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DrCrowTStarwars said:

Tyrphanax said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

The Mummy 1999

Now normally I hate remakes that are dumber then the film they are a remake of. Also I am huge ancient history buff so there are a huge number of things in this movie that should bug me to death,but you know what? They don't.

This movie is big,loud,and goofy but it knows that and it doesn't pretend to be anything it's not or try to have any deep moments.  When people talk about movies as theme park rides this is the type of film they are talking about. It's there to get a few scares and laughs and then it goes away.  The cast is all in on it and Jerry Goldsmith's score is a lot of fun to just sit back and listen to and it captures the spirit of high camp adventure perfectly. The CGI is done on a pretty impressive scale for the time and the whole film just feels epic and fun.

Is this movie perfect? No,but you know what when I am in the right mood this movie hits the spot.


Totally agree. I love this movie. All the problems with it that would bother me in another film just melt away and I can just enjoy myself with a decent popcorn flick.

I even enjoyed the Mummy 2 for the same reasons (though less so).

 I think one of the reasons these movies work is that they have a quick pace and a real flow and Brendon Faser comes off as some sort of lost action hero from the 30s and 40s.  I can't put my finger on it but he just fits right in and has a real likability that just fits right in and the cast does have chemistry and that helps a lot.  The movie is just a lot of fun to watch.

I think that's a good summary. I feel like they could have really easily gone into Indiana-Jones-Rip-Off territory, but they took the high road and managed to set the films apart from Indy, without compromising the enjoyability.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

Tyrphanax said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

The Mummy 1999

Now normally I hate remakes that are dumber then the film they are a remake of. Also I am huge ancient history buff so there are a huge number of things in this movie that should bug me to death,but you know what? They don't.

This movie is big,loud,and goofy but it knows that and it doesn't pretend to be anything it's not or try to have any deep moments.  When people talk about movies as theme park rides this is the type of film they are talking about. It's there to get a few scares and laughs and then it goes away.  The cast is all in on it and Jerry Goldsmith's score is a lot of fun to just sit back and listen to and it captures the spirit of high camp adventure perfectly. The CGI is done on a pretty impressive scale for the time and the whole film just feels epic and fun.

Is this movie perfect? No,but you know what when I am in the right mood this movie hits the spot.


Totally agree. I love this movie. All the problems with it that would bother me in another film just melt away and I can just enjoy myself with a decent popcorn flick.

I even enjoyed the Mummy 2 for the same reasons (though less so).

 I think one of the reasons these movies work is that they have a quick pace and a real flow and Brendon Faser comes off as some sort of lost action hero from the 30s and 40s.  I can't put my finger on it but he just fits right in and has a real likability that just fits right in and the cast does have chemistry and that helps a lot.  The movie is just a lot of fun to watch.

I think that's a good summary. I feel like they could have really easily gone into Indiana-Jones-Rip-Off territory, but they took the high road and managed to set the films apart from Indy, without compromising the enjoyability.

 Yeah the fact that I never think of them as rip offs says a lot I think.  They are fun movies with their own rules and tone that are fun to watch for their own reasons.


Tobar said:

TV's Frink said:

 Do you know which version you watched?  The original only had stereo sound but he did an updated version with 5.1.  I saw the stereo one and have had the 5.1 version on my HDD waiting for a watch for a while now.

 It was the updated release with the 5.1 audio.

Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)

Now that was definitely more like it! A quantum leap above the dreck that was RotF. Michael Bay actually delivered a great movie about transforming robots. All of the idiocy from the previous entries was nowhere to be found. Optimus was still a little too edgy but overall it was a breath of fresh air compared to the others. I'm actually really looking forward to the sequel.

 Does it still have the borderline racist characters and sexual and drug based humor that feels out of place in a movie based on a cartoon about giant robots?  Also can you tell what is going on in the action scenes?  Because those were my problems with the last three movies.


Tobar said:

TV's Frink said:

 Do you know which version you watched?  The original only had stereo sound but he did an updated version with 5.1.  I saw the stereo one and have had the 5.1 version on my HDD waiting for a watch for a while now.

 It was the updated release with the 5.1 audio.

 Did you watch with a 5.1 sound system?


DrCrowTStarwars said:

 Does it still have the borderline racist characters and sexual and drug based humor that feels out of place in a movie based on a cartoon about giant robots?  Also can you tell what is going on in the action scenes?  Because those were my problems with the last three movies.

 Nope, nope and most of the time.

TV's Frink said:

 Did you watch with a 5.1 sound system?

 Nope, just a stereo television.

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Tobar said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

 Does it still have the borderline racist characters and sexual and drug based humor that feels out of place in a movie based on a cartoon about giant robots?  Also can you tell what is going on in the action scenes?  Because those were my problems with the last three movies.

 Nope, nope and most of the time.

TV's Frink said:

 Did you watch with a 5.1 sound system?

 Nope, just a stereo television.

 Oh well you know what I may give this one a shot.  the sexual humor(I am not sure if it was even humor since half the time there wasn't even a joke)just felt really out of place to me.  It was really bad because when it came out in theaters I took my seven year old brother to see the movie.  I figured a movie based on a toy line of giant robots that turned into cars wouldn't have anything worse in it then some buildings being knocked over and robots being shocked well just imagine my feelings as I am sitting right next to my seven year old brother and all of the sudden people will not stop using the word masterbation.

Add to that the borderline racist characters in the other two movies and the fact that a lot of the actions scenes gave me a headache(I am not joking that really happened things were just so blurry and loud I got a headache)and you can see why I didn't enjoy these movies and only watched them for the Rifftrax.

Still it sounds like they have finally gotten those bugs worked out so I will give this movie a shot.


Tobar said:

TV's Frink said:

 Did you watch with a 5.1 sound system?

 Nope, just a stereo television.

 That might explain it.  Sometimes a stereo tv or receiver will have difficulty mixing a 5.1 down to 2.0.  Not saying that's the case, but it's possible.  I'll eventually watch this on a proper 5.1 system so I'll be able to tell then.


TV's Frink said:

Tobar said:

TV's Frink said:

 Did you watch with a 5.1 sound system?

 Nope, just a stereo television.

 That might explain it.  Sometimes a stereo tv or receiver will have difficulty mixing a 5.1 down to 2.0.  Not saying that's the case, but it's possible.  I'll eventually watch this on a proper 5.1 system so I'll be able to tell then.

 Yeah it is the case with my TV,but when i watch something with my 5.1 system i don't have any problems.  I talk to people all the time who complain about the sound on modern tv shows and movies and every time I ask them what sound system they are using they say stereo Tv speakers,then when i watch the same thing on my surround sound system I don't have a problem.  Sadly the problem seems to have become pretty common.

The only good news on this front really is that a decade ago i paid just under a grand for my surround sound system and now systems of the same quality are down to around $100 so the prices have come way down if you want to get one.  It's not a perfect solution but at least the systems are much cheaper then they used to be.


TV's Frink said:

I've been watching Hayden Christensen's "work" lately, from Shattered Glass to Jumper to Vanishing on 7th Street to Factory Girl.   It's a dirty, nasty job, but someone has to do it.  Latest was a pile of crap called Virgin Territory.

Review-ish words here:


I take it his oeuvre has left you less than completely satisfied. ;-)


The Witches (1990)

Decent movie, incredibly poor ending.


Outland (1981)

I've never seen Prometheus, but I'm certain this film works better as a spinoff of Alien even if it isn't meant to be one.


Happy Birthday to Me (1981)

The only reason I wanted to watch this movie was for the actress Lesleh Donaldson. Of course, her character dies within the first six minutes and I'm stuck having to watch a 110 minute movie about unlikeable douchebags that could have been good had it been at least half an hour shorter and without one of the worst twist endings I have ever seen put down on film.



DuracellEnergizer said:

The Witches (1990)

Decent movie, incredibly poor ending.


Ahem, cough, new book ending, cough, cough.

DuracellEnergizer said:

Outland (1981)

I've never seen Prometheus, but I'm certain this film works better as a spinoff of Alien even if it isn't meant to be one.


I've said similar before. All it would take is a little Alien music to make 'Outland' feel like a full-on side-quel to Alien.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Jerry Goldsmith's scores to both films complement each other. You could track in some of Outland's music over scenes from Alien, and vice versa.

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Where were you in '77?


My wife and I watched all of the Planets of the Apes this weekend.

Planet of the Apes (1968)
Beneath The Planet of the Apes
Escape from The Planet of the Apes
Conquest of The Planet of the Apes
Battle for The Planet of the Apes
Planet of the Apes (2001)
Rise of The Planet of the Apes

I also watched Wrath of Khan for a commentary for my podcast. Fun weekend.

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doubleofive said:

My wife and I watched...Battle for The Planet of the Apes...Fun weekend.


Mary Poppins.

Felt like watching it after seeing 'Saving Mr. Banks'. I'd forgotten how good this movie is.

All the balls.

Indie Game: The Movie.

A documentary following the development of 3 indie games - Braid, Fez and Super Meat Boy.

pretty entertaining if a little slow.


Well as someone who knows a game programer and has seen him work can I just say it's hard to make programing exciting,interesting,or even not slow paced on film.  We tend to take games for granted and a lot of interesting stuff happens while making them but most of the work is just sitting at a computer and typing. I am amazed they were about to make any kind of movie out of that,let alone one that is only a little slow.


doubleofive said:

My wife and I watched all of the Planets of the Apes this weekend.



Inseminoid (1981)

Going by the title of this movie, I knew that it wasn't going to be anything good. Still, I expected it to be at least entertaining in its stupidity, but it was just godawful -- the acting, the costumes, the sets, the writing, everything.

Before I has even an hour into it, I just had to turn it off and find something else to watch before my brain turned to ooze.

2 transparent alien penises out of 10

Peur(s) du noir AKA Fear(s) of the Dark (2007)

I liked one of the stories of this anthology, and thought another was interesting (if unsatisfying), but the rest just didn't do anything for me at all. Still, I liked the animation, so it wasn't painful to watch (it certainly wasn't another Inseminoid).


Gin gwai AKA The Eye (2002)

While I didn't find it particularily scary, it had good atmosphere and the characters were likeable. The second half was kind of underwhelming in comparison to the first, but overall I was satisfied; it's certainly better than the pointless American remake starring that mediocre void Jessica Alba.



Is Inseminoid the Alien knock off that was so low budget, they made the spaceship walls out of styrofoam burger boxes?

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Is Inseminoid the Alien knock off that was so low budget, they made the spaceship walls out of styrofoam burger boxes?

 I had to go watch this film based solely on this comment.

When I saw the name Run Run Shaw at the start of the film, I thought I just might be in for a "Blade Runner" class of production.  

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Was I right? There were more than a few Alien knock off in the early 80's, and they have all run together in my head.

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Where were you in '77?


It's definately some kind of Alien knockoff. The horrible acting and story kept me from noticing any styrofoam boxes, though. ;-)


It was most definitely a blatant "ALIEN" rip-off. Though the sets looked cheep (even by T.V. standards), I did not notice any styrofoam boxes. :{

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


The Caesar Stare is the best part of Conquest of the Planet of the Apes. One look and he inspires other apes to rebel. It's pretty awesome.

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Roddy McDowall was the man...uh...ape.

One of these days, I want to visit Century City, (where Conquest was shot) and see if I can spot the actual locations used. Some of it must look the same four decades later?

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Where were you in '77?