  Also didn't really like the whole "good terminator turns bad then good again" story.

But it's still in my queue...