I finished watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel a few weeks ago, and I've since read Angel/Spike: After the Fall, the rest of IDW's post-ATF Angel/Spike/Illyria run, and Buffy: Season Eight.
I have to say, while I enjoyed Season 7 of Buffy (second-weakest of the series, mind you, but still good), "Season 8" started strong, got really good with the Fray storyline, then just devolved into WTF-ness very quickly. Just waiting for #40 to come out so I can finish it, and decide if I should bother with Season 9.
Angel: After the Fall was absolutely fantastic, and I want a big-budget movie made out of it right now. The rest of the series, post-ATF, was interesting at best, ridiculous at worst. I'm looking forward to the final arc, though, and I'm excited for the new Spike series.
All in all, I'd have to say that Angel's series finale ("Not Fade Away") was much better than Buffy's series finale ("Chosen"), but that the season 5 finale of Buffy ("The Gift," which was constructed as a possible series finale) was better than either of them. And "Smile Time" = amazing.
And that should be the last I have to say on Buffy/Angel.
On another note, I started re-watching Fringe - I watched the first 5 or 6 episodes when they first aired, and dismissed it as an X Files ripoff.
Now apparently it's gotten pretty sweet, with Leonard Nimoy and alternate universes, so I decided to give it another shot. I'm about 10 episodes in, I like it better than I did the first time (so far).